Soleymani: Ice Man

Ardebili man "breaks world record for longest time in cold water"


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scientifically impossible

by choghok on

Well from what I have read and heard the body starts to shut down its organs when it loses heat to save its energy and eventually go into coma. And we are talking about minutes here.

Very doubtful that this is actually truthful, because then they have to rewrite the medical books. 


Turkish Accent

by jmyt17 on

Well world record, good keep going.




by yolanda on

I can't believe he did not get hypothermia! He should get on the "Survivor" show somewhere! I hope he will be rewarded for his stunt!


Is he still live??

by Vattan on

I am just wondering how he is doing after 2 houres being in the ice water in winter time?


I love their accent

by Souri on

That's very great. Mr Soleimani is an exceptional human being. It is not easy to stay 2 hours in a cold water like that. I can't even stay outside for 2 hours, here in Montreal. I salute Mr Soleimani.

Love the Ardebili accent of all of the people in the video.