Zabihollh "Haji" Bakhshi: Dead

Islamic Republic's Shaboon Beemokh has died


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Re analogy

by aynak on


" Unfortuantely, for the past century or so, some of the best sons and daughters of Iran Zamin have been put to grave alternately by Hezbollahis and Shahollahis -- and at times, simultaneously! Hopefully, the future Iran will be rid of both!  "

Nailed it again my friend.  BTW, these folks can never explain while despite the 30 and even 50 years expiration beyond which all CIA docs should be completely open for viewing, the 53 coup docs are  still blacked out in some key areas?   I have a feeling this Kashani<->Shah<->existing IR link would be revealed.   No wonder that Shah allowed no one to breath other than the Islamists :) 



worthless thug

by fkhatami on

شعبون بی‌ مخ اسلامی


جیش دارم


یاد اون روزا به خیر. یه روز شعبون خان در خدمت اعلیحضرت بودند شاه پرسید از شعبون: چرا تو دائماً میری برای قضا ی  حاجت؟ شعبون عرض کرد قربان ‌همش خیال می‌کنم "جیش دارم" ولی‌ چیزی بیرون نمیاد. شاه فرمودند نکنه باز رفتی‌ از "اون" کارا کردی شعبون؟ شعبون عرض کرد استغفرالله اعلیحضرت به جقه مبارک  قسم که آدم مسلمون اگه از این بی‌ ناموسیا بکنه. شاه دستور دادند ایادی شعبون رو معاینه بکنه که معلوم شد پروستاتش ورم کرده بود که خوشبختانه یه عمل مختصر لازم داشت و رفع شد. از اون به بعد شعبون میگفت هروقت "جیش دارم" دعا به جون اعلیحضرت می‌کنم. 




Arj, you noticed!! but cherry picking nonetheless!

by anglophile on

At least your observation is better than your spelling! No one denies that Shaboon khan was a knife weilding mob leader in two periods in his life. Period 1, during the happy honeymoon between Mosaddegh and Kashani, he was kniving the Tudehi supporters at the behest of Kashani-Mosaddegh romance and Period 2, when the Kashani-Mosaddegh honeymoon fell apart and now Shaboon khan was kniving both Jebhe and Tudehi supporters on behalf of the newly formed Kashani-Shah romance. You are quick to (mis)use Sarshar's biography for a dubious photo (and add a knife to Shaboon's hand) but are too shy to use the same biography when Shaboon describes the use of his knife wielding skills in the service of Kashani-Mosaddegh partnership. Cherry picking indeed.   Your self-edited history glossory (!!) needs some  further editing old chap LOL.


Re analogy

by Arj on

Thank you dear aynak, good to see you around again! Ironically, Dr. Fatemi was a victim of assassination attempts by both Shahollahis (Shaban Bimokh's gang) and earlier on, Hezbollahis (Fadaeian Eslam)! Yet, both these groups deny having anything to do with the assaults (IRI even went as far as naming a street after him!)! Unfortuantely, for the past century or so, some of the best sons and daughters of Iran Zamin have been put to grave alternately by Hezbollahis and Shahollahis -- and at times, simultaneously! Hopefully, the future Iran will be rid of both!  


Excellent analogy Arj

by aynak on


Another worthless thug, just like Shaboon BeeMokh bites the dust.

P.S don't waste your time engaging with descendants of the two ;)






Another Animal Left

by jmyt17 on

Another Islamic Fascist has died without paying forHis criminal acts against real Iranian people.


Re photo 2

by Arj on

Engilis Parast, here is your own admiting to Shaban Bimokh being a knife wielding thug:

ا"اولش مرام مصدقی بود و واسه رهبر جبه ملی‌ چاقو کشی‌ میکرد. بعدش که مصدق با آیت‌الله کاشونی بهم زدن مرام شعبون خان هم عوض شد و بدستور آیت‌الله واسه شاه چاقو می‌کشید"

Jeesh Daram

خدا رحمتش کند

Jeesh Daram

بهر صورت فراموش نباید کرد که این مرد دو فرزندش را در جنگ از دست داده بود و آیا همان کافی نیست که هر پدری را دیوانه و در بدر کند؟  بسیاری از این افراد قربانیهای همان جهل مذهبی هستند.  جهلی که بسیاری از ما در برخی از افراد فامیل خود، دوستان و بحد وفور در جامعه امروز ایران ملاحظه میکنیم.  در مورد شعبان جعفری لقب تاجبخش هدیه دربار انگلیس به او بود و هیچ ارتباطی به شاه نداشت.  شاه خودش یکروز در حضور سپهبد زاهدی، ارتشبد هدایت و ملوک ضرابی وعصمت بابلی و جمعی از سفرای ایران در خارج خطاب به جعفری گفت "مردکه مادر قحبه این حرکات و لات بازی ها و چاروادار بازی ها چیست که در میاوری و شعار میدهی و مزاحم مردم بیگناه میشوی، دستورهایت را از چه محلی میگیری؟"  شعبان بدرگاه شاه بوسه زد و تعظیم کرد و گفت "اعلیحضرت دستورات را از سفارت انگلیس میگیرم و رابط من با سفارت حضرت آیت الله کاشانی هستند  و بنده با ایشان هرشب در خیابان پامنار ملاقات میکنم و دستورات روز بعد را میگیرم" شاه با پشت دست باو اشاره کرد که از اطاق بیرون برود.  مردک رفت و بقیت عمر را در همان زورخانه کار کرد. بعد از شعبان بی مخ شریف امامی رابط دربار انگلیس با آیت الله کاشانی و غیره شد و ضرری که آن مرد به ایران زد بمراتب بیشتر و زیان آورتر از دیگران بود.  باری آنروز بعد از رفتن شعبان بساط نهار را برپا کردند که قیمه پلو بود با ماست و سبزی خوردن و نان تافتان.  شاه هم با دیگران روی زمین  نشست و مرحوم ملوک ضرابی هم چند آواز بسیار زیبا از جمله "یک حمومی من بسازم چل ستون چل پنجره...." را خواند و جمعیت غافل از آن بود که آن قسمت آواز که اشاره به کج کلاه خان میکرد، اینبار اشاره مستقیم به شاه بود و یک طنز. شاه بسیار مشعوف شد

نقل از کتاب پرفروش  "با من به شهر نو بیائید"، نوشته  بانوی شرق مهوش که به بیش از سی و دو زبان ترجمه شده است 



Re photo

by Arj on

Engilisi Parast, you can find the picture in Homa Sarshar's biograophy of Shaban Bimokh. I don't have the book, and am not willing to spend a dime on that worthless thug!

With regards to history of Shaban Bimokh's stabbing of Dr. Fatemi, there are dozens of references. Here are two, one from Iranian History Glossory: 

"After the infamous coup on Aug, 19, 1953, he went hiding until he was found in Tajrish by the police on Feb, 25, 1954 in his pajamas. During his transfer from the police headquarters, he was attacked by the junta mob headed by Shaban Jafari and stabbed several times until his sister saved his life by throwing herself between him and the attackers, thus shielding his body against further beatings. He was then taken to hospital but the regime was too afraid of him and the Shah wanted him dead so much that Dr. Fatemi had to be taken to court proceedings by ambulance. He was sentenced to death on Aug, 16.
On Nov, 10, 1954, he was taken before the death squad while he was badly wounded and suffered from high fever."

And  one on Dr. Mossadegh's biography site:




May he

by azadi5 on

Rot in hell. Yes he went to war and lost some of his family members, but he didn't do it for Iran, he did for akhonds, judging by his post war activities. so the hell with him. Iran is a better place without him and his likes.


برو اونجا که سگ رفت


جبهه هم رفته بوده دزدی و اگر نه آدم وطن پرست مردم خودش را برای رژیم حاکم خفه نمی کند..


Thank God you have no judicial status

by anglophile on

First, I would urge Arj to produce a copy of the said photograph. Second, instead of name calling and labelling people you'd better come up with solid evidence. Crime by association is the IRI's solution of choice to incriminate its opponents. You will have a celebrated status in the IRI's judicial system. LOL



by Simorgh5555 on

LOL That was a brilliant obituary. 


Re Shaban bimokh's shill's

by Arj on

Much like Haj Bakhshi and other Hezbollahi and Etela'ati thugs, there are hardly any evidences left behind showing them stab, kidnap, torture or kill anyone, and it's all "propaganda" by the "enemies of Islam!" Of course there may not be any pictures showing Shaban Bimokh at the moment of stabbing Dr. Fatemi, but there are photos of him standing a few feet away from Dr. Fatemi, brandishing a knife at the moment he was stabbed. Perhaps, technically, that is not enough evidence to implicate Shaban Bimokh as the culprit (since all the winesses were either Shaollahi or coerced by the regim, much like is the case in IRI), but it hardly makes sense to assume Shaban had an intention of peeling a cucumber or to slice a watermelone in the heat of the moment!

Once again, as IRI's Etela'atis and Hezbollahis resort to anything to whitewash IRI's crimes (e.g. calling Neda's murder a hoax, writing off the evidence and try to turn it against the opposition), Shahollahis and Shaban Bimokh's shills are hard at it to turn the history on its head, blame their crimes on the opposition and justify murder as "execution for high treason." As if we're not hearing enough of that out of Evin and about IRI's "court" verdicts from the IRI apologists!


Maryam khanom don't be so simple lady

by anglophile on

There is no evidence that Sha'ban Jafari stabbed Fatemi and Arj's made up story is the cliche Mosaddeghollahi's. Furthermore, the Shah never bestowed any title on Sha'ban and Taj-bakhsh was the nickname given to him by his cronies. Fatemi was tried, convicted of high treason and was executed after being treated for his wound which was due to being stabbed by an anti Mosaddegh mob.


Lastly, there was a CIA/MI6 planned coup but it failed and Mosaddegh was removed from his throne by the tacit approval of a disillusioned nation. You seem to have an penchant to believe the mosaddeghollahis.


Re the review

by Arj on

MH, you're welcome?! 

Maryam Hojjat

Arj, Thanks for Great Review & comparison of two Thugs

by Maryam Hojjat on

In two different historical periods.


جناب شراب سرخ


 نمیدونستم شما اینقدر با مرحوم محمد رضا شاه پهلوی نزدیک و انتیم بودین که ازیشون با اسم کوچیک نام میبرین. ببخشین شما با ناصر و مظفر و محمد علی‌ هم حتما خیلی‌ آشنا بدین. یه خرده از اونا هم بما بگین.   

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

اندکی‌ مصدق و شاه را کناری گذاریم،جعفری نوکرِ محمد رضا بوده و خیلی‌ کارها کرده،ما با این مخالفتی نداریم،اما زیاده روی در موردِ ایشان فراوان صورت گرفته است،باز هم این موردِ بحثِ ما نیست،موردِ بحث این است که این مردکِ از خدا بی‌ خبر کاری کرد که جعفری نکرد و ما قبلا ذکر کرده ایم این را،این یکی‌ خودش ولد الزنا بوده است و لازم نیست اسمِ شخصی‌ دیگر به رویش باشد .

تف به رویِ هر کس که نوکریِ ظالم را کند و حقِ بنده خدا را پایمال .



شعبون خان هم دین داشت هم مرام


   دین شعبون خان همیشه اسلام و مذهبشون شیعه اثنی عشری بود. مرام ایشون اولش مرام مصدقی بود و واسه رهبر جبه ملی‌ چاقو کشی‌ میکرد. بعدش که مصدق با آیت‌الله کاشونی بهم زدن مرام شعبون خان هم عوض شد و بدستور آیت‌الله واسه شاه چاقو می‌کشید. خلاصه اینکه شعبون خان هم شاهی‌ بود هم مصدّقی. 




در چه زمانی‌ جعفری لوطیگری را به کناری


Red Wine, are you being serious?!

I could see your point about not calling a dead man names. However, The rest of what you say, specially your defence of shabaan bimokh I disagree with 100%. At least this guy went to war and fought for iran. Shaban received his dues from foreigners, in return for helping them to install their puppet in Iran.

In the end of the day, this dead religious Fascist  thug followed the same tradition as the other religious Fascist, shaban Jaffari. They are two sides of the same coin, the fascist religious reaction to any social progress in Iran. Our history is full of them. You can trace them back all the way to Safavid time.



"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Too Bad ...

by Harpi-Eagle on

This motherf***er beat the hangman.  Let's hope not too many other traitors are as fortunate.

Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland


...and the torch is passed on!

by Arj on

This government-sponsored thuggery was officially kicked off by the advent of Shaban Bimokh and the gang (Ramezoon Yakhi, Mashallah Ghassab, Yadollah Mesgar...), thugs who stopped at nothing such as assault, rape and murder of Shah's political opponents to intimidate the general public into following HIM, "ariamer's" line! Even to prove his loyalty to the Shah, Shaban Bimokh personally stabbed Dr. Fatemi, the nation's foreign affairs minister, in an attempt to murder him. However, Dr. Fatemi narrowly scaped death from the nearly fatal stab wounds just to be taken straight form hospital to prison and murdered by the CIA-sponsored coup leaders! Yet, instead of being tried for attempted murder, Shaban Bimokh was promoted by Shah and bestowed with the royal title: "Taj Bakhsh" (which means the restorer of the crown)!

In a way, Shaban Bimokh was different from Haj Bakhshi for his targetted victims were more of a niche group (politicians and political activists), while Haj bakhshi attacked all his ooponents indiscriminately! A kind of like the difference between Giorgio Armani and Calvin Kline, with Armani sticking to the top end of the market, while nothing's too Cheap for Calvin; including underwaer!

P.S. Who's going to carry the torch hereafter? Is it going to be yet another innovative thug from the Hezbollahi camp, will it be one of the Shahollahis who brag about their upcomming necessary rule of "the iron fist," or will our people manage to send government-sponsored thuggery to its grave next to its icons like Shaban Bimokh and Haj Bakhshi?!


عجب حیوانی


مردک مردم آزارِ قاتل.  قیافه‌اش رو نگاه کنید که چطور مسلسل به دست گرفته تو ماشین نشسته که بره آزار خواهر ها، دختران و زنهای مردم.  زورش فقط به اونها رسیده.  عجب نا مردی.  یک گوریل عربده کش دیگر جمهوری اسلامی که به درک واصل شد. 


Ar, Ar ,Ar that ‘s all he did

by عموجان on

And he got pay well for it, killing was a hobby for him didn’t matter Iraqi, Iranian. 

Scary, that’s how Islamic Republic like them. 

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

این شخص از دنیا رفته و حّق نباشد که دیگر در موردش بد بنویسی‌ اما در این دو روز،در تارنماهایِ مختلف دیدیم که ایشان را با شعبان جعفری مقایسه میکنند که این احمقانه‌ترین قیاسی است که تا به حال دیده ایم،در چه زمانی‌ جعفری به دنبالِ زن و بچه مردم کرد ؟ در چه زمانی‌ جعفری لوطیگری را به کناری و تفنگ به دست خَلقِ بی‌ طرف را کتک زد ؟ در چه زمانی‌ جعفری با نوچه‌هایش شبانه به خانه مردم ریخته و ایجاد رُعب و وحشت کرد ؟ جعفری اگر دین نداشت،لآَقل مرام داشت،این پدر سوخته هر چند که چند صباحی جنگ کرد و تیر انداخت (که آن هم شنیدیم که ایشان تنها برایِ ستاد تبلیغات کار میکرده و تنِ لَشی دگر بوده چو آهنگران ،این جریانِ تَرکش و غیره بی‌ پایه است!) اما بویی از مردانگی نبرده بود و هیچ از مردم نامش را به نیکویی نخواهند برد،این عاقبتِ نوکری است ،غَرقِ در کثافتْ،جهل و نادانی‌ است.

این هم قربانیِ دیگری از نداشتنِ فرهنگ و تربیتِ صحیح.از این جاهلانِ فریب خورده بسیار در میانِ خود شناسیم،کاش درسِ عبرت گیریم،به خود آئیم و طرح نو برای ِ آزادیِ مملکت در اَندازیم.


I wish to extend to his family...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

My bloody good riddance for death of yet another Islamist Fascist Scum  who was lucky enough to die of old age rather than as the result of execution of people's revolutionary court verdict. 

His family should know that all the money given to him as rewards for his criminal acts belong to Iran and it's people and in due time will be taken back..

May he enjoy the company of the Khomeini, Shaban bi-mokh A.Hitler, S. Hossein and KI.Jung to name a few, in hell  for eternity   

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Maryam Hojjat

Such a Barbaric Animal!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Unfortunately all the regimes' supporters are such a backwarded barbaric animals.