Trita Parsi interview on Daily Show

Discusses U.S.-Iranian diplomacy during the Bush and the Obama administrations


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Doost daaram pas hastam


by Doost daaram pas hastam on

What I have noticed about NIAC is that it is not only their supporters but even their high ranking officials that resort to labeling. That seems to be officially their primary method discourse. Instead of responding to the actual criticism they attack and label their critic personally. Neo-Conservative, Zionist, monarchist, MKO are some of their favorites. If you agree that NIAC and its officials are wrong for doing that, then I will be happy to continue the discourse. 

Soosan Khanoom

What is there to elaborate?

by Soosan Khanoom on

You mentioned labels and i mentioned check the ones that Rozbeh is making. But we know where all those haart _o _poorts are coming from .... It is the caffeine  ...  if you are against labeling then be fair in your observations and make sure everyone stays away from the caffeine especially Rozbeh. Sometimes he just goes too nuts. 



DDPH: Those type of comments and labels are very unfortunate …

by Bavafa on

And, in my mind, only proves lack of logic and/or anything meaningful to say, hence name calling.


It is also noteworthy that the members and supporters of NIAC have also long been the target of rhetorical labels and insults.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Choghok: Agreed….

by Bavafa on

As my intention was not to lay the blame on one group or the other.  I believe and as echoed by Mr. Parsi, IRI has a great role and responsibility in this failure thus far.

  The point that I was hoping to raise and I believe has been expressed loudly by NIAC is that if we are to avoid war, a sustained and credible effort for a comprehensive negotiation (nuclear issue along with human rights issue) must be taken as the path forward.  This is in contrast to those who advocate air tight sanction coupled with military embargo which I believe is the recipe for war.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



choghok don't misrepresent me, with "you are with or against"

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The IRI needs to go, it is the mafia not me, thats the real bottom line, its crimes must be brought up by those who wish freedom, a secular democracy & human rights for Iran, because it is not secular & not reformable & is criminal in nature, that is why, not some idea out of the blue, the IRI behavior is clear for all to see.  Trita is deceitfully winning fans here because he is opposed to military confrontation with Iran, In my humble opinion, we should all be against external military options on our innocent people.  The people that will use military forces will never do it for the good of Iran or to achieve anything good for iranians, the west is too busy in robbing iran left and right of their freedom above all else.  Trita's position is pro-extremist regime in power in iran, That is what I mean by serving the USA & deceiving Iranians.  The USA doesn't need Iranian sell outs to secure extremists, they are already busy pursuing this policy and easily have the power they need to do it against Iranians free will. The MeK have always been funded from abroad, not by iranians according to their own members, they are a native iranian disease, given growth steroids by foreign masters who are not doing this to one day let them sit idle on a shelf.  As for Iranians starting their own groups and succeeding over US, UK, French power, that is wishful thinking.  We already have all the groups we need.  Our lack of power is a reflection of the stronger opposition and suppression we face.

Doost daaram pas hastam

Soosan Khanoom

by Doost daaram pas hastam on

Would you kindly elaborate?

Anahid Hojjati

It looks like that it is going to be another busy day

by Anahid Hojjati on

of commenting pro and against NIAC.

Doost daaram pas hastam

The charge of "Broken Record"

by Doost daaram pas hastam on

is an old fallacy. I have been saying that IRI is a terrorist, totalitarian system and the worst thing that has happened to our country in 500 years. I have said things to that effect for decades. Do I sound like a "broken record"? Is there a reason to move away from one's objections when they still have not been addressed?    

Soosan Khanoom

Doostam daree pas hamstee

by Soosan Khanoom on

Check Rozbeh's list out.  


Bavafa, agree but a 2 way street

by choghok on

I think what should be known is that how Ahmaghinejad has been playing his cards is being very aggresive, backing down for him now would be political suicide. I think both sides are to blame for negotiations not happening. Every passing year I am thinking how stupid really GW Bush was, he did nothing but war and now looking at the result to no good use, Iraq is in hand of IRI and Afghanistan is on vege of collapse so tht Karai has to please the mullahs by putting segregation laws agains women.

If his disaster of "axis of evil" had not been said and done then probably disaster of Ahmaghinejad would not have happened either and Mullahs would have lost credibility without Ahmaghinejad taking power. 


Amazing interview!


thank you Jon! Thank you NIAC!!


Those who adamantly oppose to negotiations…

by Bavafa on

And prescribe “airtight sanction” coupled with military embargo on Iran, what are they expecting to happen as a result if war is not their goal and intention?  

 In today’s dirty and double talking politics advocating war is seldom spelled out and far often times coded in terms such as "air tight sanction" and military embargo.


On the other hand, a negotiation which can and must encompass a host of issues and concern namely the lack and/or abuse of human rights in Iran, the nuclear issue along with security concerns for Iran can and should be part of the negotiation if Iranian people are not left to be the only loser in this game.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Amirparviz? Are you playing G W Bush?

by choghok on

You are with or against us you mean? I happen to think that NIAC is doing something good, and that they are in touch with realities unlike many people that are good in yelling in the internet but like one of the Parazit guests said do not do slightest thing so they can have their vacation in Iran.

 It is very very easy to come with allegation against people and criticize, that is what we do best, but doing something constructive, well that takes time and effort. A person like Trita just did not write a book out of the blue, he has studied a lot both in Europe and USA and worked with politics for a long time, he manages to dscribe the political situations and analyze them so you lean about.

For years we Iranians have been talking about "the English" and put the blame on everyone else and if some Iranian has a different opinion then he is an agent. Mny outside Iran see mullahs as English agents and many hezbollahis see  non hezbollahis as English agents.

I have not read his books but read most of his articles and interviews and many times I do not shre his view but this does not mean that I think he is an Agent.

I also sincerely beleive that since you who are firm in your beleif that this group is "agent" then should b abl to form your own group after having these same allegation in years. Please start your own group with agenda and spread your word, I am sure you will get many votes, but do more than just talk. 


"scratched LP..."

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

reminds me of trita joon and his fan club's daily moaning and bitching on this site....

Now show us the money trail, unless you are way down the bottom of food chain, being  only fed the scraps, by the sound of it... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Life is too short?

by choghok on

Then why do waste it by peaching to the choir? Getting boring hearing the scratched LP playing the same music over and over like JJ put it.


Not a death sentence choghok, I admited I have not seen it

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

and ask to see it if anyone can put it in a way that it shows on the uk.  It's just this trita has a history at this point, with books and all.  Its like saying just listen to khomeini, when the guy had a life long history of activitiies, money trail, books and views well known to anyone that wanted to know exactly who he was. (the USA and its experts were under no illusions the evil khomeini was and knew that khomeini was not a ghandi figure at the time when they referred him to all Iranians deceitfully and manipulatively that way, it was part of US deceit against all Iranians, they knew exactly what they were doing). Just iike when howard dean and guliani call miss MEK Rajavi Madam speaker you are george washington material.  This just goes to reveal US aims and motive for Iran, not that MeK Rajavi is anyone to love. Choghok please don't be part of Iranians problems, and be a part of the solution, IE be aware and enlighten others if you see deceit, coercion and manipulation.  Iranians are in need of honest choices not more rape because too many are still Fools.  Personally, I am sad to see iranians, lied to, misled, cheated, time and again and not to have a single progressive, peaceful, human rights filled moment of history, since the years of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, when he was our just king, before a nation of people were deceived into betraying him.


Good one...

by Midwesty on



Trita forgets the other

by hirre on

Trita forgets the other side of the coin...

It's hard for a country (e.g. like Iran) to do something and expect the US to cooperate, there is no trust left. History has proven that the US has never had any good intentions, other than presenting its own power in the region. Even Israel is used by the US to present their status in the area.

Here is the main dilemma, if something wants to get changed, the US must start lifting sanctions, and if sanctions are to be lifted, Iran must stop enrich uranium, this simple cannot be done... Iran builds a reactor, then the US complains, then Israel starts threatening, then inspectors come to that power plant, then after a couple of months Iran builds another power plant and so on... One thing the media has never told its viewers is that the country that is to be inspected may choose which facility to be inspected! Iran is following that rule, although they should be generous to the inspectors. This leads to the fact that the west gets even more suspicious and the circle continues again.....


Iran wants the US to lift all sanctions, however if this occurs, then by doing so the US has indirectly legitimized the I.R. That sends a very mixed signal to the democracy movement. E.g. the UK & US worked with the shah, so therefore many felt the shah was betraying the country and that the enemy was the west. This situation can easily occur again when free trade is enabled for the IR. Imagine how much technology the IR uses now against its own people, now imagine if free trade is enabled. With no sanctions policy Iran will become Saudi Arabia 2, a country that the west is doing business with, but never wants to change it...

If Iran is to continue with Tritas agenda it will lead to the complete legitimization of the IR in the long term. Even if sanctions are to be lifted step by step Iran can never become friends or cooperate fully with the US and Israel. Iran considers both of them imperialistic and in the current iranian constitution you can read that imperialistic states should be fought. So the result of cooperation is only to stall and gain own economical benifits, avoiding domestic issues.

Another thing you must ask yourself, what if the whole nuclear issue is solved. Is everything OK then? What if the whole relationship with Hizbollah, Israel etc is also resolved, what then? Well then we are perhaps in a similar situation like Syria and look what is happening there right now, nothing, the west is doing nothing...

The short term consequence of strong sanctions with or without a war is a price far less than creating a country (dictatorship) which is friendly to the west, like Saudi Arabi which has lasted for decades. I don't want Iran to become a partner with the west with the current regime because at the end the people will suffer more than what is shown today. Look at e.g. Germany which was crushed by the west and now is one of the strongest countries in the world. Imagine if the US would engage in talks with e.g. Hitler that would lead to cooperations, imagine how the future would have been... Fortunately crazy people tend to create problems very fast for themselves, but this also leads to the fact that urgent solutions are pushed. Trita talks about long term commitments, but his long term isn't long enough for Iran... The world needs super powers that demand democracy and freedom for the people in other countries instead of talks about technology...

If it walks like duck, if the quacks like a duck, it is a duck! But this applies also to Israel & US...



"Trita is likely a USA agent" :) :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Amirparviz, I often disagree with your comments, but here, you might just have a point :)

As I always said, with characters like trita joon and his followers, you just have to follow the money trail and the highest bidder ....

BTW, I did not watch the video either. Life is to precious to waste on watching a mozdoor talking.


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


amir.... giving comment without seeing video?

by choghok on

At least watch the clip before you give death sentence to people, remind me of Khomeini giving Fatwa by hearing that Satanic verses is bad.


this doesn't work in Uk

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

does anyone have a link of this show that works in the uk like on youtube or something?

JJ- Trita is likely a USA agent, helping it secure US foreign policy ie the IRI Regime.  Keeping extremism in power in Iran and the middle east is the USA's #1 foreign policy goal.  The US govt backed by its media uses the words of being for "freedom, human rights and democracy", yet their actions, the money trail, who they arm and support in practice show the truth is otherwise.  These ideals are actually used by the USA to create support for one thing while delivering another & Fools never learn.  Even when their own country and countrymen are captives in their own home land!!!!!!!!! 



one other thing....

by shushtari on

for the 'ladies' who like this guy- make sure you wear your magh-na-eh and chador when you go to the NIAC meetings- otherwise, their paymaster will be very upset! LOL


always nice to see this 'lobbyist' on

by shushtari on

couple of points:


1. as always, parsi never mentions the IRR crimes and THEIR ROLE in this whole fiasco- it's always the west's fault.

2. funny he's making fun of pres bush for wanting to change the filthy mullah's regime- DIDN'T CARTER DO THE EXACT SAME THING IN 79?? EXCEPT THE SHAH WAS AN ANGEL COMPARED TO THE MONSTERS TODAY!

3. why does this guys keep portraying these murdering thieves as 'rational' politicials who somehow deserve respect and diplomacy???

what have the akhoonds done over the past 33 years___ creation of multiple terrorist groups, worst human right record of any government, murder of thousands of american soldiers directly or indirectly-

and why would you want to preserve such a bunch of gutless murderers??? and on top of that, why would psychopaths who have proven their lust for blood, be able to be talked into metamorphing into decent human beings??

I agree with fred- show us where you're getting your checks! I bet anyone, there is a dirty trail right back to the mullahs! 


Bahmani & Fred & Rahmanian & ....

by choghok on

I have a suggestion, since you think NIAC is doing a bad job or is a IRI spy, although AIPAC and US government is watching them like hawk but never come with any allegations, then you should join force and do something about it. Why not start a lobby organization and do something for the sake of Iranians and gather support for your opinions.

I am sure your ideas are shared by many and would get support. Since NIAC is not representing Iranians and you are really the voice of people then please setup a group or if you are member of an existing group please do some prsentations here so we know who we can turn to if we share your ideas about NIAC.

G. Rahmanian

Has Trita Parsi Gone Mad?

by G. Rahmanian on

Video 2: Minute 2:50 on!

Trita Parsi claims wars and tensions,

"It allows the governments to further do away with the liberties of the populations."

Where has Trita been all these years. I know he has been in Washington. But why does he so shamelessly state there are indeed civil liberties under IR and actions by the outside world will force IR to do away with those liberties.

Hasn't he heard anything about regime's brutalities. Doesn't he have the slightest idea what is actually happening in Iran?

He has become so frustrated as a result of his countless failed attempts to do something about negotiations between IR and the US that he keeps deluding while ranting about the potentialities of such negotiations.

Shame on you Trita Parsi!

Doost daaram pas hastam

NIAC is distracting and counterproductive

by Doost daaram pas hastam on

at the very least. Their internal documents reveal
that their main reason to exist is to counter the AIPAC influence.
For the sake of argument let's assume that AIPAC is bad. Should that
be the primary focus of the Iranian Americans?

For the past 33 years the biggest
problem of Iranians has been the totalitarian regime that is killing,
imprisoning, torturing and raping our people by the tens of
thousands. IRI has been robing and destroying most of what is good in
Iran. And always when you point out these obvious facts, the IRI and
its apologists change the subject to Israel. NIAC fits well in that
role of distracting and countering any measures against the Islamic



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Three questions for Trita joon: 

1) Who pays for his expensive suite and living? who pays for  his lobby group of a few hundred highly noisy "eyranians", pretending to represent Iranian-American community? where are the books and accounts of this lobby group? We want to see the money trail.....

2) Why is he the darling of every jew, bahaii, kurd, balooch, sunni, arab, ..Iranian hating,  hamas/hezbullah loving, die hard supporter of Islamist regime on this site?

3) Has he ever done a single days honset work in his entire life? 

and a question for JJ: why is this man and his insignificant lobby group gets so much covrerage on this site?

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

iraj khan

It's Always

by iraj khan on

a pleasure to watch and listen to Mr Parsi while he explains his ideas in a thoughtful and friendly manner, thanks for posting here.

G. Rahmanian

Quote of the year!

by G. Rahmanian on

"No argument from me, Trita is fucking brilliant. So brilliant that I don't get him."

Brilliat Mr. Bahmani. I loved it. It's quote of the year until I find something mor brilliant.


Oceans Apart

by Demo on

Trita, Fred, and many alike on IC are oceans apart from being ID'd as true 'Iranians.' So let'em continue with their daily shows to the eternity!