واژگونی اتوبوس 26 کشته برجای گذاشت

بر اثر واژگوني يك دستگاه اتوبوس راهيان نور در محور ايذه ـ شهركرد، 26 نفر از سرنشينان آن كشته و 18 نفر زخمي شدند. به گزارش سازمان پزشكي قانوني كشور، دكتر منصور فيروزبخت با بيان اين مطلب افزود: مسافران اين اتوبوس دانش‌آموزان دختر در مقطع دوم دبیرستان و اهل شهرستان بروجن بودند كه متأسفانه در مسير بازگشت از منطقه راهيان نور دچار حادثه شدند >>>


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maziar 58

Sad Indeed

by maziar 58 on

heyf shodand

May their souls rests in Peace.

Just watching the clip and all those roads are still same as what they were 35 yrs ago.

closed my eyes and traveled with them ...

EEzeh, Maal Amir, Bisheh,borojen,samirom ....

They should close all those roads till are widened and pass all int. standard for safety.



So Sad

by Demo on

to see that not even a single comment posted here to either express condolences to the victims' parents or to condemn the accident which could have had happened due to the school officials' negligence. The passangers buses also are not properly maintained & such accidents are very common there. Just imagine for a moment what would you have felt if, GOD forbid, any dear ones of yours had been one of the victims?

May GOD save our country for becoming such a insensitive/rogue nation. Amen.