شناسایی ۱۱۷هواپیمای ایرانی 'متهم به حمل اسلحه به سوریه'

بی بی سی: آمریکا می گوید ۱۱۷ هواپیمای ایرانی متعلق به سه شرکت ایران ایر، ماهان ایر و یاس ایر را شناسایی کرده که به دولت سوریه اسلحه و نیروی نظامی می فرستند. وزارت دارایی آمریکا می گوید هر شرکت خارجی که به این هواپیماها خدمات مالی گسترده ارائه دهد، دسترسیش را به نظام بانکی آمریکا در خطر قرار می دهد. ایران اتهام ارسال اسلحه به سوریه را تکذیب می کند و می گوید افراد نظامی اش در سوریه تنها به دولت بشار اسد مشاوره می دهند. مجید خیام دار گزارش می دهد.


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Take action.

by fullback on

If the US want these deliveries of arms to stop ,then I advise The  Airforce to shoot down one of these planes and then you see how fast the pipeline will clogg up . SIMPLE

iraj khan

It's obvious

by iraj khan on

that you are suffering.

You've come to realize that the dream of the 'Greater Israel' has hit a dead end. Egyptians have risen up and lining up against Israel. Jordan's monarchy may be the next one to fall and there are rumbling inside Israel by those Jews who are protesting for being exploited by the 1% of the Israeli Jews. 

Is it because President Obama has refused to meet Netanyahu so far? 

Or maybe you are suffering because there are more jews leaving Israel than those coming to live there. 

Ask yourself: 

Is occupying someone else's land and terroizing them wrong and unworkable? Many jews have reached this conclusion.

It's never too late to accept the new reality because: 'Mahi ro har vaght az aab begeen tazast'.

Ask yourself: "How could one be against the bombardment of people by Syrian regime but advocate for a war against Iranian people?"

Artificial Intelligence

Iraj Khan You are so cute!

by Artificial Intelligence on


The question is why when Muslims/IRI kill Muslim civilians in the MILLIONS, its Halal for you and you do not complain?

The question is why Russians can kill 100,000 Chechnyans and its Halal for you?  

Israel kills 6 terrorists this week and Iraj Khan goes Majnoon! Why?

 To answer your silly Israel Question: Its perfectly Kosher to Kill terrorist and their supporters. Its Kosher to Kill any Hamas member engaged in armed activities, its Kosher to Kill 3 terrorist scum infiltrating the Sinai border.  I support the killing of all terrorists and their enablers by Israel, the US and the West.  

Bad week for you Iraj Khan:

Trita Lost the court case

NIAC lost the MEK Case 

6 Terrorist died engaged in the business of killing Jews- Israel killed them without facing any sanctions.....

171 IRI planes got identified supporting terror in Syria

More Sanctions on IRI

You give a new meaning to Khit Shodan!

Shame on you for supporting terror against Muslims and Iranians!

iraj khan

Why so harsh?

by iraj khan on

The question was regarding the 6 Arabs that Israel killed during the last 2 days:

"why when Israel kills Arabs is Kosher (OK)?"

Why getting so angry?

Is it getting too uncomfortable for you when the crimes of the regime that you support, Israel, is mentioned?

I'm just saying,


Artificial Intelligence

More Nonsense from IRI terror Supporter Shotor

by Artificial Intelligence on

Iraj Khan! over 25000 Arab civilians have been killed with the help of IRI by the Assad regime. Have you no shame?

Why were the 6 Arabs killed this past week you terror supporter? 

Is the blood of Arabs in Gaza more Halal than the blood of Arabs is Syria?

Shame on you for supporting terror you IRI Islamist apologist! Shame on you!





license to shoot town

by alx1711 on

license to shoot town Iranian passanger jets!


like to know , if we have

by nojanthegreat on

like to know , if we have forgotten that Saudi Arabia and quitar and other Persian GCC, have officially send terrorist and guns to Syria ? Or the role of Turkey in Syrian conflict ? Is any action is being done to those nations? The answer is no. I think Iran has a right to sell guns to Syria or any other government on earth . Iran even have a defense treaty with Syria. There are no problem with sending troops and guns to Syria if its in our best interest.

Most airport already made it hard for Iranian planes to refuel even though its illegal and immoral to do so. We need to push for the civil airplane parts to be send to Iran. Its good for Boeing and its good for Iran and its people .


Tita/ NIAC wants sanctions off

by seannewyork on

because the Iranian regime is having trouble getting bombs, weapons, and rapists to Syria. 

Additionaly they think we should not put IRGC on the terror list because then they cant go around the world to assasinate people, meddle in other revolutions.

 How come Tita never says the Iranains are meddling in Syria?

 Down with Islamic REpublic Regime and NIAC who supports their efforts.


Sanctions Hurt Ordinary Arms Smugglers!

by Faramarz on


Lift the sanctions on Boeing spare parts NOW!

tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

The end is near for IRI!!!

iraj khan

How many

by iraj khan on

Arabs were murdered by the racist government that you support?

Lets say during the last 2 days: 

1 Arab? 

2 Arabs? 

3 Arabs? 

How many?

Six Arabs, Three in Gaza were bombed from the sky and the other three in Egypt. Bombed from sky too. It's in the news but when you kill them it's OK, it's kosher.

Shedding corcodile tears here, The audacity, really!

Mardom Mazloom

هواپیمایی جمهوری اسلامی مقصد...سوریه‎

Mardom Mazloom


توحش وحوش


وحوش اعزامی نظام نکبت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب"  و غیره در شکنجه و فتل مردم سوری فعال هستند و غلامان تروریست آنان، حزب الله البنان هم به همچنین.

با شکست و اخراج وحوش بعثی از سوریه، علاوه بر رهایی سوری های زجر کشیده، هم مردم لبنان از شر تروریستهای حزب الله راحت میشوند و هم مردم ایران به آزادی و رهایی از شر نکبت حاکمیت مسلمین از همه مدل منجمله "اصلاح طلب"  بسیار نزدیکتر میشوند.