A Family Affair

Photo essay: Yasmine Pahlavi's mission for Foundation for Children of Iran

by Darius Kadivar
Princess Yasmine Pahlavi was recognized as Distinguished Alumna at George Washington University for her work on FCI (The Foundation for the Children of Iran) where she delivered a speach on the early days of her foundaiton. (Watch Speech :Here) The mission of the Foundation for Children of Iran is to arrange for the provision of health care services to Iranian children or children of Iranian origin. (Recommended article Here). To learn more about FCI visit their Website here. All photos at the George Washington University are © Reza Pahlavi Archives and © The Foundation for the Children of Iran.

more from Darius Kadivar

Devastating enough

by deev on

Devastating enough to put an end to DK's show and tell as those numbers speak louder than Pahlavi supporters.

Banafsheh Zolfaghari

Quite a devastating read !

by Banafsheh Zolfaghari on



داریوش جان پز نده


گلایه یک ایرانی از بازماندگان خاندان پهلوی

15K+ reads & 170+ facebook shares
all without any pretty pictures ;)

Banafsheh Zolfaghari

So is that your universe.

by Banafsheh Zolfaghari on


Darius Kadivar

Banafsheh Zolfaghari ... Here is your answer ...

by Darius Kadivar on

[9610 reads]

Banafsheh Zolfaghari

OK . . . and?

by Banafsheh Zolfaghari on

Dariush khan,

I for one, absolutely have no problems with your obvious dispensation towards the Pahlavi family and the institution of monarchy, what so ever.  (To each his / her own.)

But, I've got to tell you, in all honesty and without a centilla of malice: Khafe kardi hame ro!  At every turn you are plastering this site with what is becoming more and more elaborate memorials (God forbit) to the Pahlavis.

My girl's classmate would say:  Dude, give it a break!  

Advertisement 101 = Unisourse, uniformity of style and over exposure kills the hottest namebrands.  Being a hot namebrand is questionable, but in your advertisement campaign (that is what they are) do them (the family) and us (at large), a favor.  Pace yourself.  Please, Please.  

We (I) respect your freedom and dedication, but ghorboonet gardam, give it a break.

Eradatmand, BZ

(If you must reply, be kind and gentle.) 



چشم حسود بترکد


برای رسیدن به آزادی و عدالت در ایران به تعداد ایرانیها راه هست!!
شما هم تشریف بیارید کنار استخر، با کمک هم بالاخره یک راهی پیدا میکنیم!!
شب خوبی داشته باشی

I wear an Omega watch


The Tip of The Iceberg

by kujirasan on


Brother Of Deceased Shah Of Iran Jailed In California




LOS ANGELES — The brother of the late shah of Iran was arrested Friday
at his Beverly Hills mansion on suspicion of possessing opium for his
personal use and for sale, a Drug Enforcement Administration official
said. DEA spokesman Ralph Lockridge said Mamoud Reza Pahlavi, 62, was
identified as the brother of the late Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. The
shah was overthrown in 1979. Pahlavi was taken into custody at his $2
million home and was being held in the Santa Monica city jail. Lockridge
said drug agents and police raided the home after a four-month
investigation and found smoking pipes and scales used to weigh the


There is lots of Envy going Around مآمور


Especially Against the Majesty of Monarchies.  Like I was saying Since The record Shows, hands down, Monarchies are BY FAR more Democratic than
Republics at this point in time in Human History.  Assuming Iranians really aspire
to enjoying the ideal of democracy and sharing in the things we can give to enrich and contribute to one another, despite the envy being among the most democratic of all may cause, it is only obvious that we Iranians pursue the Institution of Monarchy.


Envy is a sin

by مآمور on

however, not in zionisy ideology,

come and join us by the pool, our mutual friend gives both of us farsi lessons and if that not enough for u to get rid of envy, the jump in the pool!!!

I wear an Omega watch


Dear Vildegose on

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

"Let's wait for the "Evolving" of all red states and red necks before we
practice and aspire to democratic ideals of justice, equality, economic
security, free speech, freedom and pursuit of happiness. Shall we?"

Are you aware of how funny you are?

justice, equality, economic
security, free speech, freedom and pursuit of happiness

are not democratic ideals

democracy itself is an ideal 

security, free speech, freedom and pursuit of happiness. 

Recap on History is needed on your part to realize that both republics and monarchies existed in the past and neither were democratic.  As A result of European advances, the enlightement, democracy as an ideal for government became possible and so both monarchies and republics moved in the direction of bringing about democracy in their countries.  The record Shows, hands down, Monarchies are far more Democratic than Republics at this point in time in Human History.  If we really aspire to enjoying the ideall of democracy and want to be the most democratic of all, it is only obvious that we pursue the Institution of Monarchy. 


Ashk Dovom

Dear Mousa 67

by Ashk Dovom on

Dear Mousa 67,

Sorry for replying to you in Persian! I guess I was misled by your "khodeti" repartee. Take care.


 Let's wait for the

by vildemose on

 Let's wait for the "Evolving" of all red states and red necks before we practice and aspire to democratic ideals of justice, equality, economic security, free speech, freedom and pursuit of happiness. Shall we?


Let's dismantle the Constitution of the United states because millions of red necks about 30 to 40% of US population have not evolved and can't recognize democracy if it hits them in the rear.



vicious online rant, in which he wrote "Let’s hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won’t abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


ashk dovom joon. why respond to me in farsi?

by mousa67 on

when my comment was in english? my farsi, just like mamooreh joon is at a very basic/learner level. except, unlike "him", i dont make a fool of myself by attempting to write in farsi.


Dr. Mohandes

Say what?

by Dr. Mohandes on

We want our shah BLACK?

On yaroo jan

I am so happy to see the revolutionary side of you bro. I mean i was being misled to believe the THINGS that i should not have believed about you.

Si se puede. Yes we can. Yes shah should be black. wait a sec...

did i just say that?


Another example where

by vildemose on

Another example where a group of Dominionists want to destroy the wall between the Church and state basically getting rid of first amendment here in the USA?

These people are Americans who have experienced 200 years of democracy::


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


 Here is another

by vildemose on

 Here is another real-time evidence to prove my previous points:

Voter supressions effort in Most Red states:

"As the right wing increases its efforts to turn back time and force us back into the past with concerted drives to restrict voter registration and disenfranchise those of us who are already registered, new efforts are being mounted to fight back.

The same way that black church leaders played a key role in voter registration during the civil rights movement of the sixties, once again they will step up to the pulpit, move their congregations to get out the vote and join efforts to push back against repressive restrictions.

Wednesday, May 30th, a Faith Leaders Summit was held in Washington D.C. by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in conjunction with the Conference of National Black Churches (CNBC).

Preachers Prepare to Get Souls to the Polls


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Ashk Dovom: Do you know

by vildemose on

Ashk Dovom: Do you know that it was only a short 47 years ago that the blacks were segregated and could not vote?? If those civil rights laws were not passed and enforced by police, the blacks would have been still sitting in the back of the bus and unable to vote if American government had decided for everyone to "EVOLVE".

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

Sheeple will never evolve no matter how long you wait.

You can't wait for everybody to evolve uniformly for changes that are necessary and vital to your very existence as a viable society  politically, culturally, economically in an ever shrinking global society.

 Should we change our laws because this guy just got elected to office and wait for him to "evolve"??


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir



by vildemose on




by مآمور on

 برگشتن شاه کاری ساده است! عزیزان به جای بلند شدن بشینند! بعد یک قدم جلو و یا عقب !!! سیستم شاشنشاشی دوباره جا می افتد!!

I wear an Omega watch


For every family and child Y Pahlavi works with others to help

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

the IRI rapes, tortures, deilvers into despair or kills tens of thousands of others, just like the golden days of Khomeini.  Life was worse before the Pahlavi's came, life is worse after the Pahlavi's went away, they are good for iranians and good Iranians, the pahlavi time was special for Iran.

Oon Yaroo

APFSM, you are 101% correct, Shah must come back now! If

by Oon Yaroo on

we wait as ASHK Dovom prescribes for the Iranian masses to transform from their current state (off) to a new state (on), we will have to wait probably 1000 years! Guess what, I would love to live that long but human body doesn't work that way!.

I say we want our Shah back now and not later!

Javid Shah!


عموجان You are very good, I like your blunt humor a lot


So true, so true, so true.

Ashk Dovom


by Ashk Dovom on

آقای موسا ۶۷، هر کجای این کره خاکی هستید اگر توانستید یک کلاس شبانه ای، اکابری چیزی برای خودتون دست وپا کنید. برای یاد گرفتن هچوقت دیر نیست. مخصوصا یاد گرفتن زبان شیرین فارسی. اگر شما قصد تحریف ندارید ( که امیدوارم نداشته باشید و مشکل فقط درعدم خوانش صحیح و یا عدم توجه از روی بی حوصلگی باشه ) آخرمن کجای نوشته ام گفتم دست روی دست بگذارید وبا جمهوری اسلامی بسازید؟ من گفتم لازمه  تغییر راستین و دیرپا، فرهنگ سازی و ارتقاء سطح آموزش دموکراتیک وترغیب مردم به راهکارهای  سیاسی پیشرو و متعالیه . تغییر بزور چماق و سرنیزه و تانک عوض بهبود اوضاع  منتهی خواهد شد به رسیدن ارث شغال به کفتار. تاریخ اینرو ثابت کرده. حتی این آقای رضا پهلوی هم به ظاهر دم از تغییر مسالمت آمیز میزنه و نمونه آفریقای جنوبی رو الگو قرار داده ولی در باطن آنطوریکه از شواهد و قر این بر میاد او هم مثل طرفداران زورپرستش به تنها نیرویی که باور داره کشت و کشتاره و بگیرو ببند  


Tehran e Azad, there are various views....

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

One is that sanctions are only intended to pave the way for War by USA. 

A sensible and fair request to make of the west, by US Iraians, is the USA untie the hands of the opposition and let the Secular Democratic Opposition to the IRI remove the IRI, so use the people who are seeking a secular democracy and have no history of repeatedly changing their position to play political games (so Mek, the once islamic, once communist, once terrorist group is not considered acceptable as a group to go to in order to seek a secular democratic republic, nor are they trusted, while they actively committ terrorism), Reza Pahlavi who since over 30 years has stuck to one message of seeking a secular democratic Iran and others who have done the same are welcome. 

ON: So to answer your question EVERY iranian who wishes Iran to be
free should be ready for sacrifice includidng me , my family AND you and
your family !!!  Look If every Iranian that wished Iran to be Free was going to do that, then in 1979 the shah would not have had to leave Iran now would he. 

Exactly because of the way Iranians treated the Late Shah, it makes it totally unreasonable for you to request that I as an Iranian have good faith in iranians seeking freedom, as opposed to what I experienced in 1979 by Iranians selfishly trying to step over each other and see what they can get for themselves only.  People had freedom, they misused it to bring tyranny and lost my good faith, now I should ask all others to suffer and sacrifice in order to put themselves in a position where after serving honorably they can get harmed.

If you were to ask me, to support the Leadership Of Reza Pahlavi in removing the IRI and bringing a free and Fair election to Iran under UN monitoring, that is a totally different Request and one that is practical as well as based on reason.


Ashk Dovom, IRI must Go, Shah must come back.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

On:  The problem is that this once upon a time, paradisaical, pre-revolutionary Iran is only a fairy tale manufactured for juvenile and gullible minds.

No:  Compared to today/after Pahlavi's and compared to the past to before Pahlavi's, most Iranians know that Peace, Progress, Human Rights and Freedom were Better with the Pahlavi's.  It would be Juvenile and Gullible to Dispute this.  What was Juvenile and Gullible was to accept the views of some opposition groups that the late shah was a Dictator, Corrupt, Torturer, Excessively Repressive.  Iranians were thwarted and they do know who did this and how, deny this among most iranians within Iran is a Joke. 


ASHK II, Our fellow citizens from Rasht used to say the slogan..


Maa Shah Nemi Khaheem Zeera Keh Yekki Darreem!

This was before/during the heat of the Islamic An-Gholab of 1979!

They were right and the rest of Iranians were wrong!

You seem to be a smart fellow, are you from Rasht!

Thank you!

Dr. Love, Ph.D., M.D., J.D.


what ashk dovom joon is really saying is:

by mousa67 on

"dont get rid of the islamist republic. just in case it is replaced by something worse."

to which my good iranian friend mohsen would say:



Ashk Dovom


by Ashk Dovom on

نه عزیزم قبل از پهلوی ها هم ایران بهشت نبود. همین مردم بودند با ابتذال شون، بی فرهنگی هاشون، طمع کاری هاشون، کوته فکری هاشون و گاه وبیگاه نبوغ وشایستگی هاشون. اما دور باطل از چاله در آمدن و توی چاه افتادن و بالعکس ادامه خواهد داشت تا زمانیکه مردم به سطحی از توانایی فرهنگی و سیاسی برسند.
به امید اون روز

بیچاره مردم،

گروهساقط مردم

دلمرده و تكيده و مبهوت

در زير بار شوم جسدهاشان

ازغربتي به غربت ديگر می رفتند

و ميل دردناك جنايت

در دست هايشان متورم می شد

گاهي جرقه ای، جرقه ناچیزی

اين اجتماع ساكت بی جان را

يكباره از درون متلاشی می كرد

آن ها به هم هجوم می آوردند

مردان گلوی يكديگر را

با كارد می دريدند


آن ها غريق وحشت خود بودند

و حس ترسناك گنهكاری

ارواح كور و كودنشان را

مفلوج كرده بود


 ASHK :Do you think

by vildemose on


Do you think Iran before Pahlavis was paradise??


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir