Fires of Peace

Photo essay: Chaharshanbeh Souri in Berkeley

by Ari Siletz

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Double standards outside the boxing ring
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Noroozetan Pirooz

by Iran parast (not verified) on

Har rozetan Norooz

Zan Amrikai

Great Photos

by Zan Amrikai on

Thank you for posting these photos with such clever comments. Nazy,that smile is a delight!  ZA


Watch the report!

by Berkeley Mom (not verified) on

Here's KTVU's great report of the Berkeley event:




by Majid on

Waldo, PG, Ari, Nazy,..... they all are in pic#38

Very nice pictures, thanks for sharing. 


Ari jan va Nazy aziz!

by Monda on

So many beautiful people, so little time! Hey isn't Ari's sense of humor flawless?

P.S. I wanted so badly to give Khanom Parsipour a warm hug but damn my shyness in these occasions...she would have no idea how  taken I am by her writing. 



by Farnoosh on

I'm glad to see Iranians in the San Francisco area observe Iranian traditions. Thank you very much for your report. I loved reading your humor. Good job reporting!

Ali Lakani

Looks like a very good time!

by Ali Lakani on

Thank you very much for sharing this, Mr. Siletz.  Thank you also for the historical references; I learned a lot.

Happy Nowrooz to you!


IRAN: Khonneh Tekoni: A Prelude to New year

by A Danesh (not verified) on

The public cleansing fire:
1. plastic bag
2. cigarette budd
3. soda can
4. etc.


A nice Prelude To The New Year

by A. Hassan Danesh (not verified) on

Char shanbeh sori-- is a nice warmer and a great preludestarter before the Iranian new year officially begins and i think while during this time people still cleaning up their homes to get ready, people should also do their best to pick up the grabage from their larger home , Iran, even if it means to pick up a single cigarette butt or a soda can or a flying plastic bag or the stucked one in the streets--

Char shanbeh sori--The babtizing fire of cleansing and cleasiness of one's large and larger hom-- Danesh

--1 cigarette butt--
