I am Iran, do not bomb me

Photo essay: San Francisco anti-war rally

by Jahanshah Javid
Not surprisongly, the number of Iranian-Americans at Saturday's anti-war rally in San Francisco was larger than ever. Several groups in the Bay Area were involved in the organization [See invitation].

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Clarify missunderstanding

by kurdish warrior (not verified) on

Just to clarify missunderstanding;
PKK = is not Iranian group. It's Turkish/kurdish rebels.
Jundollah= Sunni extremenist.
MEK = Am not a fan but they are a big organisation.
All groups need to be united.....I'm neither monarchs or MEK but we need to put our diffrences aside or our nation will head to destruction.


No to funding terrorists!

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

not MEK, PKK or Jundullah. They have no support among Iranians.



by kurdish warrior (not verified) on

Another Trita Parsi (IRI) Propaganda. Limited strike such as Revolutionary Guards bases is acceptable. Providing military support from USA and Israel to the oppositions whether if it's Monarchs, mujahedin, KDP-I, baluchestan front and others is the key. Once that settles we can sit down and sort out our differences. The only way to topple the regime is with weapons and not tongue.


Peace Movement for Mullahs

by Irooni (not verified) on

The entire Peace movement at the end of the day serves only Titra Parsi and the regime. Let's bomb the Revolutionary Guards bases and other Basij installations and let people overthrow the regime.


american soldier: what are you doing in Iraq?

by Qumars B. (not verified) on

No doubt you have a kind heart, but don't you see that you are being taken advantage of? What have you accomplished in Iraq? Isn't the lives the ordinary Iraqis (the people you are supposedly helping) much worst than during Saddam? And now the country is totally ruined, over half a million dead and all kinds of terrorists are inside.

You are an occupiying army. You will never be liked. They will smile to you face and stab you in the back, as I'm sure you have noticed by now. Do you ever ask yourself, why Iraq? If it was all about helping people, why no Sudan, Rwanada or even North Korea? You know... places where actual genocide was taking place?

In 1988 when Iraq attacked the Kurds, US helped him militarily and diplomatically. Even the chemical ingredients were supplied by American and European companies. Do you really think your superiors sent you to Iraq for the sake of democracy? If Iraq's chief natural resource was peanuts, do you think you would be in that country right now?

Nobody is underestimating you. No doubt the US military could take out all major buildings in Iran with minimal loss. But don't underestimate this: It will be the end of American civilization. Rome didn't collapse in a day either, but stupid policies bankrupted the empire and united the whole world against it to the point where every two-bit barbarian felt entitled to rape and pillage Rome. Is that what you want for America?


Please do not recommend US and people of Iran

by Alireza Golchini (not verified) on

Attackin Iran and bombing the government sites is the only way to get rid of Mollas's regime . They have enormous power to repel every little democratic action inside Iran . Why are you againt the US military action ??
Iran is destroying in the present situation anyway . One day you said " Do Not Vote in presidential election " and we saw what happened for Iranian people in these three years .


I am an American Soldier, Do not Hate, Fear, or Underestimate Me

by American Soldier (not verified) on

You have no idea of the strength of the American military. You think what we are doing in Iraq is war? Most soldiers there will never get involved in the actual fighting because they are busy helping ordinary Iraqis improve their lives. Lives ruined by a tyrant--Saddam, a weak and corrupted UN, and greedy people inside the country who don't care about average citizens. You can deny this fact if you wish, but it does not change the truth. As an American soldier I do not want to go to war with Iran/Persia or anyone else. But do not think for one second that the reason for not wanting to fight is fear. No my friend, do not make that mistake. I am a Soldier. I am in Iraq, and I have no hatred for anyone because of where they were born. One of my favorite quotes is from the movie Batman, of all things: "It's not who I am inside, but what I do that defines me." I've never been to Iran, but I would like to go there some day...without a weapon and 50 pounds of combat gear. Don't mistake my desire for peace for weakness. When required, I will do what is necessary to complete the mission and bring my soldiers home. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I would never make the mistake of underestimating you. I would ask that in each of these cases you would do the same for me.


It was a great event!!!

by Persian_Trooper on

I was there...it was awesome! There were around 500 of us
(Iranian Americans). There were around 20000 people in the march. (Some organizers said 30,000 but official figures
were closer to 20,000). It was high
energy, peaceful and fun event. Almost all of the Iranian-Americans that where
there were Anti Islamic regime in Iran AND Anti war with Iran. That’s why the main banner said “no war in
Iran” and “for Democracy in Iran”. To the ignorant fools here that are talking
shit… you weren’t there and you didn’t talk to these folks and you don’t know
where they stand so u can shut the hell up!
we stood there under Iranian American banner, talked to American people and
told them Iranian people are under a repressive regime and we are peaceful and
we don’t want war with them…what did you do for Iran? We did much more than you
hypocrites who don’t even call themselves Iranian and think participating in
these rallies are Un-American . You are so backward and close minded that you
don’t realized participating in public protest is very American and its one of
the reasons that makes this country so great. The reason that this country was created was because
bunch of people got together and decided to question the government that was
ruling unfairly over them ! so stop being so narrow minded and judgmental…


I told you they are not peace maker

by war (not verified) on

they are family of mullahs living in USA


All these fat ass Iranians living in San Frankosskoonkon...

by Keer deraz (not verified) on

must be deported and sent back to the Islamic Republic. Fvck the Islamic Republic and all of its appeasers including this huge-breasted woman in photo #1130123-01. She needs a keer'e khar to slide in between her breasts!?


Fariborz and Javad

by Anonymous34343444 (not verified) on

Sure the number means a lot. First of all it shows that we are not united. Grant it we can have different opinions but you would think there would be anti war Iranians who would join. Imagine if it was a gugush concert. More would show up. That's sad.

And the atmosphere, althought encouraging, is not enought to convey a message. Each and every protest I've been at FEELS great. Few actually have impact. The ones that are in large numbers are at least heard of.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

If there is a problem at all, so it can not be solved in that area.So i think it does not mean anything if littel or big nummber of iranians had been present. As foreigner one has so many problems so that it is simply not possible to fullfeel also political actions. And these Demos are all but show anyway. Our men - Mr. laijani and co. - have played their Role best till now. The later has even demonstrated ( see other Comment! ) if some day some silly guy does a mistake so he gets the appropriate answer from our Passdaran. be convinced. Greetings


No Peace...........2

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The Web gives a message from London. many years ago one did know first in London Paris and Munich that in Iran would come to Demonstrations. In Iran itself knew the peaple first after Days. Now whom should we believe? Who says the truth? The pair that had been bieten, what was the real reason for punishment? So I think it is better to make an end to these Denounciations. fact is that in Iran today the Christians, jews, Assyrians an all other minorities live in Peace and Friendshp with all others and they all love their country and they all will protect their country if some silly man would ever dare to do a mistake. Be convinced. Greetings


Demonstration for peace

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

All that does not help. what the peaple want does not count in US. Controry to the democratic conditions in Iran. Mr. Bush is president because a court wanted him to be one. What the americans had voted did not count. On the other hand: A german speech says the dogs who wow do not bite. So just let them wow. Sure is that not even one american soldier would get allive out of persian golf, if he/she dares. They know it. that is because they have not dared to do any mistake till now. All those Demos are but show. Forget it. Greetings


I was there, and it was

by Javad (not verified) on

I was there, and it was absolutely amazing. The whole thing was smaller than some of the anti-Iraq war protests in the past few years, but I had never seen that many pro iran signs. Tehre were tons of college kids from various schools. It was actually very encouraging. I will post some of my own pictures later.



by PEACE FUCKER (not verified) on

Peace to what, to a fucking Islamic regime that does this //www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?... to its own people. Akhoonds must go at any cost.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Looks like the airline lost Larijani's luggage. He usually dresses better. Maybe he raided a hippie's closet.



Looks like a few people were there who think it's still 1968.


Depressingly small number of

by Anonymous343434444 (not verified) on

Depressingly small number of protesters given the Iranian population in the Area.


Thanks for the pix JJ!

by MJ (not verified) on

Thanks for the pix JJ!


Counter-protestors? Don't make me laugh

by nightmare (not verified) on

LOL dreamer, I did look at those pictures and I especially like this one:

40-100 people is way inflated. I didn't see more than 20 Israeli flag wavers at any one time.


What? No mention of anti-

by dreamer (not verified) on

What? No mention of anti- ANTI-WAR protestors?
There were oh, a good 40-100 of them. Their main point was not bring the troops home and lets attack Iran next.



Wholy dam.... He got fire his job or

by jaan jaan (not verified) on

LoL, Oh yeah "Mr. Darius" Looks like him, hahahaha... what is he doing there!!!
I think he is cooking and boiling people to stay more Islamic baster in power.

Darius Kadivar

What is Larijani doing in SF Rally ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on