James Deanesque

Photo essay: Latest from NIMANY

by Nima Behnood
The concept of hand crafted clothing started when as teenagers Nima and his friends would take Levis Jeans and other garments and draw, write and alter them to their taste. Some of these items were obtained in the black market ,due to the trade regulations on western products, thus making it harder and more expensive to continue such experiments. The place was Tehran, and its northern suburbs, where a large middle class had settled in; the time period was during the late 80's shortly after the war had ended>>>NIMANY.com


Mixing culture and fashion

by Balochi Girl (not verified) on

Love the designs. Mixing the persian culture with fashion is something we lack nowadays with the latest fashion from New York / Paris. Would buy if it wasn't so expensive :(

Check Out The (First) Balochi Girl Blogg


one fact will speak for

by rahi from NY (not verified) on

one fact will speak for itself. The copy cats like modernprofecy and masih and persis and etc, they all have to come and leave a negative comment and leave their links as a form of LAME advertising. Let your product speak for itself if you think its better.


Iranians a nation of jealousy

by shabnam (not verified) on

This is amazing, One guy with another copied version of nimany suggests that his is better and the other is lame!!!

are we ever going to learn and support each other? it's really not a rocket science. This guy nima behnud was the first one who did this, was the one who had the guts to do it while we named ourselves persians...now there are over 20 copies of his idea...persis, masih, arashLA, legofish, and and and....most of the except the fact that they are building upon what behnud created. But some newer ones like this guy modern.... decide to trash the rest!

its not always how you do it, its the originality that counts.


I have one of them...

by irannostalgia.com on

Love these designs.

I bought one. Here's me in Cadiz Spain wearing the t-shirt I bought.

Click the link to see the picture:



Actually I have another one from a different company.

They are really original. I hope they do well. I wonder if a normal person without much money can run a store with these. 

My only problem with them is that they are expensive, given that they charge like 20 dollars for shipping. They really should charge less for shipping. Then the acutal tshirt over which they print is kind of shallow, they should use more resistant brands like Fruit of the Lume(?)...

But again, Bravo!! I hope they have more items not just t-shirts ... like affordable jackets for men...  Autum clothing... Sweaters..









by Reza Aryanpour (not verified) on

I wouldn't call this fashion, this is more like t-shirt printing .... I mean come on, its actually a bit lame!!!! and "tekrari". props for doing it but add some flavor ...

Check out a different guy in real "fashion", Babak Vousoughi. Modern Prophecy by Babak Vosoughi @ www.modernprophecy.com

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

But are people buying these? Iranians? Americans? Iranian-Americans?

 Print JJ's picture on it, and I'll buy one!