Joy & Jesus

Photo essay: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

by Jahanshah Javid
Wikipedia: San Miguel de Allende is a city and municipality located in the far eastern part of the state of Guanajuato in central Mexico. It is 274 km from Mexico City and 97 km from the state capital of Guanajuato. Historically, the town is important as the birthplace of Ignacio Allende, whose surname was added to the town’s name in 1826, as well as the first municipality declared independent of Spanish rule by the nascent insurgent army during the Mexican War of Independence. However, the town waned during and after the war, and at the beginning of the 20th century, was in danger of becoming a ghost town. Its Baroque/Neoclassical colonial structures were "discovered" by foreign artists who moved in and began art and cultural institutes such as the Instituto Allende and the Escuela de Bellas Artes. This gave the town a reputation, attracting artists >>>

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by yolanda on

Mexico has a lot of potential......Mexico has oil......(the richest guy in the world is a Mexican, Carlos Slim)........unfortunately the drug violence has engulfed the country and drug catels have penetrated police, law enforcement agency, & Justice Dept...undertaking business is booming due to the high casualties from the drug will take a while to clean the house!

Currently Mexco's GDP ranks #14 in the world while Iran ranks #29 in the world! S. Korea ranks #15!

I hope things will improve very soon! The carnage got to stop!

P.S. I have been rooting for Mexican soccer team in WC for many years!



It seems to me more

by Sirius on

It seems to me more civilians killed in Mexico than in Afghanistan.....drug lords outgun the government! It is scary! Mexican people's lives are cheapened! They just found a mass grave with 72 bodies!

Northern Mexico and specially the border is more violent than Afghanistan (we have already seen some bomb cars, and stuff).

I don't want to appear cynic, but I as a Mexican do not feel all that you mention, too bad.

What we see in the North is just a reflection of their own values and cosmovision... I just wonder why it took so long to express in the way it happens now.

Those conservative racist and classist, that vote PAN, more pro-American than the "Americans", that hate anything from Latin America, and believe (not from now, but since decades ago) that dealing drugs brings "prosperity", hate any authentic Mexican cultural expression... Those people would be happy to see Mexico City bombed by the USA Airforce or destroyed by an Earthquake.

But the irony of life, is that if things degenerate more, they would the ones be visited by the Predators and stuff. And that conservative goverment they elected (not the Mexicans from the Center or the South) will be more than happy to cooperate with that

(it already does).

It is not irony, its Karma.

The more violence they generate, the weaker their influence and possibilities to destroy what I consider the authentic Mexican civilization, in the future.

Certain laws of nature (for lack of a better name) do not even need to be grasped consciously to take effect. And when the decent Mexicans finally awake (if they awake), they will find the road cleared for a better future.

My humble opinion.




by yolanda on

Great colors of photos...Mexican ceramics and pottery are beautiful....When peace is restored in Mexico, I would like to visit Guadalajara also....Guadalajara's soccer team, Chivas, is the most popular team in Mexico......the soccer club has over 100 years of history........ LA Galaxy was only founded in 1995!

It seems to me more civilians killed in Mexico than in Afghanistan.....drug lords outgun the government! It is scary! Mexican people's lives are cheapened! They just found a mass grave with 72 bodies!


What a wonderful album...

by Sirius on

What a wonderful album... thank you very much, JJ. ;)

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Organic Nutritionist, this is great

by Anahid Hojjati on

So you got to live there for two years. It looks like you liked it in Guadalajara. My twin had been on my case for couple years that she wanted to go to Mexico with me but I think she had more tourist locations in mind and I am more interested to go to places to get a feel of the country and its people. May be one of these days.

Joe L.

watch out for your diet

by Joe L. on

i see a lot of fat people just like home

Organic NUTritionist


by Organic NUTritionist on

anahid jan,
I lived in guadalajara for 2 years and still didnt get to see everything there! keep it high on your list :)


Margarita Gralia is the playmaites name

by Sid Sarshar on

Sid Sarshar

Orang Gholikhani

Nice pictures

by Orang Gholikhani on



Another reason to like San Miguel,

by Sid Sarshar on

Just down the street from the main plaza on “calle san Francisco”, there is a Churros and hot chocolate cafe owned and operated by an Argentinean actress who became a playmate.  Whenever I am in the area, I make a point of visiting the café and ask if I can use the restroom.  My day is made when Margarita politely says “No, the restroom is for the clients”.  It is well worth the pinch I get from my wife afterwards.

Esfand Aashena

JJJ have you posted any pictures of Guadalajara?

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Sid and Jahanshah for the information

by Anahid Hojjati on

I have not been to these two cities but I see your point. Years go, I visited England and spent time in London and Portsmouth. Even though London had many attractions including the palaces, I found Portsmouth interesting too. In any case, in a trip to Mexico, it would be nice to visit places like Guadalajara and then a city like San Miguel.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I agree Sid. Guadalajara is very nice too. But the difference between Guadalajara and San Miguel is like Tehran and Masooleh. There's just no comparison.


San Miguel de Allende Vs. Guadalajara

by Sid Sarshar on

San Miguel is a charming town which I find much more stimulating both visually and culturally than Guadalajara. Guadalajara has too much of a big city feel to it. Keep in mind this is a personal preference.

Anahid Hojjati

Guadalajara is on top of my list of Mexican cities to visit

by Anahid Hojjati on

My two good friends at work are from this city. Actually one's parents are from this city but the other one grew up in this city and he is a very nice and cultured guy, good looking too. He is the one who introduced me to some writers such as "Isabel Alende", and Herman Hess. Any way, from what he told me, this is a great city. So if I ever visit Mexico, I would definitely like to visit Guadalajara. It should be safer than Mexico city too. Is that right JJ? the lady who works in coffee shop near my home visited Guadalajara and said that ticket was only 300.0.

Esfand Aashena

Nice pictures! How about some pictures of Guadalajara?!

by Esfand Aashena on

Remember Ghatebeh always recommending shakhe afrigha (horn of Africa) all the time?!  I want to visit Guadalajara one day because the name is a mouthful!  Try saying it a few times!

JJJ so when are you going to visit Guadalajara?! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Great photos Jahanshah.

by Anahid Hojjati on

I have not looked at all of them yet, but the ones I checked are great. I love the colors. #8 looked like a painting and the purple blossoms are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Monda! The brioche is 12 pesos or about one dollar. They use the $ sign in Mexico for the peso.

You should definitely visit. It's full of charm.


Vivacious yet serene...

by Monda on

...a beautiful combination. There were so many great shots in your photo essay but the ones that I really liked were from the alley ways, the cobble stones look divine, as well as the church, the door knobs and your drink. But, brioche for $12 is unheard of! Did they mean $12 for a dozen?

Nice job sharing JJ, thanks! The place is going on my list : ) 


Nice Colonial Charm!

by Faramarz on

Thanks for great pictures!

This was probably around Easter Sunday. Any food pictures?

Mexico has an incredible variety of regional and local cuisine. I hope that you are getting a lot of that.


Organic NUTritionist

great pictures!!!

by Organic NUTritionist on

i saw allllllllllll of them... excellent... liked many many many of them...  the hearts on the wall, the pigeon, the people, the flowers, the pastry (did look fake!), the building, the night shot of the church...  verrrrrry nice :)

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Ari. You should visit this town some day. It has built up 500 years worth of art and charm. It reminds me of Santa Fe, New Mexico, with lots more charm and innocence.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

No, not the kissing couple; the little girl watching them.


#60: clever fountain designs! As though the designer knew that over time the splashing would make a heart shaped pattern on the wishing well wall.


Wonderful art finds overall. Thanks.