
Photo essay

by Seema Pejman
Sixteen-year-old had first photo exhibit at Wight Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles.


Wow, Hamed,

by Rosie. on

for someone who doesn't 'want to knock her work', you sure are giving it your best shot.  What you are getting out of doing it, I dont know. There is no 'credit' to give for photographing other subjects. Photo portraiture is its own genre, with its own tradition, and all the ingredients are here for great portraiture. Composition, contrast, beauty in the ordinary, the ordinary in the beautiful. Exploration of the erotic, the individual, the artificial, the real. The only thing missing is a little time. And a lot of balls, to stick with it and ignore the naysayers. Like you.

Robert Mapplethorpe

Diane Arbus

Helmut Newton

Nan Goldin


My favorite

I am a fan. ;oP

Niki Tehranchi

Good for any age

by Niki Tehranchi on

I liked the photos, in particular number 2 (blonde girl with cigarette) and number 5 (is it your self-portrait?).  Some of the portraits are a little affected while others are honest and raw.  You obviously infuse your photos with your passion, maturity, discipline and a very personal point of view.  The fact that you are sixteen makes your accomplishment even more admirable.


Not impressed at all.

by Hamed on

I do not want to knock her work or anything like that but I have to say that these photos remind me of when I was 10 yrs old and my dad got me a camera and I kept shooting photos for fun. I have to give myself credit, my photos included nature scenes, our house, my family, and other subjects. I have to say that US is a great country providing a venue for all (including our "artist" here) to express themselves.  

Jahanshah Javid

Maturity and depth

by Jahanshah Javid on

There's great maturity and depth in your work. You have a special talent and you're obviously having great fun with it.


Aaaah, I see...

by Rosie. on

well, okay, then, I'll assume it's avuncular, not patronizing, based on



but there's a fine semantic line, Mouse. A very fine line.



Clueless = free as a bird! (Alicia Silverstone :-) Photos = 9!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


They are damn good photos.

by Rosie. on

And they're pretty sophisticated in a lot of ways. So just what do you find so 'clueless' about them? ('In a good way', of course...). Could you clue us in? Or would that take away from the evocative power of their 'cluelessness' by providing the photographer with too much 'wisdom'? (Yours, of course).

:-)    :-)    :-)







Photoholic is a good title Clueless (in a good way :-) is good2!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred