Ramazan cards

Can chastity be one's virtue without a veil?

by Amir Normandi
Can chastity be one's virtue without a veil? Can one be cleansed without an ewer? How much more are we going to be fixated on ewer and veil?

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Is Nowruz a political Festival?
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Excellent work

by hafez (not verified) on

Some of these photographs are excellent. Keep up the good work!


salavat mikhay?

by khashmgin1 on

in ham salavaat  la'navat:

 اللهم صل لعن على محمد وآل محمد 

ye omr shoma jojeh mosalmoona oghdeh khali kardid, hala ye roozam ma mikonim aziz.



by betocheAnonymous (not verified) on

gir avordane ye jende va ye aftabe dastesh dadan o aks gereftan bahash kare chandan sakhti nist, faghat 2 gheroon pool lazem darehvo ye doorbine akkasi hamin!!!!
dadash ina oghdast, gereftane parchame irano saudio ... joloye kose ye female va aks gereftan chiro neshoon mide?!!! payamet az in kar chiye?
faghat takhliyeye oghde...
be omide shefa baraye hameye oghdeihaye zanjiri hamegi ye salavat khatm konid


Faith and religion should be treated the same!

by Ali (not verified) on

You know I have seen pictures like this with Canadian flag wrapped around a beautiful blond! I do not understand why these pictures make me feel uncomfortable? I feel as if there is something wrong with these pictures. I feel like the photographer wants to make some sort of political or social critique but his criticism in inaccessible to me! In my opinion, in Iranian culture there are still some limits that majority do not like to see broken. I believe criticism is necessary in a healthy democratic environment. These pictures however do not criticize anything and instead they simply insult people's faith. One has to separate faith from politics. Let me give you an example from the time of reformation during which the Catholic Church started the counterreformation movement for the purpose of defeating Protestants! During this time period Catholic Church would burn reformer alive in the name of God and Jesus. None of victims, however, insulted the Christian faith even when he or she was burning at the stake. However, almost all of the victims publicly damned the Catholic Church with his or her last breath. The point is one has to have the ability to separate faith from politics and criticize accordingly! Cheers



by be car the anonymous (not verified) on

are you happy? watching football? ok, cooool, and hope we are still friends, heheheheehehe, yes?
here is a nice photo for you.



howdy dudes

by be car tar Anonymous (not verified) on

here is another artistic photo, it is real and used often, hehehehe, see ya tomorrow,


remember: iranian girls kick ass,,,,hehehe


salam,ajab be tarbeyet ziad shodeh???

by be car Anonymous (not verified) on

hehehe, come on guys, new arts for you,



make sure, lose weight feel great, hehehehhe


Here is my problem with

by Khanum Hana 777 (not verified) on

Here is my problem with these photos:

- Anyone could take them! There is no real artistry in them. They are some what provocative but that's all. And they are only provocative to people that are easily offended, can't handle anything sexual or are religious.

- If you wanted to really portray what you seem to want to say with these photos, I suggest you have an Iranian model. That would be a lot more interesting.

- For the lady (ladies) who are insulted by these pics, chill out! You are exactly the kind of hysterical women that hold the women's movement back. Masterbate a little and calm the heck down.


Khashmgin: Actually mohammad

by nay (not verified) on

Khashmgin: Actually mohammad married her when she was 6 years old but consummated the marriage when she was 9, supposedly. Some muslims say, well, this was part of the culture of those Bedouin days--as is right now in Afghanistan and Iran where 9 year old are married off (read sold) to lecherous old men--. However, we're speaking of a spiritual leader; a prophet; how could a spiritual leader be so obsessed with earthly pleasures and sexual pleasures? That's what boggles the mind. No prophet in the history of mankind has been so obssessed with women and sex than mohmmad where even the "Heaven" is full of virgins for sexual pleausre and constant sex. That is sick.


You want evidence about Mohamad? Here it is...

by khashmgin1 on

You want evidence that mohamad married a nine years old? I'll give it to you, and I'll give it to you from pro-Islam sources. Just click on the links:


1. Sahih Bukhari was a moslem scholar from the 9th century. He is one of the most well known and respected moslem scholars among moslems. Here are extracts about Aisha from his most famous book:

5:58:234   5:58:236  7:62:64   7:62:657:62:88


2. طبری   Yes OUR own Tabari! The Persian moslem Scholar of the 9th century. Sorry no links, but go buy his book. They sell his book even on Amazon. I have included the Volume and the page numbers where he refers to Aisha being 9 when married to Mohamad:

Taarikhe Tabari, Volume 9, Page 131

Taarikhe Tabari, Volume 7, Page 7 

3. Khomeini frequently used Tabari's work in his own books. Here is one example in which Khomeini references Tabari with high regards:



4. Ayatollah Montazeri (yes, our own Montazeri!) defending Mohamad for marrying a nine years old girl:



Let me know if want more proof.


Muhammad and Aisha;;;;;;Sh

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

We have an expression in Farsi: The fox was asked to bring a witness, it replied my tail!!!!! Give me some hard evidence, not likes of you who has some blind animocity. Do you really want me to accept internet chats as evidence!!!!!

The accusations are so foreign to the spirit of the religion that even a fair non-believer would question it. You see, The ideas such as Best!!!!ty, Sex-slavery, Pediph!!! are only institutionalized in this modern world that you are so proudly in love with. I hope you check around you and see the profiles of sick minds who commit these crimes and try paralleling their lifestyles with great people such as Muhammad.
Grow up man!!! be free of arrogance, biggetry and be fair!


Mosalmona bache bazo miparastand!

by sh8tune on

Now, go disprove Mohammad was not a "bache baz."


Mohamad and Aisha

by khashmgin1 on

It is a fact that Aisha was 9 years old. Just research it in the internet. until a couple of decades ago, moslems even took pride that Mohamad messed with a 9 years old girl. When someone would marry a nine years old and people complained, they used to say, well Mohamad did it, and this way he shut eveyone up.


However, recently with the masses of people more educated, they are starting to deny it! Just like that! It was a fact THEY boast about until just 20 years ago, and now they deny it! Again, just like that! They now say it is a fabrication! That's how easy it is to manipulate the truth among moslems. Just like that!



salam, i'm back again

by be car anonymous, (not verified) on

it's me,,:),heheheh, hey you dudes need to see this photo, here comes: it's funny


thanks to iranian.com, you made it possible for us to come back here again and again to have these silly discussions, # of hits is going up 4 this site.... but just be easy on each other,,,,hehehehe
I am getting to like it here,hummmm......hehehehee, bye.



by Anonymous on

Only a shameless mind can think of it.



by Anonymous on

WHo says prophet married a 9 year old? It's the fabrication of enemies; did you see the matrimonial event? My role models are not selfish and do not have sick minds......take Ghandi which is most recent. WHo knows how he will be portrayed 1000 years later........
Az deev o dad maloolam o ensaanam arezoost!

As for "God makes enemies out of arrogant fools, Yes, everything is made by god. How, the arrogant selfish low lives are made by god by obeying the rules of "cause and effect". It's all formulated. If you take the wrong step, one will end up as a low life. The catch is that we take the step but we are bound by the rule of god.



Would you give your sister or daughter to “prophet” Mohammad if

by Anonymous on

How about your own nine years old daughter with an old man? Would you give your sister or daughter to “prophet” Mohammad if he was alive?

What a stupid mind you have? You say, "God has made his enemies out of arrogant fools." God makes enemies!

When you look at mirror every day, say “ I am not going to remain a stupid Moslem any longer”.

These pictures are shown so you can confront your own stupidity.


ok dude, a dime,hehehe

by Anonymous on

hey, these photos (the one with aftabeh,hehehe), heheheheh, are funny, you guys call these arts? you love em? fine, but I do not appreciate them,,,sorry,,,,:)


So Creative!

by Anonymous on

Amir, do you have any other similar creative work? Please say yes and post some more of your work! We are looking forward to seeing more of your art! Thanks!

Kaveh Nouraee

Keep your nickel.

by Kaveh Nouraee on

"2nd grade elementary school photos, hahaha, he needs money, one way to get your name out there, we are making him rich, here is my 5 cents."


Getting rich by posting pictures on a free website? Bet you did really well in math class, didn't you?


Kaveh Nouraee

What a waste of time

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I don't see any artistic value in these photos. I am not saying they're offensive. They simply make no sense. They remind me of the calendars you see at your mechanic's garage where you get your car tuned up with pictures of bimbos holding a wrench or virtually naked with cars and tools partially obscuring things. Big deal.


This is just a waste of either the film or the space on the digital card on which it was shot.



by Anonymous on

2nd grade elementary school photos, hahaha, he needs money, one way to get your name out there, we are making him rich, here is my 5 cents.


bad jeness

by Anonymous on

funny photos



by tezol21 on

Yes, Sick minds and souls like you make up these stories to defame great people like Muhammad. Your not 1st and you won't be the last, I promise;  Truly, God has made his enemies out of arrogant fools. I know that sick minds have no peace within, full of contradictions and depressed souls;

Just tell me that you won't mind looking at your sister or Mom's pictures in those positions!!!!!



Very Deep and Meaningful Pictures

by Anonymous on

Please please before you start to judge and swear, just see the pictures and think. You will fall in love with them. I garantee it!!


Re: Tezol

by khashmgin1 on

Tezol, when you say "sick to the bone", are you refering to me? or to Mohamad having sex with a nine years old girl? Please clarify.



Please Hajiagha, don`t call yourself a artist

by nsh on

I don`t see why some people are upset by these photos.!! Beautiful work. and please Hajiagha don`t call yourself a artist. Your cartoons is just rubbish -coming from a sick mind.


I am a woman and not

by ariana on

I am a woman and not offended by this. Only a woman who thinks her self to be an "insult" would find this work "insulting".


Sick to the bone! Khashmgin!

by tezol21 on

I can see a lot of hatred...It's a desease. It has lots of energy...The 1st thing it destroys is your own body and soul. I'm glad that god created his enemies fools exposing their foolishness by spreading foul odors like this....



by sh8tune on
