United States of Color

Photo essay: At home with Carlos Estrada-Vega

by Jahanshah Javid
* Born 1955, Chihuahua, Mexico. See list of his exhibitions.
* Read a review of his work by Mario Cutajar. "Carlos Estrada-Vega’s paintings make me drool," he writes. "I could blame the effect on the paintings’ superficial resemblance to stacks of confections at a dulceria. But that association is itself a rationalization, an attempt to get a handle on the ineffable synaesthetic kick these works deliver."

Orang Gholikhani

Simple is beautiful

by Orang Gholikhani on

Simple and colourful like a complex dream


Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

Looking at the photographs, seeing the shapes, rich colors, dimensions, and feeling of his work, I am so tempted to also run my fingers on the works to add another element of feeling to the collection! Did you touch them? Just curious.

Estrada-Vega's work reminds me so much of Victor Vasarely's paintings. I had the good fortune of seeing the late Vasarely's work in Tehran in the '70's. Thanks for sharing.



by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

his fridge (with the blocks on it).


This is very exciting!

by Monda on

My friend took me to Estrada-Vega's exhibit in West L.A. a few years ago and we were blown away by his vibrant cubes. You are right about camera not doing his surface textures justice. On your last Mexico trip report, I noticed his work on your sister's wall and drove myself nuts not remembering where I had seen the artist before until I just ran into this post!

Please say hi to Robert, he's becoming one of our favorite bloggers on this site. My daughter thinks he's very cute and I ditto that ;o)


great artist

by tin cans (not verified) on

I love his artwork. He is such a great colorist, and love the interplay of dimention and colors. Truly inspiraring for me to want to pick up that brush and just dive in! Thanks!