Yes, Shirazi Kakoo's and Kakooette's, way to go!

Iranians are pro choice

Yeah, have one on every street corner you morons

What's Wrong with the Swiss these days ? ...

Darius Kadivar

Swiss voters back ban on Islamic minarets

recommended by Darius Kadivar
29-Nov-2009 (6 comments)

IRI's Sexual Apartheid !

Darius Kadivar

Iranian Minister backs gender segregation in universities

Radio Zamaneh via payvand
recommended by Darius Kadivar
29-Nov-2009 (one comment)

16azar- روز دانشجو

IRI Isolating itself

Darius Kadivar

Iran MPs urge reduced ties with UN nuclear watchdog

recommended by Darius Kadivar

The bullets, sticks, and thugs help a little, too.

Enough shoar,start preparing for an attack on Iran

Majid Zahrai

Iran warns of decreasing cooperation with IAEA

recommended by Majid Zahrai
29-Nov-2009 (4 comments)

Iran-US talks via Brasilia?

Majid Zahrai

Ayatollahs in the backyard

recommended by Majid Zahrai

Negotiating with Khamenei?! I don't think so!

Majid Zahrai

Iran's Soft War

Foreign Policy / P. J. Dobriyanski, C. P. Whiton
recommended by Majid Zahrai
28-Nov-2009 (one comment)

Only khamenei & mahmoud yes-men at friday prayers

Harassment of Shirin Ebadi and her family