Montazeri: Illegitimate regime

پیکر آزادگان ایران

IRI desperate to re-establish power

Majid Zahrai
Deutsche Welle
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12-Jul-2009 (one comment)

It's all about velayat-e faqih now

Shifteh Ansari

Who Will Win the Next Phase in Iran, Ahmadinejad or Iraq's Ayatollah Ali Sistani?

Huffington Post / David Paul
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12-Jul-2009 (one comment)

Report of Tehran 18 Tir protests

Shifteh Ansari

World: More Protests in Iran -

New York Times / Robert Mackey
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سند دزدی از بیت المال

Remembering Evin

Shifteh Ansari

Iran's prisons: where protest turns into rage

Los Angeles Times / Zarah Ghahremani
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12-Jul-2009 (one comment)

Israeli cloaked operatives, even here for sure!

Shah Ghollam

Thought-police is here

Ytnews / Ron Ben-Yishai,Nahum Barnea,Sever Plocke
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12-Jul-2009 (7 comments)

an Unfair Supreme Leader is Illegitimate


Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s Fatwa

Tehran Bureau / Dr Sahimi
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12-Jul-2009 (8 comments)

دز آستانه 22 تیر

پیک ایران
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12-Jul-2009 (one comment)

What Scares IRI


Old Ladies and Stelite Dishes

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12-Jul-2009 (2 comments)

News that much of the US mass media do not cover

Shah Ghollam

War Crimes and the White House: The Bush Administration’s Cover-Up of the Dasht-e-Leili Massacre

Physicians for Human Rights / Physicians for Human Rights
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12-Jul-2009 (2 comments)

Making sure Holocaust Industry will survive in EU

Shah Ghollam

300 schools to become Holocaust specialists

TESconnect / TESconnect
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Israel admits failure in its dirty game

Shah Ghollam

Arad admits Israel failed over Iran

Atheonews / Atheonews
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12-Jul-2009 (4 comments)

Shojaedin Shafa letter to Seyed Ali


Open letter to Ali Khameneii

Scribd / Shojaedin Shafa
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