Hoder released for a few days on heavy bail

113 Kilograms of crystal meth in cargo to Malaysia

Shifteh Ansari

Dubai Customs foils attempt to smuggle drugs

Khaleej Times
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

IRI is in denial!


Tehran chokes on pollution, regime denies blame

The Globe and Mail / Ramin Mostafavi
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08-Dec-2010 (one comment)

IRI's enemy within

Shifteh Ansari

Iran: the double-edged world

Open Democracy / Nasrin Alavi
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IRI to payTerrorist Hezbolah's Water & Electricity

The insane world


MasterCard DOWN: MasterCard.com, Swiss Bank, Lawyer's Site Hacked By WikiLeaks Supporters With DDOS Attack

huffington post / Raphael Slatter and Jill Lawless
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08-Dec-2010 (one comment)

IRI is terrorizing Iraqi war pilots


Wikileaks Exposes Iran's Secret Revenge on Iraqi Pilots For 1980s War

ABC NEWS / Staff
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08-Dec-2010 (2 comments)

New IRI form of Gasoline Cause of Severe Pollution


Heavy pollution takes a toll on residents in Tehran

washintonpost / Thomas Erdbrink
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08-Dec-2010 (17 comments)

IRIB:Heaven's Language is Arabic Hell's is Persian

War Is a Lie--Interview

Sahar Naaz

David Swanson on War and the lies that start them or are used to keep them going.

therealnews.com / David Swanson Is Interviewed by RT
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Mother Earth

Sahar Naaz

With Only Market-Based Solutions on the Table "The Continued Destruction of the Earth...Can Go on Quite Happily"

democracynow.org / Maude Barlow is Interviewed
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IRI: Ask Allah for Rain, we can't control SMOG

Reminds You of Another Country You May Know?


WikiLeaks: Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll -- Saudi style

CNN / Tim Lister
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