رئیس اتاق بازرگانی تهران

امامی كاشانی: مناظره‌ ها

Iran Warning on SMS/email


Iran Police Chief Warns Opposition Against SMS, Email Communication

Radio Free Europe / compiled from Radio Farda and agency rep
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15-Jan-2010 (one comment)

صدور حکم زندان

Farah in Point De Vue

Darius Kadivar

Fifty years after her legendary marriage, Farah Pahlavi is the heroine of the film "The Queen and I" opening in Paris

Point de Vue via farahpahlavi.org / Mincent Meylan
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15-Jan-2010 (one comment)


Darius Kadivar

Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi makes coverage of Canvas Magazine January Issue (PDF file)

canvas magazine (Dubai - UAE)
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Dressing Up ! ...

Darius Kadivar

Persian Dress Through the Ages

Irandokht.com / Naw Diana Htoo
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Did you say Jesus? Get on the green bus to Evin.

Charging extra to beat, shoot, and use tear gas

A killer blow against US-Iran ties


A killer blow against US-Iran ties

Asia Times / Kaveh L Afrasiabi
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ايرانی بی تبعيض