Majid Tavakkoli has been tried

Shifteh Ansari
Human Rights Activists News Agency
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Saanei Succeeds Montazeri


Ayatollah Saanei Succeeds Montazeri as Spiritual Guide for Iran's Opposition

Payvand Iran News / Shayan Ghajar
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07-Jan-2010 (one comment)

Robin Wright interviews Soroush


Abdolkarim Soroush: The goals of Iran's Green Movement

The Christian Science Monitor / Robin Wright
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The executioner't turn for shame?

Majid Zahrai

Iranian Panel Calls Official in Charge of Prison ‘the Main Culprit’ in Detainee Deaths

New York Times / Nazila Fathi
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IRI says it's not true

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IRAN: Did Tehran's consul to Norway defect because of violence against protesters?

Los Angeles Times / Alexandra Sandels & Ramin Mostaghim
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Getting more than they bargained for!

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Iran move to defrock dissident ayatollah opens rifts in theocracy

Christian Science Monitor / Iason Athanasiadis
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06-Jan-2010 (3 comments)

Sepaah owns Iran

Shifteh Ansari
Radio France International
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Watching from the refuge Mahmoud gave him

تحلیل ایران

Saead Soltanpour
کانون بیان / سعید سلطانپور
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The Butcher of Prisoners on Trial?

اعصاب خراب و اعتیاد فراگیر

iranpressnews / روزنامه ابتکار:
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