Let's see if Egypt truly changed or cosmatically


Iranian warships sailing through Suez poses prickly decision for Egypt

CNN / Moni Basu,
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net

CLass Struggle in Egypt

Sahar Naaz

Egypt's Workers Revolt; This Isn't About Mubarak

CounterPunch / Mike Whitney
recommended by Sahar Naaz
17-Feb-2011 (one comment)

Didn't the Shah give up Bahrain?


Bahrain as "Iran's Fourteenth Province"

The Telegraph / Wikileaks
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
17-Feb-2011 (one comment)

The Boundless hypocrisy of U.S. Foreign Policy

Afshin Ehx

The Shame of Being An American

OpEd News. Com / Paul Craig Roberts
recommended by Afshin Ehx

NGOs & "Democracy Industry" at Work in Egypt

Afshin Ehx

"Color Coded" Egypt; Did US-backed NGOs Help to Topple Mubarak

Eurasia Review. Com / Mike Whitney Inteviews K.R. Bolton
recommended by Afshin Ehx

Limits of Colonial Power

Afshin Ehx

Egypt: Social Movements, the CIA and Mossad

The People's Voice. Org / James Petras
recommended by Afshin Ehx

Colin Firth on Piers Morgan

Darius Kadivar

Colin Firth Doesn't support Monarchy (VIDEO)

cnn / Piers Morgan
recommended by Darius Kadivar
17-Feb-2011 (2 comments)

Where are they ?

Darius Kadivar

Anguish over mystery of missing Egyptian protesters

bbc / Paul Adams
recommended by Darius Kadivar

The Agenda with Steve Paikin (Video)

Darius Kadivar

Abbas Milani: Why the Shah Matters

channels.com / Steve Paikin
recommended by Darius Kadivar
17-Feb-2011 (one comment)

Next Iran demonstrations: Sunday, February 20

Shifteh Ansari

Iran opposition websites call for Sunday rallies

Ahram Online
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

more Green Demos planned for saturday!

Islamist Rapists at their best


Relatives Of Detained Iranian Protesters 'Beaten By Police'

Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
recommended by Fred

Of muzzles and nooses


Iran to block opposition chiefs' statement

smh.com.au / AFP
recommended by comrade