The Baha’is under the Provision of the Covenant forms its National Baha’i Council in India.
The Fourth Basic Baha'I (BUPC) Principle is: "Religion Must be a Source of Unity."
Neal Chase is the great grandson of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, third President of the Universal House of Justice of Baha’u’llah (
The followers of Ruhiyyih Khanum after the great Violation in 1960 are Khanumist’s, The Covenant Breakers and the Card carrying members of the Fake UHJ
Actually I am among the Baha'is under the Provisions of the Covenant which is one of the defendants (currently victors) in the litigation filed in the US court
“This House of Justice enacteth the laws and the government [executive branch (Davidic Kingship) of the UHJ] enforceth them.."