The Making of a West Residing, Yet West Hating Iranian Pseudo Intellectual

The Making of a West Residing, Yet West Hating Iranian Pseudo Intellectual
by Anonymous Observer

The great Fesenjoon created and sent me the artwork above s that I can use it in a blog. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized that the picture itself—as they say--is worth a thousand words. There is really not much to add. Fesenjoon has really encapsulated the duplicity, the idiocy and the treachery of our West residing, yet West hating closeted—and sometimes not so closeted—IR supportering Iranians. And these creatures STILL can not admit that they were wrong. They are STILL trying to dodge their utter responsibility for the 1979 devolution and the mess that we are in today.

Once again, another great creation by Fesenjoon. Blocked or not, he is one of the most influential users of this site.


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

AO; Fesenjoon and

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes the an-tellectuals of the 60s; 70s and 80s are still around babbling nonsense. What is missing is anyone who listens to them. You will never get them to talk sense. Might as well give it up. 

But you will have people who have figured out they were full of it. Who cares if a dog barks and no one pays attention. That gang lost credibility and will never regain it. My point is do not blame the mistakes of the 80s on us now.

Many of us were kids or not born then. We are not responsible for the stupidity of that generation. I hope this spells my position sufficiently. JM; MEK; Meli-Mazhabi are all things of the past. The dinosaurs remain but as oddities.

Anonymous Observer

MG Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

I agree with you that the Shah committed many fatal errors with reagrd to the clergy.  He totally misunderstood, underestimated and ignored their intentions-- and their power among the religious masses.  He also did not understand the ways in which the mullahs had intertwined themselves into every fabric of the Iranian culture and society.  But we cannot absolve the an-tellectual class, who knew, or should have known, the true nature and intention of the mullahs for advocating for the Islamic Republic and for going along with the Khomeinist ideology.   

Anonymous Observer

COP Jaan - Kind of weird that some people didn't understand

by Anonymous Observer on

the aubject of the cartoon.  How can this be about the 80's?!!!  The self righteous an-tellectuals were in full effect in the 80's, still gloating about their grand revolution.  At that time, they blamed all of IR's shortcomings and atrocities on the war.  It was not until the last decade or so--twenty years after the end of the war--that they ran out of excuses, and started blaming everything on the West, and reinvented themselves as talking heads and pundits.  Plus, this cartoon is not even about the Iranians inside Iran.  It's about these fossils who are still trying to remain relevant.  So, I don't understand the "1980's" comment.

It's also funny that VPK jumped on the "80's" bandwagon, and then started to contradict himself with comments that actually agree with the blog. :-))  I guess he just heard the name Fesenjoon and couldn't control himself.  





این خیلی درست است که: همه مردم و کشورها ۳ زمان بیشتر ندارند: گذشته، حال و آینده. در ایران ما یک زمان اضافی داریم: زمان شاه!  ۳۲ سال بعد از انقلاب کثیف  اسلامی، ما هنوز داریم شب و روز درباره شاه صحبت میکنیم.......




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Two things

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


MG: You keep posting the same thing to a lot of blogs. Yes Shah made mistakes but this is silly to blame it all on him. Another way to avoid personal responsibility. Oh it is all his fault and we are all innocent! 

As for Iranians getting paid by IRI I hear tis a lot. Does anyone have evidence of this. Or is it all conjecture. If so would people please show proof of a person who is paid by IRI for propaganda.

Bahram G

Someone explained

by Bahram G on

He, with a great air of authority, told me several things germane to the theme of this blog. I share his take with you gratis, for whatever it is worth. He said.1. There is nothing wrong in honest criticism of the West, since there is a great deal to criticize. Yet, so doing doesn't make the person an ungrateful louse. The slogan, "America, love it or leave it," is nonsense and smacks of fascism. A major beauty of living in the West is the freedom to speak up and let the chips fall where they may as opposed to what happens to you if you breathe even a negative word about the IRI in Iran. So, speak up and celebrate your right to do so.2. As for those West-residing intellectuals who criticize and may even hate the West, they fall into at least two classes. First, they are living in the West while having an stream of income from Iran, thanks to the thugs who run (ruin) the country. They just love it and want to keep things the way they are. Being an intellectual and being an upright human being are not one and the same. Some of the worse humans have been and continue to be from the ranks of the intellectual. Second, there are those residing in the West who are employed by the IRI. It is their job to tear down the West and sing the praises of islamism.I might add, he said, that there are also some dreamer idealists with significant problems in dealing objectively with reality as it is playing out in the west, since there is indeed a great deal of wrongs that can support these people's take.In short, he said, you need to listen to good argument with open mind. And you need to let people say their piece. It is in the marketplace of free ideas where humanity has the best chance of mending it's ways and choosing a just and equitable way of living.

Mash Ghasem

monarchy and shah were the most responsible for IR and Khomeini

by Mash Ghasem on

coming to power.

-From 1953, overthrowing Mossadegh with aid of Kashani


-Assisting Hojatieh

-Hezb Rastakhiz

-And last but not least, promoting and making Khoemeini a household name in Iran, with that stupid letter in Ettelaat.

Time to step up and own it, buddy. Don't blame anyone except your shah and his stupid monarchy.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

The Iranian

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


an-tellectuals of 60s, 70s and 80s were frauds. Specially the "social scientists". This has changed. No one takes that group seriously anymore.

Why did the support Khomeini? This is my analysis of them. We had several types:

  • JM Mossadeghi: They had a grudge against the Shah. Therefore were going to support the devil to get revenge. All they wanted and still want is to bring down the Pahlavi. Khomeini provided them a way to achieve that.
  • MEK: They wanted total power. In their minds Khomeini was a way to get rid of Shah. Then were out smarted by the Mollahs and lost. That was the second an-tellectuals.
  • Melli Mazhabi: These really wanted an Islamic Republic. Were followers of Shariati the charlatan. Thought it was the way to salvation.


Are you guys saying

by Cost-of-Progress on

that there are NOT Iranians (and a lot of Arabs)out there who reside in the West, use all that west has to offer them and yet beat the islamist drum, the leftist drum, the anti west drum and all other drums combined? You cannot be serious.

There are a lot of folks who still believe (for various reasons) that the Islamist takeover (second one at that) of Iran is the best thing that happened to Iran since the goosht koob!




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear rtayebi1

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I really don't know any Iranian that feels that way anymore, I think back in 80s that was true

You are right. The problem is that the "Great Fesenjoon" is still living in the 80s. Most of us got over it and moved on. But some people are stuck in the past. For them time stopped in 1979 and they still view Iran from that angle.

No force in the world is going to change their minds. They will be holding on to this mentality for the rest of their lives. That is something we need to accept. People specially older get set and do not change their minds.

Please remember a lot of people suffered badly in the revolution. Their Iran was totally put upside down. I see why it is so hard for them. It is not simple for me either. But it is much worse for some and they lash out.



by rtayebi1 on

I really don't know any Iranian that feels that way anymore, I think back in 80s that was true

Anonymous Observer

MG - True that Shah should have thrown Khomeini in sewer

by Anonymous Observer on

as soon as he started yapping, but what about Iran's so-called intellectual calss at the time?  What did they jump on the mullahs' bandwagon?  Didn't they have a responsbility to the Iranian people to tell them what the Khomeinist ideology was all about?  Or were they just a bunch of opportunist who thought that Khomeini will share the spoils with them if they acted like good lap dogs?  

Mash Ghasem

Shah as the biggest Khomeini Promoter

by Mash Ghasem on

AO: NO ONE IN THE  WORLD IS MORE RESPOPNSIBLE FOR PROMOTION OF KHOMIENI THAN SHAH HIMSELF. Before shah published that stupid article in Etelaat, majority of Iranians didn't have an idea if a Khomeini even existed.