Photo caption: this photo was taken at Vali Asr median right before the election
Photo caption: I took this photo for Maz Jobrani ;-)
The questions here are just rhetorical except the last one. I look around and I see so many;
my sadness beats your sadness and then 5 minutes later after reading a satire;
thanks I needed that!>>>
Photo caption: on the last day of campaigning prior to election day.
Photo caption: This picture was taken couple of days before election and the man is swiping the woman’s slogan and broke it out of one of her hands
Photo caption: around Vali Asr median.
This photo was taken at Vali Asr median (previously ValiAhd) in front of Cinema Ghods (previously Poolidor). The whole Vali Asr median was the center of Mousavi supporters gathering in the afternoons
This particular Mousvai campaign office was in a very busy thoroughfare and they had music blasting outside and giving out free ice-cold cherry-syrup drinks (sharbate aal-baaloo). Bah! bah!
It’s been a year since I wrote my Adios Amigos blog. Exactly one year and so much has changed in this one year.
Racism and sexism is ok. Add your hate du jour.
decided to go camping again and we had lots of fun.
With Memorial Day and the official (American) opening of summer, legions of manly men move to their backyards and decks with barbeque forks in hand, cooking meats and vegetables outdoors, the way god intended it and cave men and families lived it!
This movie is done in an impressive and respectful way to tell a story