The orthodoxy of our three Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have consistently treated women as a prized holding – valued but held in custody
Ayatollah Khomeini is being contentiously claimed as the spiritual leader, by both the Green reformers and the Red reactionaries. But what were his true colors?
One of the first times teaching a class in Canada, I caught a kid laughing at a scrap note, which said “Irani = Crazy”
Mani the Persian prophet of early Sassanian period teaches that contrary to the original Hindu beliefs, during the world-forming wars between Good and the Evil
During the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam’s regime used to take some of the captured Iranian soldiers to the radio and have them give “interviews”, broadcast in Farsi
In 20 short years, Nader saved Iran from servitude and mayhem, raised it to the level of a respectable regional power and then plunged it again in blood and anarchy!
Beliefs and relics are the milestones in our life journey. Without them, we would be lost like hapless travelers in a flat desert, with no clear routes or signs.
Similarities between the Jewish state of Israel and the Islamic republic of Iran show that, there are many paths to ruthless conduct
The two-state solution which is being slowly and painfully implemented, is the only viable solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict, but not much of a solution either.
The nation of Israel wants to survive, prosper and grow; and to that end, is prepared to sabotage, attack and demolish its enemies
Is Shia Islam? Of course, one can also question the Esmael’i, the Vahab’i and the Baha’i faiths, but as Shia is currently suffocating Iran, it warrants more scrutiny.