Ramadan and the Jews


by Boomerang

Yes, the Jews have fasting too, that's because Islam is in many ways a carbon copy of Judaism. That's because Islam was written by 3 Jews and one of us, Salman Farsi, the first and most wretched traitor to the Iranian culture. Please be open-minded and consider: Kosher/Halal, Salam/Shalom, circumsicion, prohibition against pork, jazieh (10% Islamic tax), fasting, etc., etc., etc. 

In reality, Muslims actually celebrate a Jewish sect, i.e., Islam, but a great many Muslims today despise the Jews and consider them "unclean." In fact, Muslims and Jews are half-brothers, as they both trace their lineage to one man, Abraham, who spawned the Jews and Christians through his wife, Sarah, and he also spawned the Arabs through his concubine (sigheh) Hagar.

All of this would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. A bunch of clever Jews got together around the time of Muhammad, who was himself married to a very rich Jew, and came up with Islam so as to stem the fantastically popular tide of Christianity, which was a phenomenon in those days. And these very clever Christ-hating Jews called their new reliegion, "Islam" -- the last word of God. After all, the Jews are masters of make-believe, lest you forget that nearly all of Hollywood was built by clever Jews in the early 1900's and is run by the Jews today.

Story-telling, make-believe -- fiction -- is their forte! Let's face it, the Jews are just great at spinning fantastic tales, i.e., ET, Rocky, Rambo, Karate KidAnnie Hall, Godfather, Top Gun, The Quran, and the Bible. It's movies for today's consumption, scripture for the ancients. 

This is fact. A fact of history. Now you all can shut down your brains and fast from sun-up-to-sun-down if it makes you feel good, but have no fear, Allah won't turn you into a piece of stone if you doubt his existence for a half-a-second! But really, don't you people think it's time we put aside all these fantastically fictive Jewish stories about God and his prophets and approached the question like rational, thinking adults? But don't mind me, you can go right ahead and believe that Moses parted the Red Sea and turned a piece of stick into a snake or that Noah gathered two of every organism on Earth (even two of every form of spiders) and gave them safety on his Arc.

Make-believe can actually be kind of comforting, specially for children. 




by faryarm on

I once heard this topic and p.o.v / conversation at a dinner party between some fellow guests. After listening to their various "fantastic" stories about Muhammad, all of which they had picked up from this amazing new book of theirs;

I asked:

If Islam was made up by these "clever" , "Christ-hating Jews" then why is Jesus Christ recognised as another Prophet of God , In fact , In Islam, the Prophet Jesus (Arabicعيسى عليه السلام‎ `Īsā Alayhi As Salam) is considered to be a Messenger of God who was sent to guide the People of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel.[1] 

Embarrassingly, The topic of this conversation came to a sudden silent end 

With respect,

The reason for all the similarities between religions is simple; they all have One Common Foundation, in One Creator. Each, religion is a new chapter in a never ending book of Spiritual education of mankind; each with a messenger bringing the appropriate social laws according to the capacity, needs and the conditions of the time.

We can go on mocking "religion" as outdated and obsolete for today; and thats true if we try to give literal meaning to symbolic stories or try to apply the social/ dietary  laws of a people living in the desert thousand years ago to today.

The truth is, that just as material and human education is progressive; so is the progressive nature of spiritual laws and the never ending need for wisdom and enlightenment.

I believe Iran in the late 19th century was again the beneficiary of a new revelation, for a new era ,  this time not for a particular race of people  or a place, but for the unification of the whole planet.


Dear Rosie, hello...

by Boomerang on

Why would you say such a thing, I'm not anti-semetic. Far from it, actually. I'm just telling the truth. The Jews are masters at spinning fantastic tales.

Am I not right?



 Iran is a prisoner of IRI


Dear Shazde,

by Boomerang on

It's funny that you thought I was a Jew.

Comical, actually.

I did say once that I prefer Jews over Muslims.

And yes, I may have been born into a Muslim Iranian family, just like the rest of us, but I have long since opened my eyes and pulled my head out of the sands of Arabia. I wish the rest of us would do the same, finally!

Good to hear from you!


 Iran is a prisoner of IRI

Shazde Asdola Mirza

You are on to something boom, but hold it right there "brother"

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

1. Sarah was the concubine and Hagar was the wife, because no man in his right mind would keep the old wife and kick the young concubine out!

2. "Muslims and Jews are half brothers": shows that I may have been wrong about you being Jewish. Cause a Jewish person may accept something like that (hey Cain and Abel were full brothers afterall), but would never say "Jews" so many times !

3. Welcome back to the tribe buddy ... I am now 99% sure that you are another crazy Iranian muslim like the rest of us.

PS: you hatred for Ramazan is also very telling.


boom boom room, you sound a tad anti-semitic today.

by Rosie. on

Is there anything I can do to help?