FIRMLY OPPOSED TO WAR ! says Reza Pahlavi


Darius Kadivar
by Darius Kadivar


Below is an interview given to Arab Daily Al-Watan by Iran's Former Crown Prince and heir to the Peacock Throne. I leave the interpretation or pertinence of this publication to your own judgment.



"I have vociferously rejected and expressed my opposition to any kind of military action against my homeland!" - Reza Pahlavi to Al-Watan Daily


Q1- What is your evaluation of the current Iranian policy in general?

A1- One has to look at the fundamental nature of the clerical regime in order to understand its true and ultimate intentions. Since its advent in 1979, the regime’s leaders – starting with Khomeini himself – set out to export their radical ideology to the region and beyond. The primary mission (raison d’être) of the regime is to convert other regimes to its own mold with the goal of establish a modern-day Islamic Shi’ite Caliphate. It is so stated and defined in its Constitution as well as that of the Pasdaran’s (Revolutionary Guards).

To accomplish this, the regime has to a) maintain repression domestically; and b) create diversions internationally (region) to shift attention away from its own shortcomings.

Q2- Do you aim at regaining the throne of Iran?

A2- To me it is the content and not the form of Iran’s future government that matters most. My current political mission and role is the leading of a vigorous campaign against the clerical regime with the sole goal of forcing its demise, replacing it with a modern, secular, democratic parliamentary system. This mission will end, in its current form, the day my compatriots go to the polls and freely choose for themselves their desired form of representative government. Beyond that point, my fate will be decided by the Iranian people whom I stand ready to serve in whatever capacity they deem me fit.

Q3- How do you evaluate the recurring executions carried out in Iran?

A3- The regime maintains its suffocating grip over the citizens by using brute force and repression of dissent. Gruesome acts of public executions are barbaric methods and chilling reminders of the fate of dissenters in Iran. Through fear and humiliation, the regime commands submission. Public stoning of women and the execution of underage youth are revolting reminders of the regime’s callous disregard for human life, dignity and civility.

Q4- What is your vision of the relations of Arab countries with Iran?

A4- First and foremost, a democratic government which would inherently be answerable, accountable and responsible to its citizens would be compelled to create and maintain an atmosphere of warm and sincere relationship with its immediate neighbors. Coveted for our energy reserves, our region has been subject to the tugs of rivalries and manipulations between East and West, or North and South, as during the Cold War. Today we have a variation of the same conflicts manifesting themselves in different forms including the danger of militancy and proliferations of an arms race.

We must address our futures collectively by rebuilding our alliances, strengthening our cultural bonds, resolving old conflicts, and investing within the region. Time heals all wounds as strong roots breed new life. Our history and destinies are inseparable deeply rooted and a common bond of tradition. I am hopeful in my generation and have seen among my good friends in the region the real possibilities that await our horizon.

Q5- How do you find the Iranian threat to the gulf countries regarding using the sleeping cells to carry out violent actions?

A5- This is the unfortunate nature of the militant regime ruling my homeland. Its commitment to the export of its ideology takes many forms; the most troubling of which is the free use of terrorism and support of militancy as a tool of foreign policy. To reach its grand vision of Shi’aa hegemony, it will not hesitate to use any method necessary to convert its neighbors, even at the expense of destabilizing them.

Q6- Where do you classify Reza Pahlavi in the Iranian opposition list?

A6- Simply that my role is inclusively unique, in that I play a pivotal role in unifying all factions on common grounds and against one common enemy.

Q7- Do you expect an American attack against Iran?

A7- I have vociferously rejected and expressed my opposition to any kind of military action against my homeland! There is a much better way – far less costly and more legitimate – to put an end to the principal source of militancy in our region: Supporting the people of Iran, as the most natural ally to the free world in their quest to rid themselves of the clerical regime. A combination of domestic pressure coupled with a cohesive international economic and diplomatic pressure will enable the people of Iran, an “army in place,” to rid themselves of the regime. It however very much concerns me that due to the mounting domestic problems the regime is faced with, it may in fact invite and seek such a confrontation.

Q8- What is your stance regarding the Iranian nuclear activities?

A8- It is quite telling that the very same countries which used to compete with each other to sell nuclear energy technology to Iran prior to Islamic Republic are today joining force to impose sanctions on the clerical regime in an attempt to prevent it from possessing it! This issue is about transparency, trust and accountability.

The clerical regime’s three decade long track record, its totalitarian nature, its domestic repression, its support for terrorism, its regional adventurism and lack of transparency on the very subject has rightly caused the international community to suspect the regime’s intent.

The regime plays on the nationalistic argument of Iran’s sovereign right to the technology. They need to be reminded that Iran had that right before they came to power. As a matter a fact, it is their behavior which is the cause for Iran today to be denied the privilege. For a regime that has violated just about any international charter and regulations, they cannot invoke the NPT only when it suits their purpose, and violate it by the same token when it does not.

But let us understand the ultimate logic behind the regime’s quest for the bomb. Be it via manufacturing or acquisition, the clerical regime views the bomb as its key to survival. Why? Because it will serve as a counterweight to the inferiority of its conventional military capabilities against the West. Under a nuclear umbrella, the regime would be able to continue its support of terrorism, undermine the region, holding it hostage with the ultimate goal to institutionalize itself.

The question is can the world afford that moment? I do not think so.

Q9- What is your view of Arab ethnicities in Iran?

A9- Iran is a country of 70 million people. It has been for centuries a mosaic of different ethnic groups, cultures and religions. The richness of Iran’s civilization stems from the many cultures and ethnicities we have. Out identity is an actual collection and infusion of multiple unique identities that have lived together through the ages.

From my point of view, whether Kurdish, Arab, Balouch or Azari, whether Shia, Sunni, Christian or Jewish, every Iranian citizen has to feel and be equal under the law, with full protection and practical sense of common ownership and belonging to the nation. The only way to guarantee this is through the rule of law and practice of a democratic, secular Constitution based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is what I subscribe to, and have pledged to attain for my homeland.

Q10- Do you dream of being shah of Iran? If it happens, how will you deal with the gulf countries, especially Kuwait?

A10- I dream of helping liberate my homeland from this transient medieval system of clerical rule. It is the Iranian people whose dream and decision will determine the final form of our future constitution and government. Having said that, and in view of my homelands culture and history, I am confident that a modern constitutional monarchy, similar to that of Japan, Spain, UK and Sweden, will be perfectly capable in institutionalizing democracy and help usher in modernity, progress and development.

As to Iran’s regional policy, it will, of course, be set by our future government and shall be reflective of the will of the Iranian people who aspire to a strong bond and friendly relations with all our neighbors. Personally however I am fully certain that a different era awaits our region, one which will be based on friendship, security and prosperity for our peoples. Relationships are based on individual decisions and actions. My generation will not loose a day or an opportunity to reach out to our neighbors. We have little time to waist and it can only be spent on building friendship and trust, and not by breeding conflict.

As for Kuwait we are particularly proud of the strong bond and friendship that exits between our two people with so many of our families having built strong foundations of common heritage through extended multi-generational linkage.

Q11- What is your vision to the Iranian dispute with the Emirates over the three islands?

A11- Again, we have much more in common with our Emirate brothers than needs to be built upon. The era of conflict and confrontation will be replaced with one of trust, friendship and regional prosperity.

Q12- Do you think that Iran interferes negatively in the Iraqi issue?

A12- Clearly there is plenty of circumstantial as well as concrete evidence pointing to this fact. The reason for this is two folds: a) the clerical regime could not have sat aside idly and watch its neighbor set the precedence of stability, modernity and a secular democratic state; b) the ability to sustain chaos gives the Islamic republic to set the stage for an opportunity to replicate itself in a land which is home to Najaf and Karbala, shiism’s two holiest cities.


more from Darius Kadivar

The mullahs rub elbows with

by Anonymous22 (not verified) on

The mullahs rub elbows with the Bush adminstration and are actually allies of the US in Iraq. This is precisely many Iraqi sunnis and true patriots hate Iran and call them by their deragatoy name, Safavids. Check out any sunni blog and you will see how much the IRI is hated for making an alliance with the US against the Sunnis.


Sasha, 1-I wish you could

by pro-Sasha (not verified) on

1-I wish you could read Farsi and check many of Kamangir's blogues and see how he openly advocated Iran's bombardment. More eagerly than ... and the comments below it.
2- Mossadegh never bargained with the Soviets!That is a great lie! HE was a constitutional monarchist (in the true sense of the word, like in England where the king does not actually rule) It is sad to see these lies against the greatest Iranian leader of the 20th century and the epitome of anti-colonial struggles in the world. Mossadegh believed in a neutral policy. A policy of neutral equilibrium between east and west. So he tried to negotiate and with both sides (east and west) to neutralize their efforts to bring Iran under their control and influence, until he was overthrown by the CIA and shaboon bimokhs (paid thugs).
2- It is funny and nonsense to say Khomeini bargained through Yazdi with the Americans. You must be total fool to say that! Because Yazdi has green card or was a US citizen does not make Khomeini bargain with Americans! (we have great idiots in this website who talk nonsense!).
Yazdi was recently denied a US visa (in Dubay) although his children live in the US and he has cancer.
3- I love both America and Iran. I am a dual citizen of both country and love both and I wish peace between my 2 countries. But this does not allow me to talk nonsense and defend a family of bloody dictators (the father and the late son). Democracy is the true key for IRan's success. I do not like at all the present regime but this does not allow me to agree with the idea of bringing back a corrupt and bloody family back to Iran. why not establishing pure democracy instead of all other deviant solutions?


Re: Abbas Mirza

by jamshid on

Abbas, first I hope you know what "abbas" means in Arabic.


You ask: "If he (reza) is so against an attack on Iran, why the fuck is this clown rubbing elbows with the most right wing, pro-war, Americans like the guys at the American Enterprise Institute?"


I don't know what you mean exaclty with rubbing elbows, but every Iranian leader has "rubbed" elbow with the same type of folks today and in the past.


Mosasegh rubbed elbows with the Soviets through the Tudeh party to further his goals.


Khomeini! Khomeini rubbed elbow with the Carter administration through "green card" Yazdi and many others to further his goals.


Heck, even the IRI is been doing the same. And forget about the Enterprise Institute. The IRI was and still is heavily rubbing elbow with the Bush admininistration itself. Have you so soon forgotten their "taslim nameh" soon after 9/11?


Let's see... who else? Bakhtiar! He rubbed elbows with Saddam.


Jebheye melli rubbed elbows with the US during the revolution. Some of their "members" were even visited by American generals.


Salmane Fars rubbed elbows with Arabs...


Well enough of this list of elbow rubbers already! I can go on all night.


So Abbas, get used to it. It is called politics which is a dirty business, but it does not mean one is a traitor, and if does mean so, then by the same token, Shah, Mosadegh, khomeini, IRI, bakthiar, reza and everyone else is a traitor too.


If you were just talking loud to yourself and venting off, then it's fine. But if you were addressing the readers then I have one thing to tell you: THIS IS NOT 1978 when people would actually fall for this kind of crap. If you want to prove that someone is a "nokar" you need to do better than this.


Re: A lesson for Sasha

by jamshid on

I can't believe the audacity of some people here. The individual who call him/herself "pro-sasha says this:

"Many of these people now having become anti-war overnight were 'bravely' advocating the bombardment of Iran during the past few months! Just take a look at the comments by Kamangir and the like of him and see what I mean..."


Well, I for one HAD taken a look at Kamangir's posts and anyone else who has done the same would have known that he WAS vehemently agaisnt a war, way before the NIE report.


Some people in here are either not paying attention or else they are engaging in false advertisement.

David ET

Pro or against..Who cares!

by David ET on

What difference does it make whatsoever what Reza Pahlavi thinks?!! Does it effect US policy? Iran's Policy? Iranians people?

What has he done in past 28 years that made any difference in Iran? NOTHING

 and nothing can be expected from him. He and his family belong to the past just as Ghajar family ...

Move on people , move on...look at history of the world...history does NOT repeat itself

as an Iranian he has the right to opinion but that is where it stops, nothing else...face the facts, accept that he is a nobody and  ....



To Agahi!

by khandeedam! (not verified) on

That was fresh bro! Nice going!


To aaj sr

by Abbas Mirza (not verified) on

you don't bring yourself to my level eh? good for you.
I made no mention of his father, although now that you brought it up he was a nowkar too.
I asked a simple question, why not try to answer it?
If he is against an attack on Iran, why is he keeping company with people who are constantly beating the war drum? Simple question isn't it? Why don't you try to answer it. Why does he rub elbows with the Iran haters of American Enterprise Institute?
btw. fuck IR too.


To Abbas Mirza: I don't bring myself down to your low level

by aaj sr (not verified) on

I do not bring myself down to your low level and insult you as you did in your blog. Simply I do not achieve anything.
The question is what has he done to deserve such a insult? IF, I mean IF your father has done something wrong, why you have to pay for it?
What do you know about him and what he is doing on a daily basis?. What has he done that you call him "Nowkar". If you know something about him bring it up, otherwise you know what you have to do!!.
If I call you Nowkar of IRI, am I correct?. It is easy to call anyone, including Mohammad, Ali, Hassan, Hossain, Mehdi, and including yourself a "jakesh", a mother $@$7$, a pedophile, etc. Do I need to proof it? I guess not. Talk is cheap, are you so cheap too?.
It is easy to call Mother Teresa, Gandhi, any name you wish, is this correct? But the readers are smart enough to see real you through your lines. We learned what kind of person Abbas Mirza is and that would effect your future writing,readership unless you change your name. Abbas Mirza: Be a human and not a beast.


he aint against an attack on Iran

by Abbas Mirza (not verified) on

If he is so against an attack on Iran, why the fuck is this clown rubbing elbows with the most right wing, pro-war, foaming at the mouth Americans like the guys at the American Enterprise Institute?
Could some kharkosdeh supporter of him explain this to me?
Why doesn't he come right out and condemn the likes of Michael Ledeen and Timmerman and sever relations with them all together? It's really simple but he doesn't do it.
There is only one explanation for this and that is because his is a fucking Nowkar of these guys.


one question for the group:

by Q on

Is it OK to call Mr. Kadivar a Shahollahi or a Shah supporter and criticize him as such?


And we are firmly opposed to Pahlavi and Pahlavis

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

bayad keyo bebinim?


Dear Sasha, thank you for

by pro-Sasha (not verified) on

Dear Sasha, thank you for your humanitarian concerns... You are an outsider who sympathizes with Iran and want to find the right solution for solving the problems. You do not want the people to suffer and...
But you don't understand us Sasha, that is why our opinions seem a bit weird and unnatural...
See Sasha: all most of us want is this: How to get rid of mullahs by 'any price' whatsoever and bring back the royal family to Iran.
That's the real issue.

Sasha this point I am just ..........

by Sasha on

 At this point I am just greatful Iran will not be destroyed like Iraq and Afghanistan. The next issue is what about Sanctions on Iran? Is it a good idea or not? How will it affect the Iranian people who need to be helped? Will Sanctions help bring about any government change in Iran?  They have to realize that the leaders of the IRI will not really suffer because of the sanctions, it is the regular Iranians that will really feel the effects of the Sanctions. I have mixed feelings about Sanctions but I will read about it on this web site and will also discuss it with some of my Iranian friends before I make my own decision on the matter.



Natalia Nadia


khashmgin, R U angry because of NIE or what?

by Abol-ali (not verified) on



Sasha, aren't you amazed how

by pro-Sasha (not verified) on

Sasha, aren't you amazed how Iranians change color overnight? YOU can feel that because you are an 'outsider'! (WE've got used to it!
that's part of our archetypal personality!)
Many of these people now having become anti-war overnight were 'bravely' advocating the bombardment of Iran during the past few months!
Just take a look at the comments by Kamangir and the like of him and see what I mean.
To get rid of the mullahs and bring the royal family back they wanted their country to be bombed (and even nuked! more eagerly than others) they would even give instructions as to 'how the bombing should be done'!
Now overnight they have become anti-war! and men of peace... God bless them


آکهی تسلیت

Agahi (not verified)

آکهی تسلیت

بدینوسیله خبر مرک ناگهانی دوشیزه ناکام آرزو جنگ طلب را به اطلاع دوستداران ایشان می رساند.
این واقعه در اثر برخورد در تقاطع بده-بستان میان شاهراه های شیطان بزرگ و محور شرارت اتفاق افتاد ودوشیزه نامبرده و شخصی به نام آبروی امریکا جان خود را از دست دادند.
این مصیبت بزرگ را به همه لابی های اسراییلی و نئو کانهای محترم تسلیت گفته و بقا و دوام ایران غیر اسلامی را خواهانیم.

همچنین مراتب تسلیت خود را به شخصیت ها و سازمان های زیر ابراز می داریم:

تونی بلر- جان بالتون- ریچارد پرل- مایکل لدین – پل ولفوویتس- نیکولا سارکوزی (ملقب به تازه داماد ناتوان)- برنار کوشنر- رضا پهلوی - مریم و مسعود رجوی- شاهزاده های پابرهنه سعودی، کویتی و اردنی- دست راستی های نسل دوم (و دست دوم)
بنگاه های پارازیت پراکنی صدای امریکا و رادیو فردا

از مرده خورهای محترم : روضه خوانها، قبر کن ها، بچه های آیت الله ها و قرآ ن خوان ها خصوصا عبدالکریم سروش تمنا دارد برای خوردن حلوا و قیمه پلو اجتماع نفرمایند. مخارج مراسم سوگواری دو جوان ناکام جهت صرف شراب شیراز و شامپاین خرج خواهد شد.


bla bla bla bla

by Drs. Soraya Ghotbee (not verified) on

The same redundant and boring recital. The interview is over, now let's go and have some congnac, I am tired.

Does anyone have any Cuban cigars, I am exhausted..........


Nice gesture, but how can we trust him!

by . (not verified) on

Thank God he is at least against the war with Iran unlike many of his followers and other bozos who wish American bombs vaporize Iranian cities!
When he talks about democracy, rule of law, repressive and brutal regime, etc., he is either so ignorant or overly forgetful of how his father ruled Iran with an iron fist for 30+ years. Or perhaps he thinks that people have already forgotten the recent history.
Let us not forget that the current regime has inherited many of human rights violations from the previous one. Did we have true democracy, freedom of speech, social justice, free and fair economy, etc. during the Shah's totalitarian rule? Remember that the notorious Evin prison and the dreadful secret police SAVAK were invented and in full operation with the blessing and encouragement of the west back then.
The interviewer should have asked the former prince about his opinion regarding his father's performance. If he is really honest, he should come forward and condemn the previous regime records the same way he does those of the current one. Otherwise, he cannot be trusted and is perceived just like any other opportunist talking head.


To Javad X

by Khashmgin (not verified) on

Javi joon you say that "any asshole can say they are against the war". Javi, since you are against war too, does any of those assholes you are refering to include you?
You ask "Is he (reza) using his influence to denounce Leeden." Javi, didn't you in another post say that Reza does not have any influence whatsoever in Iran's politics? So are you admitting that you were liying? Or are you admitting that he does have an influence?... Javi?
You also say that RP is having a dinner with the neocons. Were you there too Javi joon? I claim that you had TWO dinners with the lower level neocons, and you were offered money too. What are going to do about my claim?
To counter my claim, don't you think you should rephrase yourself from:
"any asshole can say they are against the war"
"any asshole can say somebody had dinner with somebody else"
Are you with me Javi?
Next you ask "Why doesn't he (reza) come out and say that IRAN (not IRI) has a right to enrich Uranium"
Did you read his interview Javi joon? You see, he did say that Iran has the right to nuclear technology, but it is the IRI that because of its ideology is denying that right to Iran, not the west. Have you asked yourself why the west not only did NOT deny nuke tech rights to Iran, but they even "compete" with each other to sell the most modern nuke tech to Iran during the Shah's reign?
You also said that "nice to see him jump on the bandwagon when everybody else has concluded that war is a mistake". Javi where have you been? Reza opposed the war from day one! What bandwagon?
Javi, Javi, Javi... Were you born just today?



by Sasha on

 Apparently it does to some of the people on this web site but I refused to back down. I don't care what they call me. Tearing up Iran with a war will help no one and more precious Iranian blood will only be spilled.


I don't know why most  assume that because I am Muslim I think everything is okay with the current government of Iran. I can clearly see that things are not as they should be in Iran. I also don't like that because of the negativity with the current government of Iran Islam is seen in such a bad light. They have done more damage to Islam than anything else I have ever known of. So many people have grown to hate Islam because of the IRI.


Religion was suppose to be a personal choice and not imposed on anyone. It is not the way God intended it.



PS: Thank you for your explanation. :o)


Natalia Nadia


To: Javad x; Ignorance made you fool and backward

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Read his interview once again, he has answered most of your questions, if you cannot see it, that's your ignorance which made you blind . Why do you have to insult when you cannot reason?. APPRECIATE WHAT'S BEEN SAID NOT WHO SAID IT. If you do not like him personally, that's understandable but if what he says is correct and make sense, accept it and do not make fool of yourself.

You cannot fight with logic.
How do you know he is not using his influence to stop the war?
You may have some issues with his father, but what's wrong has he done to you or anyone?. Read the interview once more, he wants to be treated like any Iranian individual and if there is any future for him, in any capacity, then that would be the people's decision. Are we looking for real democracy?, that's what he is suggesting. Unless you want IRI and it's constitution to continue, then be assured that you are in denial and backward.


Re: Sasha

by jamshid on

Opposing the war does not earn you the label of Islamofascism. Supporting the IRI does however. When talking about war and IRI, it should always be clarified whether you oppose the war AND the IRI, or do you oppose the war AND support the IRI. In the abcense of such clarifications some (rightfully) sensitive people could pass the wrong judgement onto you.


I hope that helps you in the future as I know you are still learning about Iran.


Newsflash: Bush/Cheney ALSO against the war, so is Khamenei

by Javad X (not verified) on

any asshole can SAY they are against the war, but what is this guy doing to stop it? Is he using his influence to denounce Ledeen? Podhoratz and the Neocons who want war? No, he's having dinner wit hthem. Is he challenging Bush and the US media on the LIES designed to prepare public opinion for war?

Where was he when two UN sanctions passed against Iran BASED ON LIES? What did he say when Iranians were being held hostage in Iraq and a "shoot to kill" order was given for ANY Iranian in Iraq? Why doesn't he come out and say that "IRAN" (not IRI) has a right to enrich Uranium, even if this government is bad?

nice to see him jump on the bandwagon when EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD has concluded that war is a mistake. If he cares about Iranian PEOPLE, he will oppose sanctions as well.


Hamin ye princeo kam dashtim

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

Hamin ye princeo kam dashtim opinion bede


Okay, then.........

by Sasha on

 You agree then that military action against Iran is not the best solution to the problems in Iran. You yourselves know that Reza Pahlevi knew that Iran would only end up in economical turmoil like Iraq and Afghanistan.


I have voiced my oposition to war many times on this web site only to be labeled Islam-facist and proIRI.


Like I said even Reza Pahlevi had the common sense to know there needs to be better options to a better Iran.



Natalia Nadia


Sepas Shahzadeh

by aryamehr11 on

Well said by the Crown Prince of Iran.

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!



The only respected figure

by Kamangir on

Reza Pahlevi has always been against military measures against his country. I have watched many of his interviews and I do appreciate his honesty and political common sense.

Many years ago, right before and during Khatami's ludicrous arrival and show, he warned both the European and the North American as well as the Iranian citizens, that the IRI is not reformable. We have seen this and well.

Reza Pahlevi is the only political figure, respected around the world. He's appreciated by many average and normal Iranians, whereas the backward arabo-muslims (many of whom visit this site) are keen on one of their own (ahmadinejad)