Times are bad (worst) and if you look at the employment sections of newspapers there are hardly any jobs and the ones available are either highly technical where employers are having a hard time filling them up or are thousands of applicants for the remaining handful. I remember in the years past the employment section was a large supplement, almost a book!
And then you hear about the hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs every month, filing for unemployment benefits and entering the legions of unemployed across the country. On the other hand imagine the atmosphere at work where people are in fear of losing their jobs and the bullshit they deal with on a daily basis. I remember watching a news report (CBS News I think) couple years ago where the reporter went to talk to a career advisor on how to keep his job. One of the advices he received was to ‘walk faster’ in hallways and always carry some ‘extra paper’ with you! Like you’re on a mission! He said walking faster can give the impression to your boss or coworkers that you’re always busy doing something and therefore needed!
This article, The Productivity Myth, is a good read to think and ponder. “So here's the paradox: Americans are working 10 percent fewer total hours than they did before the recession, due to layoffs and shortened workdays, but we're producing nearly as many goods and services as we did back in the full employment days of 2007.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke called these gains in productivity "extraordinary" and unforeseen at a recent Senate hearing.
There's a simple, visceral reason for the gains, Mr. Chairman, and it's called fear. If colleagues around us are being laid off and cut back, we can't help worrying that our jobs may be next. Our survival instincts kick in, and we push ourselves harder, so we're not the next one to go. We get more done, which sounds like good news and certainly explains higher productivity.”
Even if you never had any fear of losing your job or were confident that with your skills, education and experience you will always find a job, the fear is now installed in you! One look at the openings (very few), the applicants (unlimited) and witnessing what your unemployed friends and family are going through will instill fear in anyone.
Recently Matt Damon, whose mother is a teacher and was with him at the time, went ballistic, and rightfully so, on a cameraman when he suggested to Matt Damon that ‘10% of any profession are bad and should look for other profession or employment elsewhere.’ Matt Damon’s response? “Maybe you’re a shitty cameraman.”!
One of the worst things you can have in these times - the reason I decided to write this blog - is having a shitty boss or shitty co-workers who in order to save their own ass will not hesitate to throw you under the bus or stab you behind your back. Also, for us Iranians another reason for these lunatics can be that while there are so many “Americans” out of job why not give this job to an “American”?
I have a shitty boss and some shittier coworkers at times. I think while in better times we can take on shitty bosses and coworkers, in these times we should try to live with them. It’s just not worth the risk. I remember few years back when people were hopping from one job to another; employers would consider giving them raises just to keep them from going to competition or for fear of not being to find a suitable replacement. Like a seller or buyers market in real estate. Now-a-days if you decide to blackmail or otherwise play coy with your employer the only response you’ll get is; don’t let the door hit you in the back on your way out!
At times I feel like 10 people are not only doing their own jobs but are venturing into what others do and telling them that they’re doing it wrong! It’s not even their job or their call and it’s becoming more and more annoying. Everybody is in fear and hanging on no matter what you do or the position you have.
Incivility a growing problem at work Psychologists says. Sometimes we may be doing it ourselves without even knowing it. Like the earlier advice to “walk faster and carry some extra paper with you” in order to exude the appearance of being busy, we can be uncivil to our coworkers in our emails and communications to show we know what we’re talking about. In response to an uncivil coworker what do you do though? I say from time to time let them have it and let the chips fall where they may! Screw the generic advice of the old days like “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” or “be patient” and so on and so forth! No not really, just kidding always be careful!
I wonder how Iranians are doing these days in these tough economic times. I know we’re good at competing with our friends, family and siblings into buying bigger and more expensive homes and stuff. During the easy credit and mortgage loan applications I have no doubt many bought homes they couldn’t afford and are now feeling the pinch.
Sometimes I wish I could have a simple job and not using my brain or skills at all. Perhaps a job that my only concern would be how much leaves I can blow away with my leaf blower or a punch in punch out job. Although the neighbor’s grass is always greener!
Please read the links I provided in this blog, they are not long articles but points in identifying the times and trends we live in.
Photo caption: in Baharestan square. The old profession of filling applications for various Government red tape functions is still ongoing.
Recently by Esfand Aashena | Comments | Date |
Goodbye the old iranian.com, I'm gonna miss ya ;-( | - | Dec 05, 2012 |
Persian parties are like Persian history! | 34 | Dec 03, 2012 |
In memoriam of i.com freedom fighters! | - | Nov 09, 2012 |
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What else can we expect ...
by Bavafa on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:50 AM PDTWhen we are constantly living beyond our means, spending with $$$ we don't have and we are only a reflection of our own government.
Sadly this society (i.e. extreme capitalism) encourages such practices.
Meanwhile in our family, we are spending only the what we have earned, minus some savings.
Great blog!!!
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
Tell me the virtues of
by vildemose on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:44 AM PDT//www.dailykos.com/story/2011/08/08/1004748/-Tell-me-the-virtues-of-capitalism-now?via=spotlight
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx
This is exactly what's
by vildemose on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:27 AM PDTThis is exactly what's going on. Capitalism is not sustainable indefinitely. Marx was right all along.
""Capitalist economies have survived until now for a lot of reasons, not least being the willingness of governments to fix the systemic problems that capitalism must create as a byproduct of its wealth accumulation function. To grow, you must eat, which means you must poop. What you do with that poop is a measure of how advanced you are as a life form.
But more recently, I have settled on the image of a round peg in a square hole. that is not a problem until the hole shrinks or the peg becomes too large. Resource depletion and the lack of true "new markets" are that shrinking hole (along with ever deeper and more frequent recessions - capitalist poop), while the maturity of "First world" economies are that larger peg. There is no wiggle room left, and the peg cannot fit anymore.
That is the essence of the new focus on austerity and cutting throughout the capitalist world. We the masses of people are the casualties as the owners regroup. Problem for them (and us) is that nature does not cotton to capitalism. She has ways of dealing with unchecked growth, and we are rapidly approaching a natural "correction" that will be unprecedented in it's effects on the world's wealth, resources, and ultimately, population." "
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx
Obama is the Mahdi who will save everyone from the doom & gloom!
by Esfand Aashena on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:06 AM PDTDuring the 8 years of the Bush administration having control of the congress for most of his presidency he spent like crazy, gave tax cuts, corporations made record profits and the financial institutions died on their own vomit.
The real estate boom is at the heart of the global financial crisis and because it is so large and so many homes and buildings made at such record profits (now losses) and now hardest for people to buy their first home with tight credit scores, it's just not going to go away anytime soon.
The criticism of Obama these days revolves around not standing up to Republicans like he should've done with allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, first in exchange for extending the unemployment benefits fight and then next on the Government shut down and then on this debt ceiling increase.
Considering the consequences, at which one of these 3 milestones did he have a better timing to stand up for eliminating the tax cuts? I'd say during the Government shut down debate. There was more to lose at the other 2 milestones.
But he is moving things right along. Like in a dysfunctional family you don't have harmony but still manage to raise the kids and make a living.
Everything is sacred
Structural Crisis of Capitalism
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Aug 09, 2011 09:50 AM PDTAnd so far the Capitalists have won.
Surplus value
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Aug 09, 2011 09:05 AM PDTYour fine and timely blog poses some real good, fundmental and timely questions regarding the relationship between labor forces, productivity, generated wealth and it's final distribution. Please take a look at this link which should start answering some of your questions:
I can testify to you that my and my colleagues productivity is much higher and my employer is is breaking it's profit records every single quarter, but the "markets" are very volatitle. which means the "value of my labor" could change from quarter to quarter. This is a dilema for my employer paying me an agreed fixed salary. This is how job security (or lack of it) becomes an isuue.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
For the first time in a
by vildemose on Tue Aug 09, 2011 08:57 AM PDTFor the first time in a long time -- at least in the dozen or so years I've been old enough to be politically aware -- a space has opened up for real radical change. The evidence is global -- panic on the streets of London, financial chickens coming home to roost in the USA, neo-fascism ascending in Hungary, protests across the globe, nuclear breakdown in Japan, the Maghreb overthrowing its despots, Israel engulfed by protests, Syria and Lebanon rocked by protesters. This is a global and world historical moment we're entering.
Yes, that sounds extreme, but look around -- the world is on fire right now, and not just because of climate change. People are rising up and standing for their rights against autocratic governments and multinational corporations. In the weeks and months to come, this fire will only spread. We're entering an era that, when historians deliver their verdict will resemble the 1960s in terms of global change. It's already beyond Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Jintao et al. This is an epistemic and economic break.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx
The upcoming massive budget cuts will only add fuel to fire!
by Esfand Aashena on Tue Aug 09, 2011 08:40 AM PDTThe $2 - $4 Trillions in spending cuts that they're talking about is actually people's job inside and outside the Government. All the Government contracts and supporting private sector jobs that go along with them will be gone. The revenue will even become less because people won't work and won't pay taxes on not working.
The defense cuts of $800B this holiday season will have a huge impact on jobs and revenue. One of the things people want is for the DoD budget to shrink. Well unlike the entitlements like Social Security, Medicare and Medicare where it is a one way street and Goverment pays people and gets nothing in return, the defense budget or budget of other Government agencies actually creates jobs where people pay taxes back to Uncle Sam. The higher the salaries the more the taxes.
Republicans don't want tax increases and say Washington doesn't have a "revenue problem" it has a "spending problem". Well you cut the Goverment budgets and contracts and you're bound to get even less "revenue"!
Everything is sacred
Timing article Esfand Aashena
by Maryam Hojjat on Tue Aug 09, 2011 08:16 AM PDTYou are absolutely RIGHT. We all must try to keep our Jobs. Believe me I have been worrying too eventhough I work in Federal GOV as a scientist not in a private Corp.
Es-fun-d?! Still fun!
by Esfand Aashena on Tue Aug 09, 2011 08:06 AM PDTI don't think JJJ worries about jobs or job market in general but he is one of a kind! The rest of us are in it for better or worse.
Times are tough and I think by and large people are downsizing whether on the corporate level or individual level. For example, small cars are in more in demand now and the era of big SUVs are over and people moving to small SUVs. Bigger homes are harder to sell and so on and so forth.
Worst downsizing? accepting lower pay after you lose your job.
Everything is sacred
Great article Esfaand jan
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Aug 09, 2011 07:55 AM PDTI particularly loved the section about walking faster. I remember years ago, I had this job. My first level supervisor walked fast. His boss walked faster and my third level manger walked the fastest.