Making Sense of the Increasing Chaos Around Us


Making Sense of the Increasing Chaos Around Us
by faryarm

You don't have to be a News freak to be aware of the unfolding chaos and uncertainty, around the world; from the financial crisis, to cholera outbreaks in Southern Africa, to bomb attacks, and piracy.

What happens in Iran, here in the USA or anywhere around the world, is the result of total breakdown in every area of human life.

As a Bahai, however, I have since I independently became one, read the writings of Baha'u'llah Which warn caution humanity about its future and the road it has to take to achieve harmony and Global peace.

I like to offer te following as some food for thought and reflection in an attempt for the average, even non religious to make some sense of the seemingly unprecedented challenges we are to face in the coming months and years..

I like to quote the following from

In October 1985, the Universal House of Justice released a statement, addressed to the peoples of the world, entitled “The Promise of World Peace”. It was written “out of a deep sense of spiritual and moral duty”, to bring to the attention of the world “the penetrating insights first communicated to the rulers of mankind more than a century ago by Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Bahá’í Faith”. I recently re-read the 14-page statement, to try and get some perspective on what’s happening around me. It is a succinct, visionary document which gives a clear analysis of the historical forces that have led us here and I would like to share with you some of the passages I found particularly illuminating.

The House of Justice first sets the scene with this description of the world (of the world in 1985, but equally applicable to today):

The winds of despair”, Bahá’u’lláh wrote, “are, alas, blowing from every direction, and the strife that divides and afflicts the human race is daily increasing. The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appears to be lamentably defective.” This prophetic judgement has been amply confirmed by the common experience of humanity. Flaws in the prevailing order are conspicuous in the inability of sovereign states organized as United Nations to exorcize the spectre of war, the threatened collapse of the international economic order, the spread of anarchy and terrorism, and the intense suffering which these and other afflictions are causing to increasing millions.”

The discussion then takes on the effects of various ideologies and dogmas, and religion, on the state of the world:

No serious attempt to set human affairs aright, to achieve world peace, can ignore religion. … Writing of religion as a social force, Bahá’u'lláh said: “Religion is the greatest of all means for the establishment of order in the world and for the peaceful contentment of all that dwell therein.” Referring to the eclipse or corruption of religion, he wrote: “Should the lamp of religion be obscured, chaos and confusion will ensue, and the lights of fairness, of justice, of tranquillity and peace cease to shine.” In an enumeration of such consequences the Bahá’í writings point out that the “perversion of human nature, the degradation of human conduct, the corruption and dissolution of human institutions, reveal themselves, under such circumstances, in their worst and most revolting aspects. Human character is debased, confidence is shaken, the nerves of discipline are relaxed, the voice of human conscience is stilled, the sense of decency and shame is obscured, conceptions of duty, of solidarity, of reciprocity and loyalty are distorted, and the very feeling of peacefulness, of joy and of hope is gradually extinguished.

what are your thoughts ?




more from faryarm

Don't wonder? Think !

by faryarm on

Don't wonder...When you can not examine the facts , understand the gravity of the world around you or discuss it objectively.

This is no religious mumbo jumbo , it is based on fact and history; and yet you are acting just as the "brainwashed" character you think I am.

You Call it brainwashed; I call it belief,direction, and purpose ..with, reasoning,facts,  and history at hand...

what is yours? 

"Tosh" is  the is perfect description of why world affairs are on the brink of collapse... 

and the "meh" is perhaps the factor closing your mind.. that could become "bikar"

How much wisdom does it take to have an open mind to at least examine the facts...

Think, not wonder..





Now you've made me wonder

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

how many braincells it takes to get brainwashed and how many fingers to type tosh.

Bikaran "....ra meh gerefteh ast..."


“Argh” to love for complacency.

by faryarm on


Dear Anonymous..

Go Back to sleep, no need to worry...perhaps

The winds of despair”,  “are, alas,  NOT blowing from every direction,

and the strife that divides and afflicts the human race is NOT  daily increasing.

PERHAPS THERE ARE NO signs of impending convulsions and chaos .....

THAT there is NO  threatened collapse of the international economic order, the spread of anarchy and terrorism, and the intense suffering which these and other afflictions are causing to increasing millions.” 

You want status quo?  wake up and see reality, we are entering an age long foreseen in the history of mankind, going back to Day 1 of our written history.

You want Status Quo?

“perversion of human nature, the degradation of human conduct, the corruption and dissolution of human institutions, reveal themselves, under such circumstances, in their worst and most revolting aspects. Human character is debased, confidence is shaken, the nerves of discipline are relaxed, the voice of human conscience is stilled, the sense of decency and shame is obscured, conceptions of duty, of solidarity, of reciprocity and loyalty are distorted, and the very feeling of peacefulness, of joy and of hope is gradually extinguished.

Is this “hocus pocus”...or are the people in your world and status Quo different?

With All respect:

“Argh” to love for complacency and ignorance....

Get over it, The Truth always hurts.




It's not all doom and gloom...

by faryarm on

It's not all doom and gloom...

The whole point to all this , is to give it some meaning; that is not to surrender to the challenges and calamities we face as one human family.

That there is a Credible and Authoritative Source that has our best interest "at heart" and has foreseen both the challenges and the victories that lie ahead. 

 That we has humanity have to wake up , take responsibility for each other and for our children's future.

"In all ages the Prophets of God have foretold the coming of an era of "peace on earth, goodwill among men." As we have already seen Bahá'u'lláh, in the most glowing and confident terms, confirms these prophecies and declares that their fulfillment is at hand. `Abdu'l-Bahá says: --



"... in this marvellous cycle, the earth will be transformed, and the world of humanity arrayed in tranquility and beauty. Disputes, quarrels, and murders will be replaced by peace, truth, and concord; among the nations, peoples, races, and countries, love and amity will appear. Co-operation and union will be established, and finally war will be entirely suppressed. ... Universal peace will raise its tent in the centre of the earth, and the Blessed Tree of Life will grow and spread to such an extent that it will overshadow the East and the West. Strong and weak, rich and poor, antagonistic sects and hostile nations -- which are like the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and kid, the lion and calf -- will act towards each other with the most complete love, friendship, justice, and equity. The world will be filled with science, with the knowledge of the reality of the mysteries of beings, and with the knowledge of God. -- Some Answered Questions, pp. 74-75




Mehdi Jaan, He said to NasiridShah:"This Things is not from me"

by faryarm on

 Mehdi Jaan,

From His Exile and Prison Cell , Baha'u'llah wrote the following to Nasiridin Shah:

"O King! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch......" 

".....The learning current amongst men I studied not; their schools I entered not. Ask of the city wherein I dwelt, that thou mayest be well assured that I am not of them who speak falsely..." 

Baha'u'llah (Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nouri) was a young man when He was arrested with His family and exiled by Nasirdin Shah in 1852 and exiled from Iran to Iraq, then to Istanbul, Adranopple , then finally to the Turkish ottoman Prison colony of Akka, where He passed away in 1892.

It was not Baha'u'llah but his eldest Son and the interpreter of His writings Abdul Baha , who, when freed by the young Turks in 1908, was able to travel to the west in 1911 and 1912.

As a member of the noble class Baha'u'llah ( The son of minister to Muahammad Shah Qajar) He received an elementary education, consisting of reading, writing, calligraphy (a very highly regarded art form), the study of the Qur'an and the works of some famous Persian poets. Only the Shia Islam divines at that time received extensive education. He was known from His boyhood on several occasions to expound with simplicity and eloquence on abstruse and mysterious traditions of Islam in the presence of  Islamic scholars and clerics who were astonished at the depth of His knowledge and His profound utterance. This, in a culture in which, although government officials wielded authority, the all-powerful clergy looked down on them as inferior beings, unworthy to enter with them into the realms of knowledge and learning.

The lack of formal education is important to note. The Manifestations of God, in most cases, were devoid of learning. Moses and Christ were not learned men. Muhammad was not educated, but when Divine Revelation came to Him, He uttered the words of God. The Bab and Baha'u'llah had elementary education's, yet their knowledge, which was derived from God, was innate and encompassed the whole of humankind. In one of His Tablets, Baha'u'llah revealed the source of His knowledge and the divine origin of His Mission in these words:

"O King! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing. And He bade Me lift up My voice between earth and heaven, and for this there befell Me what hath caused the tears of every man of understanding to flow. The learning current amongst men I studied not; their schools I entered not. Ask of the city wherein I dwelt, that thou mayest be well assured that I am not of them who speak falsely. This is but a leaf which the winds of the will of thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Praised, have stirred." (Excerpt from Baha'u'llah's letter to Nasiri d-Din Shah, proclaiming His Station)




as if birdflu, bugs and bombs weren't enough

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

now it's baha after us too.
Get over it!

I was looking forward to reading an article about the current status quo, instead I get hocus pocus and a claim on morality. Argh, the usual nonsense.


Sounds like Baha’u’ lllah was an extremely educated man

by Mehdi on

Especially for his time. travelled to the US? Man, he was way ahead of the rest. No wonder he envisioned world view as opposed to nation view. Others had probably still no idea that there was a world out there. Even today some people don't realize that! And he was clearly a man with compassion about others and concerned about peace. He obviously recognized the need for work needed to bring mankind together. No wonder he had so much trouble.It's no easy task dealing with ignorance.


Proof of Divine Vision in recent history

by faryarm on

The proof of a faith's authenticity is its fruits, its positive  effect on people's beahviour  and ability to unite diverse peoples , not in miracles or prophecy.

However for the purposes of this blog and the subject of the current world crisis, it is important  to show some precedent from recent world shaking events.

On his first visit to the US, Abdul Baha warned the west about an impending world war;

he said that the world is an armed camp....The Great War follwed in 1914 where an unprecedented millions died.

Years later he later said:

Neither the force which the framers and guarantors of the Peace Treaties have mustered, nor the lofty ideals which originally animated the author of the Covenant of the League of Nations, have proved a sufficient bulwark against the forces of internal disruption with which a structure so laboriously contrived had been consistently assailed. Neither the provisions of the so-called Settlement which the victorious Powers have sought to impose, nor the machinery of an institution which America's illustrious and far-seeing President had conceived, have proved, either in conception or practice, adequate instruments to ensure the integrity of the Order they had striven to establish. "The ills from which the world now suffers," wrote `Abdu'l-Bahá in January, 1920, "will multiply; the gloom which envelops it will deepen. The Balkans will remain discontented. Its restlessness will increase. The vanquished Powers will continue to agitate. They will resort to every measure that may rekindle the flame of war. Movements, newly-born and world-wide in their range, will exert their utmost effort for the advancement of their designs. The Movement of the Left will acquire great importance. Its influence will spread."

(Does anyone remember Communism?)


 Then in 1929 and 1930, then finally  in 1938 long before the advent of the Second World War, 1939-1945 The Great Grand son of Baha’u’ lllah  and the translator of His writings into english warned of yet another Great World Conflagration that we can today confidently call the Second World War. At the time America enjpyed total isolation from the rest of the world and it people and governmnet had no appetite to again involv themself in a seconfd world war; It took the Japanese attack on pearl harbour to draw America “into its vortex”.

In 1938 To American Bahais He wrote: 

The world is moving on. Its events are unfolding ominously and with bewildering rapidity. The whirlwind of its passions is swift and alarmingly violent. 

The New World (USA) is being insensibly drawn into its vortex. The potential storm centers of the earth are already casting their shadows upon its shores. Dangers, undreamt of and unpredictable, threaten it both from within and from without. Its governments and peoples are being gradually enmeshed in the coils of the world’s recurrent crises and fierce controversies.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are, with every acceleration in the march of science, steadily shrinking into mere channels. The Great Republic of the West finds itself particularly and increasingly involved. Distant rumblings echo menacingly in the ebullitions of its people. 

On its flanks are ranged the potential storm centers of the European continent (Nazi Germany and Japan as the AXIS powers vs The Allied Powers England and USA England ) 

On its southern horizon there looms what might conceivably develop into another center of agitation and danger. The world is contracting into a neighborhood. America, willingly or unwillingly, must face and grapple with this new situation. For purposes of national security, let alone any humanitarian motive, she must assume the obligations imposed by this newly created neighborhood. Paradoxical as it may seem, her only hope of extricating herself from the perils gathering around her is to become entangled in that very web of international association which the 88 Hand of an inscrutable Providence is weaving.That the world is beset with perils, that dangers are now accumulating and are actually threatening the American nation, no clear-eyed observer can possibly deny. The earth is now transformed into an armed camp. As much as fifty million men are either under arms or in reserve. No less than the sum of three billion pounds is being spent, in one year, on its armaments.

The light of religion is dimmed and moral authority disintegrating. The nations of the world have, for the most part, fallen a prey to battling ideologies that threaten to disrupt the very foundations of their dearly won political unity. Agitated multitudes in these countries seethe with discontent, are armed to the teeth, are stampeded with fear.

History seems to be repeating itself ...




I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

What about the fires in California? And the hurricanes?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

These can be interpreted as "signs" as well. 

American Wife, I hate to sound like a jerk, but this God you talk about, sounds like an imaginary friend that a kid talks about, only for adults. Now I'm not saying God has to be serious and lofty and all that. I understand life is every bit as ridiculous as it seems when we're kids. Here's where I agree with you. I agree with your right to think and believe what you wish about God. If it helps you, that's wonderful. But have you been persecuted for it? No. I think my beliefs are rooted in the over all persecution I have witnessed and the hatred. This is one reason I love Americans since I came here. They are so god damn nice. Have you ever seen the movie Borat? If that sh*t was happening in Iran, people would starting punching and slapping each other. Instead, Americans are so kind that they just sat their with that moron and smiled. 


Why should there be only one God?

by Mehdi on

What's wrong with having many Gods? I think many Gods makes more sense than just one. No?


Dear Izzy...

by faryarm on

You said that we have always had the Chaos? 

Never indeed have there been such widespread and basic upheavals, whether in the social, economic or political spheres of human activity as those now going on in different parts of the world. Never have there been so many and varied sources of danger as those that now threaten the structure of society. The following words of Bahá'u'lláh are indeed significant as we pause to reflect upon the present state of a strangely disordered world: "How long will humanity persist in its waywardness? How long will injustice continue? How long is chaos and confusion to reign amongst men? How long will discord agitate the face of society? The winds of despair are, alas, blowing from every direction, and the strife that divides and afflicts the human race is daily increasing. The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appears to be lamentably defective."


What is benig experience in the world today is unprecedented..

Global issues need United Global solutions; do i really need to list them...

A few starters from today's news:

1. International Terrorism

2. International economic Chaos

3. Nuclear threat

4.Global warming, vanishing coral reefs.

5. famine, war in congo

6. Zimbabwe; Disease, aids, Hong Kong Bird Flu etc



What we can possibly comprehend ...

by faryarm on

What  we can comprehend about God is examples from Nature with regard to God, Creation and the Spiritual world and its relation to the material world.

Many here, will readily deny the existence or the need for an Omnipotent Universal force. I recently heard an analogy which helped me to understand the relationship.

It is said that, every physical being has a spiritual counterpart. The Tree representing  human existence.  The tree gets its material sustenance  from the earth, it However will cease to exist without the rays and the light from the Sun. Humanity, therefore needs the same spiritual strength and guidance from its Source. 

Material sustenance alone is not enough for the health of the Human tree; This tree craves for enlightenment and guidance from this Unknowable Essence is UNDENIABLY The FORCE that gives Life to every living thing.

This Unknowable essence However has revealed "itself" through Manifestations from Day ONE, whenever that was...Our more recent history knows them to be Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah, with others to follow in the future.

Through Them, This All Knowing power has guided mankind in every age, according whatit could understand.

So when you read the above words, which were written over a century ago, at a time when there was no International Terrorism and Anarchy, a world without Global Markets, a world without instant communication, travel and mass migration.

A mere mortal  being, no matter how Wise or educated could not have in the Nineteenth Century, persecuted and exiled in a Turkish prison cell have conjured  up with such clarity and stunning accuracy, describing to the letter our current 21st century predicament. Only an All Knowing All Wise Universal Power could have revealed to Baha'u'llah  such Knowledge of our future and solution to the challenges.

I should note that These words are not written for style or effect; EVERY word and “ syllable” has meaning and consequence.... 

The winds of despair are, alas, blowing from every direction, and the strife that divides and afflicts the human race is daily increasing.

The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appears to be lamentably defective.” This prophetic judgement has been amply confirmed by the common experience of humanity. Flaws in the prevailing order are conspicuous in the inability of sovereign states organized as United Nations to exorcize the spectre of war, the threatened collapse of the international economic order, the spread of anarchy and terrorism, and the intense suffering which these and other afflictions are causing to increasing millions.” 

The Question is , are we not experiencing today what was described in the 1870s?

and what do we or can we do about it ? 


For more indepth examination please see


American Wife

don't put words into God's mouth?

by American Wife on

Listen... my faith is kind of a blind one.  I understand the contradictions of it.  But I believe nonetheless.  It's a "faith" kind of thing.  But please... don't think for a second that the bible or torah or koran were written by God himself.  Therefore, we ALL are putting words in God's mouth... wouldn't you agree? 

And my God is a humorous God as well.  My God isn't one of those fire and brimstone Gods.  So I can think whatever I want of him.  And I prefer to think he's got a good sense of humor... :-)

I believe religion is a personal thing.  I believe in a firm separation of church and state.  I believe religion should be as far removed from politics as it can be.  I believe politics should keep IT'S nose out of religion.  It should be free for any and everyone.  Or NO ONE.  I don't believe every word in the bible or the torah or the koran.  I believe acts of violence done in the name of religion are sacreligous.



Purpose of religion.

by Tahirih on

The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of God’s holy Will is to establish unity and concord amongst the peoples of the world; make it not the cause of dissension and strife.  The religion of God and His divine law are the most potent instruments and the surest of all means for the dawning of the light of unity amongst men. The progress of the world, the development of nations, the tranquillity of peoples, and the peace of all who dwell on earth are among the principles and ordinances of God.  Religion bestoweth upon man the most precious of all gifts, offereth the cup of prosperity, imparteth eternal life, and showereth imperishable benefits upon mankind. ~~ Bahaullah~~


the sheep and the shepherd and the rebelious wolf

by Nokhode har ash (not verified) on

you need to read Gods words and see what he says about rebellious people. (start with Quran) and dont forget the meek and the lowly shall inherit the earth not the blabbering manic.
with your background you know well what Mohammad did with the rebels of his time.
Dont put words in Gods mouth, he has enough written account for you to read, i mean the scriptures.
what a rip off, only if youd think about how true is what you wright, youd be writing books.

American Wife

check out this book... it was pretty interesting

by American Wife on

The author was giving it away on Hollywood Boulevard (where else) several weeks ago.  I was going to throw it away because I don't do the "spiritual thing".  But it got stuffed with other books to read and one day I just picked it up.  There's a website that will tell you a little bit about it.  IGNORE the hot-button words and read the synopsis. 

My dad always said the fastest way to lose friends was to discuss politics and religion...LOL.  What would he think about;-)


ps... to Pudding:  I think God rather likes rebels...:-)


no pudding for you

by Nokhode har ash (not verified) on

lady with the crush
No one is ever going to prove God to you. God is above your contentions.
you will find God if He so wishes.
like everything else there are pre-reqs for this one too.
You wanna do good in this world and beyond, you Liston to your folks, stay in school and do good without asking why should I learn math.
then when you are thru you begin to appreciate first your educators then your ears.
to find God you gotta stop being such a rebel, ask to learn not to deny.
what makes you think that God wants you to know Him for the wrong reasons. As Mohammad said they asked him why not angels but a man like us and he replied but the angels are not safe with you, sit down if you can and think about that.
For everything there is qualification try to qualify, rebellion will not serve you. Start with the annoying avatar and leave your baggage behind.
tell the kids I love them, just say it and dont worry about it.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Izzy, your comment is interesting 2012 theory.....

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

But I wonder, is 4 years really enough to get us to that point of self-annihilation? I don't think so. Unless it's about nuclear ash heaps, I don't think it can happen so fast. 

Also, American Wife, I agree with you. Hopefully you're right and I'm wrong. I'd like to think when we die we get to live our dreams and frolick with friends and families and pets. I'm not joking here either. 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Oh 'Deceiver' !!! my feeelings. Give me the tissues!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

You are so intelligent and great. Using my words about American culture against me..... oh dearie me mommy. Wa wa wa. Deceiver is out to get me because I wrote something mean about Reza Pahlavi methinks. By immerse I meant that decision I made much much before, not now. As you can see, my power of reference is not too bad. I'm not as FOB as I used to be. But what I said is true, I left all that b.s. about Iran behind. I'm glad to see there are strong warriors like you who are keeping the flame burning. nyuck nyuck nyuck. Oh and why am I on Because it's like crack cocaine! Admit it y don't ya.


Without religion you can't even write a sentence!

by Mehdi on

There are those who hate religion or try to invalidate it and these days they generally argue that science and religion are two opposite things. They also tend to claim that they are scientific simply because they don't believe or like religion.

The fact is that the word religion is not easy to define these days. We see "religions" fighting other "religions." It seems that even God doesn't know who to bless and who to damn. Apparently the leaders of religion are sometimes among the most criminal and the most depraved. So how can we decide on religion?

There are those who get tired of it all and want to shoot all of it down and put it away. I am afraid it is not possible. If we consider the opposite of religion to be Materialism, the theory that there is nothing out there other than matter, and energy, etc - the physical, then everything we know and understand becomes absolutely meaningless! If you could truly believe in Materialism, why would you for example try to correct others? Would a brick care if another brick is "right" or "wrong?" If we are all nothing but objects, then how can we define right and wrong? How can we br proud or sorry or anything? None of that makes any sense! 

We may not know what religion exactly is or what God is, etc, but that is no reason throw it all away. We must continue and work at it and clean up misunderstandings and figure out the truth. We must not settle for a fake and invalid theory and out of exasperation decide to be an idiot. We really get nowhere by hiding our head in the sand.


World Peace: 2012

by Izzy (not verified) on

Dear Faryam,

The world was always on chaos. The religion is not the answer. Have you heard of a conspiracy called 2012. It is very popular these days. The new movie called The Day Earth Stood Still will be released this Friday and talks about the upcoming catasrophes on Earth and these beings from Planet Nibiru which are even mentioned in the Bible called Nephilims will bring peace. Why? Religious fanatiscism, global warning, wars, famine, inflation, world economy, cult movements, etc. The former president, Reagan, said 20 years ago, "....Perhaps we need an outside universal threat to teach us a lesson and settle down our differences world-wide...." There are bunch of classics being released next year on the year 2012. MERRY CHRISTMAS


To big mouthed MARGE: STOP being a nuisance

by Deceiver (not verified) on

Immerse (yet better drown)yourself in the American culture (why are you on IRANIAN.COM in the first place?!!!), stop putting people down and stay the hell out of discussions that are above your blue head, little hag.

American Wife

you're exactly right...

by American Wife on

There is no absolute proof, one way or the other.  So.  You call it magic.  I call it God.  Do you see that there really isn't any difference between the two?  There is SOME kind of entity.  Now... what happens AFTER that is where the mess begins.  I don't think I can say that religion is a bad thing because I do have my faith.  But I'm not going to deny that it has been warped and twisted into this vicious and violent machine... made by MAN. 

I'm not arguing with you girlfriend.  I'm just saying that there IS something out there.  WHAT you call it is immaterial.  I have the utmost respect for anyone having their own opinion.  I'd never presume to lecture or dictate or try to convince anyone of anything.  There are too many unknowns. 

And I'm aware that this is not what this particular blog is about.  I'm straying from the discussion as it pertains to Bahai.  I don't know diddly about it.  How would an atheist define creation... who or what IS the creator?   

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

American Wife no one knows for sure. But saying God seems....

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

too easy! I don't have the answers either, but relying on God for everything doesn't make sense to me. That first particle that became the universe and space and the sun. no one knows. No one. I don't think God does either. Sorry. Plus, what's God origin?. Where did he or she come from? What created God? Nothing before God? It sounds like magic to me. Where did God get the ingredients to make space and black holes and atoms and all that in order to make the universe? It sounds like he was a scientist to have designed stuff the way we see it. LOL intelligent design is right! But there's absolutely no proof. I'd rather slap a question mark on it and let some nerdy, unsexy scientist discover it than Reverend Wright or Imam Hamid. Sorry :(

Also, this bahai thing, the topic of the blog, I don't agree with it. Here's why, the pretense is that religions must come together. Well for atheist freaks like me, where do we belong? My spirituality (however you wish to define that) is not rooted in God. Next, For me to belong to this "solution" I must be Bahai. Unbelievers are not welcome I think. I respect everyone, but I don't respect religion. I don't bash someone based on their faith either. I just don't agree and since there is no "answer", it's not worth arguing about. If it was, the world wouldn't be at the mercy of all these religions. All the conflicts are rooted in religion. Paganism all the way. Socrates and Aristotle come back!


Trebek groupie one more thing

by Bahá’u’lláh (not verified) on

What if Bahais know a lot more based on their readings and claims? This blog itself is offering Bahai solution to world's biggest problems. If only everyone knew and would follow these directions we wouldn't have any problems.

See here is a link to what this man said somewhere else about how comprehensive Bahaism is:


"It should be said without any "Taarof" , the fact is there are no definitive answers out there, there is no ideology, either secular or religious that so comprehensively anticpted the challenges of thecoming centuries and so comprehensively and authoritatively addressed, personal, local, national and global issues we face today. "

Now why would you doubt such a strong solution? Why don't you take another look and become an independent achieveing person like this blog said and join?

American Wife

point taken

by American Wife on

But getting back to my question.  How DO you think it all started?  I don't think God is responsible for good or bad.  I think people are.  I think God gave us all choice and basically left in all in our hands.  Do you believe in a "being"... some greater power?  Let's forget the word religion for a moment.  Get past the bullshit DONE in the name of religion.  I'm not disagreeing with you on that.  I'm asking about creation?  Where do you believe it started? 



Alex Trebek groupie!

by Bahá’u’lláh (not verified) on

But Islam is bothering Bahais in Iran. Shouldn't Bahais have a special place and pampered outside Iran? Many Bahais are well read and know a lot about everything. You should realize this and separate them from other religions.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

You are narrow minded. THAT'S why you haven't noticed.

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I haven't contradicted jack crap. I have always prefaced stuff I write about Iran with "I HATE IRI" specifically because of turds like you. And its true. I hate Zoroastrianism, Islam, Bahai, Catholicism (especially this one) Christianity and Judaism. I hate it all. Time to evolve. Oh and I also think Monarchy is a type of religion too. that whole issue of loyalty and worship and all that is creepy. Good old reason and atheism for me. Make it a double!

In addition Mr. Deceiver, you have a reading problem. What I wrote is that I don't bash any religion because it only adds fuel to the conflict. If I talk crap about one religion, some other jackass comes along and tells me how this one is the real religion, Zoroastrianism, or Judaism or whatever. It's all a bad cycle. I don't oppose and I don't praise. However, when I see someone like samsam1111111 blatantly dis a religion, I have called him out. Why? Not because I give a rats @ss about Islam. I always say I don't care. But, I think he's just adding to the problem. Whatever you say about Islam, you can say about most other religions, so let's think of a better solution than bashing each other? Ok? Can you LIVE WITH THAT in your pretty little genius head?

In general, Im not even interested in Iranian politics. Whether it's IRI or rajavi or pahlavi. It's all complete bullshit and that's mainly because of lunatics like you that i'm turned off from it, or participating in it. Not to mention that I live in the United States and I moved here with the intention of fully immersing myself in American culture. Whatever is left of Iran inme, I'm proud of, but not the politics.

p.s. thanks for calling me GIRL aziz. it makes me feel so young and perky.

Oh and if I am insignificant, so are you. Remember that when you try to lodge it against me as an insult. We are all insignificant walking blobs on a planet amongst a bunch of others. Islam isn't the problem. People being morons in general is the problem. If I wanted to defend a religion, I'd do it the old fashioned way you dimwit. Not by putting up an avatar of a famous but influential and sociologically important cartoon character. 



To I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek: U GOT THE NERVES girl!

by Deceiver (not verified) on

You are contradicting yourself by saying "My thoughts are that religion SHOULD be ignored. I hate religion" while you have continuoulsy ridiculed, put down and mocked whoever who opposes the theocratic religious government of Iran in your extremely boring shallow craving-for-attention rantings on this Website, for as long as I can remember, and I have never ever seen you write one word , even one single lousy word against that religion-based tyranny in Iran (not that it means anything coming from an insignificant shallow person such as yourself)!!!!

BUT you certainly have the gall to come and claim now that you ain't give a horse's ass about religion! GO SUCK AN EGG!

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

American Wife! I love you BUT

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

How do you know what God intended? You are assuming God wants good. God has never spoken never been present. I don't believe in this "it was a miracle" stuff either.