MAHMOUD on Larry King

MAHMOUD on Larry King
by Haj Seyd Mammad

Larry King of CNN interviews Ahmadinejad after his speech at the Annual General Assembly meeting at the U.N.

They cover a lot of subjects including the controversial comments such as wiping Israel off the face of the earth; denying the Holocaust; no gays in Iran; etc.

Quite entertaining - Hope you enjoy it:

Mah - Je
Uploaded by moskam


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Kaveh Nouraee

Tell Me What You Think

by Kaveh Nouraee on


This is an interview she gave some time ago. The sound quality isn't the best. But there's no doubt that she's here translating for that monkey. Although she's not speaking with the higher pitch she's using on Larry King, the accent is exactly the same.




قاسم (not verified)

‫پاشو برو پیه مشق و درست، سیاست به تو نیومده جانم.



by Hamid Nasr (not verified) on

You said: "Ahmadinejad would make any Iranian proud to be represented by such an intelligent, wise and brave and yet humble leader."

I say: Speak for yourself and other hezbollahis like yourself, not for me. I will never accept having this murderer idiot as my representative to anything.Iam ashamed by the lot of them. I am also ashamed by the likes of you who appear educated but talk just like the mullahs.


Larry King stuff

by farokh2000 on

I did not watch Larry King's program. In fact, I don't watch him much.

But at the same time I know that he has brought a lot of interesting figures on his program and no one has asked for his head.

For example, he has brought Bushes on, no?

Who has done more harm to humanity, Ahmaghinegad or GW?

Isn't his program all about these issues? 

I am sure all of our Iranian friends know that the President of Iran, no matter who he is, has no decision making/executive powers and all of the decison making comes from the head Mullah.

Ahmaghinegad is only a puppet for the Mullahs, like Bush is to the Warmongers,no?.  


Kaveh, Was that really

by skatermom (not verified) on

Was that really Ebtekar? The ex vp of Iran translating? I can't stand this woman's voice. The way she accentuates certain syllables and words are like nails on a chalkboard. It's high pitched and whiny. I thought her name was Maryam Ebtekar. Anyway, the whole thing gave me second hand embarrassment. I couldn't hear the fool say agar ejazeh bedeen one more time. Did he really say Iranians can lead private lives in their own homes? Dear god let's hope his Iran Air flight careens off the runway before take off.


KN: Isn't that strange??? If

by ...pp (not verified) on

KN: Isn't that strange??? If indeed, the translator is Niloufar Ebtekar, then there is something definitely wrong with our state department. Is there a source or a link to verify her presence in the US and as the translator on the interview on CNN???

Kaveh Nouraee

Antarinejad's Translator

by Kaveh Nouraee on

is none other than Niloufar Ebtekar, who calls herself Massoumeh now.

This is the same creature who was the spokesperson for the gang of hoodlums who took over the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979. During that time, she was referred to as "Screaming Mary".

Being that she undertook such a high profile role in that event, how is it that she was issued a visa to come to the U.S.?


عوام فریبی

‫قاسم (not verified)

‫این محمود سر هر سؤال، خودش یک سؤال میکرد... همة هم و غمش فلستینیا بودن، پنداری اگر اونا مشکلشون حل بود محمود حرفی دیگری برای گفتن نداشت...این هم و غم نیست، این دو دوزه بازی است... بیشرم, وقتی کینگ ازش پرسید داستان حقوق بشر تو ایران چی میشه، محمود گفت منظورت چیه... انگار در ایران این اعدامها ، زورالکی به مردم، پای مال کردن حقوق زنان، انگاشتنشون مثل شهروندان دست دو، کشتن بی رویه زن و مرد و جون ، و .... اینها همه یک مسئله عادی هستند .... نخیر این کفتارها خوب میدون دارن چکار میکن. ما اگر بخودمون نیایم انوقت دیگه دیره.

مردم بپا خیزید


Shame on Larry King.

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Shame on Larry King.



by Abarmard on

Then let's just not know those who disagree with us and gun them down.

I think we have that too. So don't worry too much about people might begin to understand one another, we are far from that. 


CNN's Journalism is an Axis of Drivel

by faryarm on

Bringing this Zealot and giving him a platform to spout shameless hypocricy is a crime in itself for the sake of ratings..

Where is the substance? 

CNN's Journalism is an Axis of Drivel