News Release: Ahmadinejad at Columbia University


by Hope

Ahmadinejad is scheduled to speak at Columbia University tomorrow and there are already news trucks lined up on Broadway. Protesters are getting ready for a rally, and there are pictures of hangings and people who have been lashed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. President Bollinger states:

"On Monday, September 24, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is scheduled to appear as a speaker on campus. The event is sponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs (see SIPA announcement), which has been in contact with the Iranian Mission to the United Nations. The event will be part of the annual World Leaders Forum, the University-wide initiative intended to further Columbia’s longstanding tradition of serving as a major forum for robust debate, especially on global issues.

In order to have such a University-wide forum, we have insisted that a number of conditions be met, first and foremost that President Ahmadinejad agree to divide his time evenly between delivering remarks and responding to audience questions. I also wanted to be sure the Iranians understood that I would myself introduce the event with a series of sharp challenges to the president on issues including:

  • the Iranian president’s denial of the Holocaust;
  • his public call for the destruction of the State of Israel;
  • his reported support for international terrorism that targets innocent civilians and American troops;
  • Iran's pursuit of nuclear ambitions in opposition to international sanction;
  • his government's widely documented suppression of civil society and particularly of women's rights; and
  • his government's imprisoning of journalists and scholars, including one of Columbia’s own alumni,
    Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh (see President Bollinger's statement on Dr. Kian Tajbakhsh's release).

To read his entire comment go to: //

Despite his statement, many people are up in arms and horrified that Ahmadinejad has been extended an invitation. There is a Jewish protester right in front of the main gates on 116th and Broadway with a poster showing Ahmadinejad and the words "Go to Hell."

I would think that the people who despise him the most would be happy that he has been invited to be challenged. If he is an evil person, then shedding light on to his evilness is a good thing. Ignoring him is not the solution, dialogue is necessary to break barriers and create change.

The Columbia Iranian Student's Association made this statement:

I. CISA EXECUTIVE BOARD Statement – 9/22/07

The Columbia Iranian Students' Association (CISA) is a non-political and non-religious organization that is open to all members of the Columbia University community and the community at-large, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. The purpose of CISA is to organize functions, meetings and other events that promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Iranian history,culture and traditions.

As a point of clarification, the invitation extended to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was extended by the University, not CISA. CISA is comprised of individuals with various opinions and beliefs. Our Association supports organized and constructive discourse and debate in an academic setting. Regarding this specific event, our organization's focus is to support the united students' efforts to provide a safe and productive outlet for the expression of students' views.

CISA would also like to take this opportunity to remind our community that many Iranian students on our campus are being placed in a sensitive position. CISA would like to ask all members of our community to be respectful of our peers and not make assumptions about their personal, political, or philosophical perspectives based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin both today and everyday.

Lastly, we would like to remind the Iranian community that we are always available and that you should feel free to reach out to us with any concerns or for any support you might need.

II. On Monday, a non-partisan group of students, the Columbia
Coalition is organizing a forum for student groups and individuals to express their views in ten-minute slots at a podium on Low Plaza. This will be starting at 11:30am and going until 5:30pm (with a gap during the actual event from 1:30-2:30pm). The campus will only be open to Columbia affiliates on Monday, if you would like to attend the forum please remember your CUID. If you would like the opportunity to speak at the forum, send an email to the Coalition (although do not assume you have a slot until you receive confirmaton).

III. CISA will be holding a discussion section for Columbia students on Monday at 6:00pm in 569 Lerner. This will be a safe and comfortable environment for any of you who want to express your opinions and feelings to each other.


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Protests Against Ahmadinejad

by Anonymous913 (not verified) on

Protests Against Ahmadinejad on Monday
Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 3:06:15 pm PST

What: Ahmadinejad to speak at luncheon at National Press Club by videolink
When: Protesters needed from 11:00-2:00. Come for however long you can.
Where: Washington, DC: National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW
Please note: Attendance inside is limited to NPC members, their guests and accredited media only.
Our protest will be held outside of the NPC Building at the corner of 14th and F Streets NW which is close to the Metro Center metro station.
For More info: Contact Meagan Buren at 202-230-7389 or Brandon Gray at 202-857-6627

What: Rally led by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the Jewish Community Relations in cooperation with United Jewish Communities, UJA-Federation of New York and Jewish Council for Public Affairs. Speakers include Debra Burlingame, sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame, III, (Capt., USNR, Ret.), pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.
When: 12 p.m. (rain or shine)
Where: NYC: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 2nd Ave. at 47th St.(across the street from the UN)
For more info: Conference of Presidents, 212-318-6111 or or the JCRC, 212-983-4800, ext. 161 or

What: Rally by students from Columbia and dozens of other organizations.
When: 12:30 - 3 p.m.
Where: NYC: Outside Columbia University at W. 116th St. and Broadway- only people with Columbia student IDs will be allowed on campus. The main protest will happen on Broadway on public space next to the building where Ahmadenijad is speaking, so even non Columbia people can protest at this event.




by Anonymous911 (not verified) on

Apostates's blog:


Other Apostates




Ahmed Salib //

Pakistani Atheist
Khalas! //
Not Muslim Anymore //


Islam Watch

Azer Majedi
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ibn Warraq

Ali Etraz (Islamic philosopher)anit-Khomeinist and IRI



Muslims Against Sharia

by Foad on

I never heard of this organization not that I was looking for it either. I strongly urge all American and Iranians to allow him to come to Columbia and participate in the conference. Calling him Hitler is like making a mountain out of an ant hill. The same exaggeration was done toward Saddam by similar Zionist group and result is the current quagmire in Iraq. Iran next to Israel has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East and last time I was in Iran I saw Jewish synagogue open and teeming with worshipers. I believe more he talks more he will shoot himself on the foot. In fact very similar to GW demeanor. Demonstration and asking questions are our right but shutting up a dialogue is not. May be we all can learn something. Foad


Qumars: I guess Iranian and

by Anonymous911 (not verified) on

Qumars: I guess Iranian and Islamic hatred toward America and the West is just dandy but when it comes to infidels, everything is their fault. You have been living in a different planet if you think the anti-muslim and moderate muslim movement against fascist Khomeinist and Wahabbis don't represent a significant segment of the world. These movements have just started and getting organized across the globe...The Khomeinist and Wahabbi fascist that you that you're apologizing for are doomed.


Ahmadinejad is a degenerate

by Iranian Jew (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad and his supporters do not represent more than a few percent of the entire Iranian people. He is a backward-thinking degenerate who sells his country and culture to the Arabs. Iran and Iranian culture will continue forever - this despicable regime is only temporary.
Iran and Israel are natural allies against the Arabs.
Shame on Columbia for inviting this sad excuse for a President that rose to power through voting fraud.
Columbia's private Jewish donors - which comprise a large portion of its alumni base - will remember this next time Columbia goes around asking for contributions. Columbia is about to take a big hit.


Thanks for the great

by Qumars (not verified) on

Thanks for the great service. You are doing nothing less than helping to prevent a war on Iran. Conflicts like this can only occur if there's deep hatred and misunderstanding, as was the case with Iraq.

Also, to our friend in at the bottom: "Muslims against Sharia" represents the "Muslim organizations" only to the extent that Naturei Karta represents the "Jewish organizations." Actually NK USA is way more influential.


This movement and its declaration must be supported

by Good_Post (not verified) on

by Ex-Muslims Unite (not verified)
#09 Sun Sep 23, 2007 09:08 AM PDT

Political Islam is this era’s totalitarianism aimed at bringing and maintaining Islamic laws, schools and states where possible.

To the extent and degree it has power - that is the extent and degree to which it controls every single aspect of people lives and society.

And since its rules and system are divinely ordained, they are deemed to be unquestionable.

Which is why apostasy is the highest crime punishable by death in all countries ruled by Islam and why there is absolutely no tolerance for criticism.

While the political Islamic movement sentences apostates to death where it is in power, here is Europe, its tactics are more subtle but just as inhuman and brutal.

You only need to look at threats surrounding the Danish Mohammad caricatures, the assassination of Theo Van Gogh for his and Ayaan Hirsci Ali’s film on Islam’s treatment of women, and the death threats against heads of the Councils of Ex-Muslims have received to see how seriously this movement deals with criticism and particularly apostasy.

From their perspective, apostasy is the unravelling of the entire system from within.

If you question one law, one hadith, one sura in the Koran, you question it all.

If you are allowed to leave, you undermine it all.

Which is why I have received emails saying ‘once a Muslim, always a Muslim - you cannot leave.’

To which, of course, I have said, well watch me, watch us. We have left and we are leaving….

Therein lies the most significant aspect of the Councils of Ex-Muslims that have been established in Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Britain and Holland and its challenge and danger to political Islam.

In a sense, this move in Europe is part of the trend that is bringing Islam in power to its knees in Iran.

People have always left Islam before but an organised movement of this nature paves the way for others to be able to renounce religion and Islam and breaks the most important taboo.

The council movement shows that there are many who want to leave, or at the very least who are opposed to the political Islamic movement and who are challenging it head on especially in light of the fact that Islamists often feign to represent all ‘Muslims’ here and all the people of the Middle East and North Africa.

The council movement also shows that Islamic rule and its savagery are not people’s ‘choice’, their culture and religion as the Islamists often claim but actually the culture and religion of a political movement that imposes it very much by brute force.

The Council movement reiterates that people everywhere want and demand universal rights and values, which as I have said on many occasions, are not western but belong to all humanity.

The council movement unequivocally defends universalism vis-à-vis a climate of cultural relativism. Contrary to its image, cultural relativism does not lead to a more tolerant society but a more intolerant one.

It aids and abets the political Islamic movement by justifying Islamic rule and deflecting criticism of its inhumane nature.

It justifies this era’s holocaust by lowering standards and redefining values to the lowest and most regressive depths and holding all values and beliefs not only equal but equally valid.

Rather than being anti-racist; it is racism pure and simple by implying that people choose to live the way they are forced to.

Within this climate, Islamists have succeeded in blurring the distinction between individuals and beliefs. As a result, concepts such as rights, equality, respect and tolerance, which were initially raised vis-à-vis the individual, are now more and more applicable to culture and religion and often take precedence over real live human beings.

Which is why any criticism and ridiculing of or opposition to beliefs, cultures, religions, gods and prophets are being deemed racism, disrespecting, inciting hatred and even violence against those deemed believers.

Clearly you cannot be racist against an idea or belief or ideology.

Blurring the distinctions between the two and the use of rights and anti-racist language here in the west to do so are devious ways of silencing criticism and opposition – criticism which is particularly crucial given the havoc that political Islam has inflicted in the Middle East and North Africa and more recently here in the west.

Of course the human being is sacred, worthy of the highest respect, equality and rights and so on and so forth but not beliefs, not religions, not cultures.

Another tactic of the political Islamic movement is to limit free expression by deeming expressions against religion as a no go area - again in order to prevent criticism. Its tactics from threats and intimidations to equating criticism against Islam and political Islam as racism has meant that the movement is not being addressed and challenged as it must.

In light of the assault on free expression, the Councils are in fact defending free expression unconditionally and unequivocally as the very act of renouncing religion and Islam is the greatest act of free expression possible.

Such expression and criticism is necessary since this is how throughout history backwardness and reaction have been pushed back.

This is how throughout history society has managed to advance and progress with the aim of improving the lot of humanity.

In the face of political Islam’s onslaught often aided and abetted by government policies of cultural relativism and minoritism and the apologies of so-called European progressives and liberals, it is the councils of ex-Muslims along with other secularists and humanists that are raising the banner of secularism, universalism and values worthy of 21st century humanity here in Europe and across the world.

This movement and its declaration must be supported and defended unequivocally.



I bet that AhmadiNejad will cry there to gather some support.

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

I bet that AhmadiNejad will cry there to gather some support. He has bourght up among gang of mullahs.

Expect unexpected from marmolaks (lizzards).


Muslim Organization blasted

by Anonymous911 (not verified) on

Muslim Organization blasted Columbia University for inviting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak on campus on Monday:

Muslims Against Sharia condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the decision of Columbia University to provide a speaking venue for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Apparently letting Akbar Rafsanjani speak at the National Cathedral was not the height of American Dhimmitude, because providing a venue for the world's foremost anti-Semite, whose proclaimed goal is the destruction of the USA and Israel, definitely takes the cake. What is surprising is that we don't hear any complaints from Columbia alumni who should be ashamed of their silence.
This is from the group's website:


Brothers and Sisters!
Do not make the next generation of Muslims clean up your mess!
Fight Islamic Fascism now, so your children won't have to!
Meanwhile... The Columbia Dean says that the university would invite Hitler as well!
Actually, Columbia did invite Hitler.

** Sign the petition HERE against Columbia's disgraceful invitation to Ahmadinejad.
