Jalil Bahar
04-Jul-2009 (30 comments)
Why are people dying for these bastards (on both sides)? I’m confused. I can not get myself to trust either side in this election debate>>>
Jalil Bahar
07-Sep-2008 (8 comments)
Iran is under siege from virtually every corner – inside and out! There has been so much repression, so much corruption, so much mismanagement – that many Iranians are now turning to outside forces to free themselves from this brutal regime>>>
Jalil Bahar
01-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Iran Can Provide “Crucial Connectivity” between 50%+ of the world’s Economy (GDP i.e. Economic Blocks EU/India/China/Arabia/ Russia)…soon to be 67% of the World's economy!>>>
Jalil Bahar
The title `Ayatollah` is a creation of Iran’s democratic movement! How Ironic? >>>
Jalil Bahar
Many nations (large and small) seem to get by very well without any direct economic ties with the US. >>>
Jalil Bahar
01-Sep-2008 (13 comments)
If we want to bring freedom to Iran, I submit that we need to work towards gaining freedom in Azerbaijan first; with an end run of getting Azeri’s oil industry nationalized and the British kicked out of the region.>>>
Jalil Bahar
19-Aug-2008 (19 comments)
These Olympic results are shameful. There is a direct link between a country's GDP, Population and Prosperity AND Olympic Medals>>>
Jalil Bahar
19-Jul-2008 (8 comments)
I'm watching Netroots Nation Blogger Convention (and I have seen other similar forums on C Span) with some really interesting exchanges with Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi...>>>
Jalil Bahar
As surely as the sun rises and sets everyday; one day the sun will set for the Theocratic Regime in Iran. Hopefully that day will be soon>>>
Jalil Bahar
12-Jul-2008 (11 comments)
These Mullahs are giving away Iran’s national wealth in the Caspian Sea directly to US and British oil companies. The Caspian Sea has something like 12 Trillion dollars of Oil today (and it could be worth double or triple that within a few years if oil prices keep rising).>>>
Jalil Bahar
12-Jul-2008 (2 comments)
The Mullahs are being used by the US to intimidate Israel into making peace...The Mullahs have long been servants of the US, having jointly agreed on a policy of Public Enmity and Private Amity. >>>