Letter of protest to Iranian.com publishers.

by Javadagha

Dear Publishers of Iranian.com:    This site has been hijacked by people who spread lies and attack people who use their real names.  

Who gave permit to Iranian.com members who use phony names to attack real people and post a link to their job websites?   This happened on September 4, 2010. This is unethical.  September 4 is another low day for Iranian.com.

  I protest using Iranian.com to spread lies, use profanity, and attack real people by coward anonymous members.  

Fred and Co. have been permitted to spread lies, attack real individuals while hiding behind a phony name.  Fred and Co. must NOT be permitted to post link(s) to people’s job websites while hiding themselves.  This is NOT freedom of expression; this is a cowardly act which must be stopped.


Recently by JavadaghaCommentsDate
Evidences and Unanswered Questions
Sep 23, 2010
"Rumor of the Century"
Sep 19, 2010
Shameful. Disgusting. Inhumanity.
Sep 19, 2010
more from Javadagha
Sargord Pirouz

yeah, that about sums it up- don't it.

by Sargord Pirouz on


\/ \/ 


can't be easier than this!

by Majid on


Cancel your membership and request for membership fees you've paid to be refunded via a check plus interest.

Don't let the door kick your behind!

Khosh galdi, real person "Javadagha".........LMAO 


The rules of the game on IC

by Aryana-Vaeja on

On Iranian.Com you are either part of an in-group who worships His
Wholiness Ayat'ul-Dot.Com Javid
or you are not. If you are not part of
the in group, you are a non-person and none of the rules and regulations
purportedly governing this site apply to you.

Welcome to Javidland!


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer

Sargord Pirouz

Yes, I really wonder who

by Sargord Pirouz on

Yes, I really wonder who this "Fred" is. JJ could relate the source of that effort by performing a DNS lookup. At least we'd know if we're dealing with a Hasbara effort (which in my opinion, should be exposed).


In any event, Iranian.com is a rough neighborhood. There is a high proportion of disgruntled, highly emotional exiles that participate on the site. Even JJ is an exile. So don't expect much support, there.

My advice? Keep in mind, a more true name for this social site is:


Being aware of that, you're less likely to be surprised by what goes on here.