Dr. N. Arkani-Hamed explains current understanding of high energy physics and cosmology.
Heather Hurlburt, Shibley Telhami and Shlomo Brom, led by Barbara Slavin, discuss potential Israeli attack on Iran.
Physical and virtual restorations of Hamadan's Esther-and-Mordechai shrine.
1963 footage of Iran in 25 reels.
Israeli film depicts Iranian nuclear attack.
Which would win your vote?
Some findings on social psychology of religious beliefs.
Discussing the Safavids, Sassanids and Avicenna (separately) on BBC radio.
Couple of sources for all-around panoramic images.
Movie industries in the 2 countries w/ Supreme Leaders.
Animation titled "And Life Went On" on bomb-shelter life.
Zibakalam challenges regime clerics on key propaganda issues.
Israeli attack on Iran impossible, says peace activist
The real "promised land."