by MaryamTabrizi

Monarchists claim they support democracy, but they wouldn't even let this recent NIAC event in Los Angeles function.




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Iran Report: Will you sell your vote?
Mar 10, 2008
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Video of Shah's Relations with Israel
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more from MaryamTabrizi
Ali P.

Who is what?

by Ali P. on

 I didn't hear any slogans , supporting any particular group; just a bunch of rowdies being disruptive. It would have been civil for them, collectively , to get up, and leave the room, as a sign of protest to whatever they were protesting. That would have made a better point; at least to me and people like me.

 And what makes you think they were monarchists? I didn't recognize anyone. Are any of them famous or well known ?

Mola Nasredeen

ddd, dddid you see my dddonkey?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Dear ddd:

You seem like a very concerneddd man.

dddid you see my dddonkey while watching the vidddeo

Mola, on the roaddd


NIAC and their cronies rally

by ddd (not verified) on

NIAC and their cronies rally behind victimization accusing zionists, neocons, monarchists, etc. They want to promote and perpetuate the agenda of the Islamic Republic without being confronted or questioned.

They really don't care about Iran. If they did, they would denounce the Islamic Republic first and then they can lobby the Congress and the Senate to help avert any War against Iran. I think many Iranian will support them unconditionally in their anti-war efforts. As long as NIAC and CASMII support and indirectly promote the official line of the Islamic Republic,whether knownigly or otherwise, they will not gaint the trust of the Iranian-Americans.

Additionally, this organization should not go around telling members of congress and the Senate that they represent Iranian-Americans. Representing Iranian-Americans is not what they do and they are deceiving the American politicians. Who gave them that authority to begin with, that is what I like to Know...

Not only that, they give the rest of Iranian-Americans a bad name and possibly cause legal issues for the Iranian-American community as a whole in case there is a conflict with the Islamic Republic in the future.

Mola Nasredeen

Has anyone seen my donkey?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Dear friends,

My donkey last text messaged me and said he was going to attend the above meeting. I looked very carefully through the video but could not see him. I am very worried he may have been arrested by mistake. He does not belong to either side. He only represents "the Ashtar party". I hope he has not being held by the Shaholahi ha.

Mola, on the road.


Ahmad Chalebi

by AnonymousMe (not verified) on

There were many Ahmad Chaelbi look a like in the Video.

Does the U.S. want to use these Chaelbi's to bring change to Iran.

Thanks BUT NO thanks. I am HAPPY to see these idiots who have NOT learned how to behave after many years of living in a democratic country. They looked like bunch of hayvoons.


khakh bare sare opposeseeyoun

by Anonymous4 (not verified) on

Khakh bar sare opposessyoun. in charletanha meekhan democracy?

mardoom Iran bayad in video ra be beenand ta dobareh gool nakhorand.

Khakh barr sare opposeeyoun ma.


This site is infested wiht pro-Mullah elements!?

by QoS (not verified) on

FBI should go after these SOBs, arrest them all, and send them to Guantanamo for a series of waterboarding treatment!?


I agree

by AnonymousMe (not verified) on

I agree with peace_ and others to let NIAC speak and let the people decide.

NIAC has done a lot for our community with little or no resources.

Those of us who NIAC and people who work for it; THANK YOU.

Sorry I could not make this event to support NIAC and its speakers. They are NOT IRI agents. Go to its website, you idiots read what they are doing.

Shame on our people. Ma mardoman khobi nistim. Sad.


Let the people see these charletans . . .

by AnonymousChicken (not verified) on

. . . these charletans want to return to Iran and run the country? Fuk all of them.

. . . we were free under Shah, NOT. Who could dare to creticize Shah or Savak?

Khar haman khar ast alaan. Faghat paloon avaz shodeh.

After living so many years or hiding in the U.S., Ey-ranians have NOT learned how to behave. I hope one day, Iranians in Iran see this video and do NOT get fooled again.


Has Q gone

by Wonderer (not verified) on

undercover? Is he one of the chiQens?


Re: Abarmard

by jamshid on

"These people did not allow the other side to speak"

You are wrong Abarmard. And you are unfair too. Those people you are refering to, are having no choice but to allow the other side to speak. Because "the other side" has complete conrol of the media in Iran, and has access to billions of Iranian oil revenue to spend right here in the US for propoganda.

The people you are refering to, can't stop this. On the other hand, "the other side" does not allow any one of the people you see in the video, or other people, millions of them, to speak. When they do, imprisonment and torture awaits them.

So Abarmard, tell me... The IRI has the right to surpress and shut everyone out in Iran. And when one of their stooges/lackeys come here in the West to give a "speech", the angry mob of people who are being surpressed, be it monarchist, leftist, or mossadeghist, or whatever, have to sit down and listen, and at the end of the speech clap their hands too?

"Thank you sir. Thank you for your great speech, and do send our many thanks to your bosses in IRI for doing such a good job of surpressing, imprisoning and executing our people. See how polite,  civilized and democratic we the anti-IRI folks are?..."

Yeah right.

There will come a day Abarmard, that this regime will fall, either from within its own ranks or by the angry people. When that day come and more of the truth of the untold crimes the mullahs committed in Iran is revealed and becomes public, you could end up in a very lonely corner living the rest of your life with shame for indirectly supporting these bastards.

The good news is that it is not too late for you to reconsider your position. I suggest you break ranks with the IRI completely and support your people one hundred percent.


Pro Israel lobby and Neo Cons...

by peace__ (not verified) on

Are the only ones accusing NIAC of being IRI agents!

NIAC is a decent voice for Iranian Americans and its positions have always been in direcion of ineterst and benefit of Iranain people and IRAN.

Bunch of fossils left overs from Shah's era have joined forces with Israeli lobby nad Neo cons to tarnish image of NIAC.

Jews of Iranian origin also have a stake in defaming NIAC. They are on pay roll from Israeli lobby.


Sad and Happy

by Javadagha (not verified) on

It was a sad day not to be able to speak at this event. Babak Talebi (the presenter) is a decent young man who loves Iran and has nothing to do with IRI.

I am HAPPY that people saw the opposition group(s). They are worse than Mullah's or as good as Mullah's whichever you prefer to say.

Opposition Ey-ranians proved that they have no place among Iranian people. Babak or whatever your name is for posting non-sense sh-t, I am glad that in you have exposed yourself too.

No country for chicken shit Ey-ranians.


Dear ddd

by Abarmard on

What you have said is fine and doesn’t change or disagree with the point I made. I don't think the way you do, and you can't convince me that you know more about the situation than anyone else. So let me hear the video and be the judge of that myself. Did I have that chance here? You can't dictate to me what's good for me to hear and what's bad. These people did not allow the other side to speak. That's the point of my comment. This is exactly the proof that we are not ready for democracy. I certainly don't want any of these guys be the future rulers of Iran. We as a nation do have a long way to go, especially if I really need to sit and explain what’s so obvious from the video.


ddd: we are sick and tired of these baseless accusations

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Do you and your friend understand the concept of 'PUT UP OR SHUT UP?'

No one cares about your crazy conspiracy theories. If you have any evidence, it may be of interest. But of course, if you did you would have arrested NIAC and Parsi by now. The logical conclusion is that you are making shit up.

No one is listening any more. You must be one of the people in the video. The people I call "The Fat Losers that Time Forgot."

Get a life.


Abarmard: Stop blaming and

by ddd (not verified) on

Abarmard: Stop blaming and convicting the oppressed Iranian masses for the crimes of the IRI to absolve them from their misdeeds. You're being disingenious at best and diabolical demagouge at worst for for confusing the IRanians' lack of debate skills or ineptitude in conflict resolution with the atrocious, incompetent, criminal IRI. You're being naive or willingly ignorant...

CASMII and NIAC are very similar to Zionists. Both entities are in the business of preserving the apartheid regimes and keeping the status quo. Plain and simple. They are the Islamist's version of zioninsts and as reprehensible as the zionists.


It's OK to hear everonse opinion.....

by Found (not verified) on

Until we don't learn and accept that it is OK to have a different perspective of things, we will never be free. We all love Iran. We all want the best for her, yet we think we what we know is the best for others before asking their opinion.
I made a mistake once to play a part in the 79 revolution and soon I found out those who directed the movement from outside were as blind and as lost as I was. I remember very well how I use to defend the new regime without hearing others point of view. I was young and stupid. Now 25 years later I see the same idea forming from outside the country and unfortunately I see a similar group of blinds and lost are trying to create the same scenario again.
My lesson from all this is that it is ok to listen to all opinion because what I like may not be welcomes by others.


Expected and yet another reason

by Abarmard on

This is not a surprise. Many people including myself have been pushing the idea that it is not IR that is dictatorial but it is rooted in our social behavior. This to a civil individual would look violent and uncivilized, and it is. This is yet another prove for those who are interested to find the truth, that Iran will not be democracy just because there would be a "secular" regime ruling it. We need to grow as a society, our problem is not only IR, it’s also us!


If you love Iranian people you wouldn't support the IRI...

by jamshid on

... in any ways or forms.


Babak talk is cheap and you're a liar

by h8MKO (not verified) on

if you really thought MKO was bad, you would not post their lies in this forum as you have several times.

When was the last time you posted anti-MKO articles? If you hate them both, it should be even, shouldn't it?

And if you hate Islam, you are out of touch with 90% of Iranians. So once again:

khar khodeti.


This so called "Grand Bargin

by anti-IRI (not verified) on

This so called "Grand Bargin Strategy" NIAC et al are lobbying for , and which intermittently appears in the Op Ed pages of liberal papers like the New York Times will give the Mullahs longstanding guarantees that their dictatorial rule will not be challenged and their nuclear arsenal will not be threatened if they refrain from directly attacking the most important US allies in the region - principally Saudi Arabia & the Gulf States and secondly Israel.

Whether the Mullahs will agree to such an accomodation remains to be seen. But the fact that such an offer will be made is an indictment of the depths to which the Democratic party and NIAC have fallen - NIAC and CASMII are equilvalent of Evanglical Zionists.



by Babak56 (not verified) on


I told you that MKO is a terrorist organization like Islam, wasn't I clear enough for you? IRI is based on Khalifeh, an Islamic cult, am I wrong? MKO is a cult like islam. If I am wrong, then why they execute people who denounce Islam in Iran? Do you know what Sharia Law is? Have you ever read Quran? Would you like me to educate you or spare the readers on that?

So, again, grow up, the party is over. Iranians will take care of the enemies themselves. I am not worried about people like you, your time will also come.


NIAC is a pro-IR regime organization. They can go to hell!

by Hagh Ba Chomagh Asst (not verified) on

No democracy for the friends, supporters, and advocates of the Islamic Republic.



by maziar58 (not verified) on



If you love Iranian people you wouldn't wish it to be bombed.

by I love Iran (not verified) on

Listen to yourself
You are advocating bombing Iran.
Supposedly, to change the Iranian regime.
Well Iraq is a good example of that policy.
Haterd has blinded you and people like you to see the truth.
As far as Zionist jews are concerned who come and write here, let me tell you, they are proud to be calle Zionist jews. That's what they are. Look what they've done to Hillary Clinton and Obama to kiss their asses.


Hey babak supporting Rajavy is NOT SOLIDARITY WITH IRAN

by h8MKO (not verified) on

khar khodeti.


Zionism is the mirror image

by Anonymous22 (not verified) on

Zionism is the mirror image of Islam...


Iran is Looking for

by Anonymousd (not verified) on

Iran is Looking for Trouble

Iran is Looking for Trouble

February 29, 2008
RIA Novosti
RIA Novosti political commentator Pyotr Goncharov

MOSCOW -- Moscow has warned Iran that sanctions will become inevitable if it does not comply with the previous resolutions of the UN Security Council, which urge it to stop all work on uranium enrichment.

Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin made this serious warning at a video news conference for the Russian media.

He pointed out that if Iran does not observe these resolutions, the Security Council will be compelled to discuss one more resolution on Iran in accordance with Article 41 of the UN Charter. Russia is one of the six countries negotiating this dispute, and has a commitment to support the resolution that the Six has drafted during the last month.

It became clear a long time ago that Moscow would have to make this decision. It will have far-reaching consequences, primarily for Iran.

Article 41 provides only for economic sanctions. What matters here is not the nature of sanctions but their inevitability. The Security Council's prestige is at stake. Tehran has simply ignored its two previous resolutions, having accused their authors of arrogance.

What are the consequences of these sanctions for Iran's political leaders? To understand this better, we should look at the dynamics of Iran's domestic political life and the role played in it by the nuclear program.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made the nuclear program the backbone of his domestic policy, which has been a failure on the whole. He has not fulfilled most of his populist promises made during the election campaign. The economy is going through hard times. Against this background, his team has already lost the elections to the Council of Experts, the most powerful government mechanism in Iran, to their main opponents - the reformers.

Now Ahmadinejad is trying to score points on the eve of parliamentary elections scheduled for March 14. Once again, he is placing his bets on the nuclear program, which he has made a national priority.

A few days ago, at Ahmadinejad's suggestion Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the Iranian people on the victory over the world powers in their struggle for the nuclear program. He described it as the greatest triumph since the Islamic revolution. This jubilation was based on yet another report by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei. Ahmadinejad assured the religious leader and the nation that the report confirms the correctness of Iran's course toward developing its nuclear program.

Now it transpires that this is an instance of wishful thinking on Iran's behalf. The Security Council's forthcoming verdict on the "peaceful" character of Iran's nuclear program may be diametrically opposite to what the Iranian leaders have promised their compatriots. Reflecting the opinion of IAEA experts, the report says that Iran's nuclear facilities have become more accessible but its readiness to meet the observers halfway is not sufficient to conclude that it is not developing nuclear weapons.

This time, ElBaradei's report has every chance to make the Iranian president's life difficult. His opponents will not leave his miscalculation unattended. He has already been warned in public against misinterpreting IAEA documents on Iran's nuclear program.

Political analyst Parviz Esmaeili, who is well known in Tehran, said that there were grounds to hope that Iranian diplomacy had gained enough experience in the last few years. He said with regret that hasty decisions, amateurish diplomatic steps, and wrong analysis of documents (IAEA reports) might create major problems for Iran in the future. This is exactly what happened.

By tradition, reports by the IAEA director general are passed to its Board of Governors one or two weeks before the session. Thus, the report will be published officially no sooner than March 3.

It is important to know when the Security Council will convene its session on which it will pass a resolution on tougher sanctions. Will this happen after the parliamentary elections on March 14 or before? If it takes place before this day, Ahmadinejad's opponents will get a big advantage.

Most likely, American diplomacy will make sure that a new resolution is passed at the right time.


Why doesn't Trita (salman) parsi write to his beloved Khamenie and ask him to stop his warmongering. The US or Israel are not interested in attacking Iran. It's the IR who's been provoctive and belligerent, hoping to start a new conflagration in the entire region.


Show your love for Iran

by Babak56 (not verified) on


We all love Iran and want her to survive. Calling people Jew lovers because they disagree with you is very counter-productive. I am not a Jew or have any connections to Israel. I just want to see Iran free. I respect you if you respect me. Opinions can be challenged but people should be respected. I know many Iranian Jews who tell me that they love Iran more than I do who was born into a Muslim family. So before calling those who disagree with you a Zionist or whatever, first look what the IRI has done to Iran's children. If you love Iran, then show it in a way of solidarity with the Iranian people in Iran.


Zionist jews are back round 2

by I love Iran (not verified) on

and listen well,
We love Iran and Iranian people,

All religions,
etc, etc,
you zionist jews,
go to another site and write there