In The Name Of God
Dear Freedom loving and Peaceful people,
The video clip at the bottom of this page taken by an Italian reporter in Tehran yesterday (starting min. 2:30), shows an Islamic Republic’s Anti-Riot Police captured by the Iranian people during his (and his unit’s) attack on PEACEFUL and UNARMED Iranian people asking for Freedom and their basic human rights!
What truly touched me was the way the ordinary people (who were first attacked and battered by the Islamic Police) reacted and how these people treated the young man (Police/aggressor) they captured!
To me, this really showed a true Act of Kindness through the Power of Consciousness by the people involved. The true teachings of ancient Persian culture and Belief that the Conscious reaction to violence is not with violence, but with understanding and kindness…
This class act still makes believe in humanity and also makes me proud to be an Iranian now.
Free Iran, Iranians and all human beings,
Love and Peace.