SCE Campaign
04-May-2009 (17 comments)
According to attorney Mohammad Mostafaei, juvenile offenders Amir Khaleghi and Safar Angooti are scheduled to be executed this Wednesday May 6th in Iran. >>>
SCE Campaign
آخر انصاقتان کجا رفته بود. حتا اگر دلارای 17 ساله مرتکب قتل هم شده بود - که نشده بود- باز هم مرگی با این همه جفا؟... حیوان را هم که سر می برند فرصتی برای گلوتر کردن بهش می دهند >>>
SCE Campaign
02-May-2009 (5 comments)
Today May 2nd 2009, body of Delara Darabi born on September 28, 1986 was burried in "Heaven's Garden" in the Caspian City of Rasht, Iran. Hundreds of people attended her funeral. Her father who is now hospitalized was not present.  
SCE Campaign
If there is one thing I can promise you and your family, is that your death will not be in vain. Your departure from this temporary world we call Earth has emboldened and strengthened our fight to seek justice for the 140 children who remain on death row in Iran. >>>
SCE Campaign
She was not a murderer; I swear that she was not a killer. She painted a picture for me of an old man who was playing the violin. I did not know that he was playing her death song. I cannot believe she has been executed. >>>
SCE Campaign
01-May-2009 (5 comments)
"..... I don't know if I will meet you my dear ones or we must leave the meeting to the unseen world. Anyway, Delara is not alone, Delara's are trapped in prisons and in need of God's help and in need of defenders of human right and humanity!!! >>>
SCE Campaign
01-May-2009 (24 comments)
مادر دلارا گریه کنان گفت: امروز ساعت ۷ صبح دلارا به وی زنگ زد. و گفت مادر من را می خواهند اعدام کنند. من طناب دار را می بینم. مادر من را نجات دهید>>>
SCE Campaign
01-May-2009 (14 comments)
Stop Child Executions sadly regrets to confirm that the Iranian female juvenile Delara Darabi was executed early morning today in the prison yard of the northern city of Rasht, Iran. >>>
SCE Campaign
28-Apr-2009 (5 comments)
A Video Collage of some of the paintings of Delara Darabi >>>
SCE Campaign
20-Apr-2009 (6 comments)
]Juvenile offender Delara Darabi was granted a two month stay of execution by the Head of the Judiciary on 19 April, the day before she was due to be executed>>>
SCE Campaign
19-Apr-2009 (21 comments)
Due to refusal of the victim's family to attend the execution by hanging and because the laws requires that the verdict can only be exercised in the presence of the family >>>
SCE Campaign
19-Apr-2009 (4 comments)
In an open letter, the family of the victim blamed Delara Darabi for the murder of their mother and asked for the execution verdict of Delara to be implemented.>>>
SCE Campaign

کسي از او پرسيد که آيا مي داني حرفهايي که مي زني بزودي سندي عليه زندگي ات خواهد بود يا نه؟ اين قصه تکراري ‏نوجواناني است که قانون، سن تکليف شرعي آنها را با سن مسووليت کيفري تفکيک نکرده است. >>>

SCE Campaign
18-Apr-2009 (11 comments)
Your question and our answers:>>>
SCE Campaign
A word of thanks to Y safae for the poem, Melanie for the painting and to Shirin for video clip: >>>