سالروز حماسه سیاهکل

by sobh

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The Phantom Of The Opera

فرزندان خدای کهتر

The Phantom Of The Opera


به تعبیری، ما همگی‌ فرزندان پهلوی بودیم. جور پدر؛  بی‌ لیاقتی،
بیسوادی، سطحی نگری، تو سری خوری سنتی‌ همراه با  تازه بدوران رسیده گی
مادر؛ هر یک از ما را به نوعی تحت الشعاع قرار داد. یکی‌  تیر
و کمان 
برداشت، دیگری قلم. یکی‌ به داد خواهی‌ از ظلم پدر راهی‌ مسجد شد و آن
یکی‌ سر از میخانه در آورد. یکی‌ هم ، خودشو زد به نفهمی و شد دردانه

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.


They won’t Blink Again!

by LalehGillani on

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent dissolution of Communist regimes throughout the world, Communism has become a failed ideology amongst the urban middle class. At the same time, the oppression of the masses in the Communist China has reinforced this disappointment and has driven these idealists towards other principles and beliefs.

Subsequently, the “content” of what Iran’s Communist parties can offer our nation is no longer relevant. In short, it has become self evident that Communism similar to Islam is incapable of tolerating opposing views and can’t offer freedom to our nation.

However, it is foolish to underestimate the capabilities of a so called “freedom fighters” in Iran. Please allow me to elaborate:

The final battle to bring down the regime of mullahs will be fought in the streets of Iran and will be an armed confrontation with the military forces faithful to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Many forces are currently operating in the streets of Iran and will continue to play varying roles in the outcome of street battles.

The so-called freedom fighters belonging to the left (Fedaian Khalq) and to the right (Mojahedin Khalq) had a decisive role in bringing down the Shah. At the end, although they had the military might and the organization to claim the power, they simply blinked and lost their chance! As the window of opportunity closed rapidly, one mistake after another sealed their fate: Stockpiles of captured weapons were turned over to the Pasdaran while Fedaian Khalq split into two groups and Mojahedin Khalq began to retreat to their safe-houses.

What conspired afterwards is widely known: Mass executions of the rank and file while the seasoned “freedom fighters” escaped. The Minority leadership and its core committee had the wisdom and the foresight to protect itself from immediate harm and are still present and active in Iran. The Majority, however, took heavy losses and neared total dissolution. Mojahedin Khalq lost nearly all of their operating cells in Iran and regrouped outside the borders.

Once our nation’s struggle for freedom enters its next phase and street fighting grows, the “freedom fighters” will prove to be an asset to our people. However, they might also be a curse disguised as a blessing. Rest assured that the seasoned freedom fighters will not blink once more…

Stay vigilant and awake!


Rest assure

by MRX1 on

if folks like these people had an opportunity of coming to power, they would have created a system which would make current IRR look like a picnic in comparison! from re-educational camps, to death camps and gulags....


Benross you are so very correct...

by Khar on

Simply and truthfully put!


Rostam and Sohraab

by benross on

The cooperation with Islamists came after the revolution in the majority fraction. But this is misleading in understanding the phenomena.

I separate the Guerrilla movement of Feda'iaan into the form and content. What I am emotionally attached to, is its content. It's form was a byproduct of the cold war and SAVAK untenable reign. Looking back to their literature and even their actions, it is hard to find one single positive thing.

The secret of their popularity for a whole generation is it's content, instinctively felt and supported by the new urban middle class, to the extend that it blinded us -thanks to SAVAK- to any critical view toward its form.

Being communist -the cold war version- and freedom fighter, is contradictory in term. And this contradiction ended in later majority-minority division, one going to a pure communist Toodé identity, shouting death to liberals and supporting 'khat-e-imam', effectively eliminating the last chance of secular resistance toward the Islamic wave, and a minority that unfortunately couldn't be evolved and find an efficient way to be a freedom fighter.

I'd argue that if we defended the secular values back then in a unified coalition, even Mojahedeen wouldn't have become what they became later. Because they belonged to the same modern urban generation. 

The real tragedy is that we were the real Pahlavi children, the fruit of their modernity project. And like the tragedy of Rostam and Sohraab, neither one knew.

If anything paved the way for Islamists, is this ignorance. 


We are not going to exchange Islamist for communists

by cyclicforward on

We have seen communism in action across the globe and we don't want to repeat it.

The Phantom Of The Opera

Maliciously misguiding!

by The Phantom Of The Opera on

How did they pave the way for the Islamists? What is the definition/ evidence of their cooperation with the Islamists?

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.


Their Ideology does not fit the Iranian Culture

by bahramthegreat on

Fadaian's ideology does not fit our way of life. Rather than trying to destroy the country, they should of go to Russia and stay there. Iranians in general are like sheep, will follow others blindly without analyzing the consequence of their action. This is true with regard to both Fadaian, Mojahedin and IR (practically all the same). For that reason I don't feel sorry for the Siahkal victoms. Frankly, they are the one that put our country into the mess that we are in.

Anonymous Observer

No more death & destruction

by Anonymous Observer on

hope that we see the day in our homeland when we don't see any more talk of "revolution", death and destruction.  Let's have a civil society where our rulers are chosen by peaceful consensus and where everyone's rights are protected under the law.

Let's hope... 


"جسارت" فدائیان خلق


اگرچه بلوغ سیاسی و اجتماعی فعالان کنونی، مبارزه مسلحانه را هم به عنوان استراتژی و هم تاکتیک رد کرده است، تقلای سازمان فدائیان خلق سهم بزرگی در راه ترقی افکار و اعمال تک تک مبارزان بازی کرد. "جسارت" چریکها در سیاهکل در میان اولین ضربه های موثر به پیکر حکومت پهلوی بود.

فرماندهان ارتش و ساواک به کاخ محمد رضا شاه فراخوان شدند که شرح واقعه را شخصا روشن کرده و پاسخگوی سئوالات ایشان باشند. برای لحظه ای، تخت ستم لرزید و از ارتعاش آن زندانیان سیاسی ایران جان دوباره گرفتند: حکومت پهلوی شکست پذیر است...

به امید روزی که عزیزان ایران علیرغم اعتقادات سیاسی و ایدئولوژیکی بتوانند در بازسازی میهن در کنار یکدیگر عرق ریخته و از زحمت خویش بهره ببرند.

جای جوانان ایران در زیر مشتی از خاک نبود و نیست! قلبشان از عشق میهن لبریز بود و هست و همگی برای ایران جان باختند.

با عزت از آنان یاد کنید...


How would they rule?

by Gordzad on

Let me first declare that I do not mean to disgrace any of these "martyrs". However, one wonders how they would  rule the country if they were successful and took power. My guess is that they would do no different from the IR in executing supporters of Shah, to start with. Then, we would probably see some type of de-religination (a new word coined by myself :-) ), which would mean, in best case, a PolPot type of mass-education.

Our problem is that even our best intellectuals seem to be totally immersed in their own beliefs that they are willing to kill the very same people they truly want to serve.

Maryam Hojjat

Rooheshan Shad Bad!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Very sad!  All young and full of dreams for AZADI and better life!


Farah Khanoom

by Cost-of-Progress on

Well said.




Farah Rusta

At best, they were misguided

by Farah Rusta on

and at worst they were malicious. Through their blind zeal. not only did they waste their own lives but they killed and injured those who had nothing to do with their cause. They paved the way and cooperated with the Islamists who were diagonally opposite to what these people stood for. Ironically they were arrested and nuetralized by the very peasants they claimed they were fighting for. Haven't we had enough glorifying acts of terrorism?



marhoum Kharmagas

on this I am with you two (to Maziar and Khar)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

on remembering them I am with you two,

yaadeshaan geraami baad.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

yadeshan gerami baad.          Maziar



by Khar on

Dictatorship, lack of Democracy & Justice Killed the young, educated, best sons and daughters of Iran. Still does! WHY, for what crime...

Ravaneshaan Shaad, Baa Omid Be Irani Azad!

Saroomad Zemestoon: 

