23-Aug-2009 (40 comments)
One hot summer day, to be precise, one Friday the thirteenth of August, at about a quarter to three in the afternoon, I experienced my mother's love for me>>>
08-Jan-2009 (3 comments)
listening to the news in the past few weeks has been so dark and disturbing, there is suffering all around the world... Is this the end of peace and prosperity for all of us? I GUESS NOT!!! >>>
09-Dec-2008 (6 comments)
Whatever has happened to Bahais, we still love Iran and Iranians.  Time has come  for unity in diversity amongst all Iranians. >>>
03-Oct-2008 (32 comments)
Every year, I go through this painful ritual of taking my confuse, 80 year old mother who can not read a word of English or Farsi to this metropolitan city >>>
03-Jul-2008 (12 comments)

How Bahai's hate Iran and want to destroy it!

20-Jun-2008 (7 comments)
Mona's teacher in public school in Shiraz gave her and her fellow students this subject to write about:>>>
01-Jun-2008 (13 comments)
18 days has passed and we do not know where Yaran Iran are? I found this video clip >>>
16-May-2008 (48 comments)
I have a handful of dust from the city that my father was born. This was a gift from my brother to accompany my body when my time comes>>>
28-Apr-2008 (4 comments)

For more than 25 years Bahai's , have been banned from public and private universities in Iran.

24-Apr-2008 (36 comments)
Do we lable kind commentators as being "not intellectual enough?? >>>
21-Apr-2008 (10 comments)
Happy ridvan to all of humanity.Happy the day of joy and hope ,the day that gave us the hope of unity of mankind. >>>
19-Apr-2008 (6 comments)
If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance, become illumined and spiritual..... >>>
18-Apr-2008 (3 comments)
Heavenly advice >>>
08-Apr-2008 (9 comments)

You can kill a man ,but you can not destroy him
