26-Aug-2010 (one comment)
در  زمان سلطان محمود می‌کشتند که  شیعه است،
زمان شاه سلیمان می‌کشتند که سنی  است،
زمان ناصرالدین شاه می‌کشتند که  بابی است >>>
06-Jan-2009 (7 comments)
Is it a sense of betrayal in us – if I am allowed to generalize – that links us to Palestinians, or others we identify as victims of foreign imperialists? Or, is it the arrogance of today’s victors that compel us to forget their yesteryear victimhood?>>>
25-Dec-2008 (3 comments)
Dear Santa, At the dawn of a new year, I wish for the earth health and longevity, and for us peace and prosperity>>>