Apartheid Rapist Israel's Victim of the Day

Apartheid Rapist Israel's Victim of the Day
by Zed

Anita Rezainejad, daughter of electrical engineering student Dariush Rezainejad who was killed by Apartheid Rapist Israel and its band of useful Rajavi Mojahedeen stooges.   

Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Rapist Israel until it complies with international law.  //www.bdsmovement.net/


Musings of a Former Kosher Chicken 


more from Zed

What will happen to little Anita when she grows up?

by Simorgh5555 on

Little Anita will soon be looked after. She will hav uncle Basij and Sepah buying her Korans and spoiling her. 

She will grow up in a regime where at the age of nine she is expected so wear a Hijab and marry. She will soon realise that her virginity will be her family's commidity which basically means she cannot have sex or marry without the permission of a male family member. She will soon realise that her life is worth half that of a man in blood money and that if she were to be raped her testimony will be worth half that of a man. She will be expected to cover herself from head to toe even in the blazing summer heat in Tehran and sit separately on busses and in classrooms in university. Count herself lucky that Anita wasn't one of the nine year old girls malested by the IR Terrrorist diplomat.

Anita might go shoppping with her friend in an affluent north Tehran shopping centre only to be held and arbitarily arrested by a member of Iran's morality police because she is not wearing her hijab properly or wearing too much lipstick. She will be taken to a police headquarters only to be released because her father was a Shahid while all other Iranian girls are beaten and held incommunicado in prison. 

To be honest, it is irrelevant who killed little Anita's father her life is already screwed as a female living in occupied Iran. 


Remebering 16 year old Atefeh Rejayee hanged

by Simorgh5555 on


Amnesty International states that over 70 children are on death row in Iran


And you ask why are supporters of the Islamic Republic being target assassinated? About time all of them were exterminated like cockroaches in a toilet.



Thanks Vildemose, that was a good interview with Reza Pahlavi

by Siavash300 on

The link is very useful. Yes dear, these are crocodile tears. Nasrin Sootodeh is still in Evin Prison and even her 2 children are not allowed to vist her. Those 2 children can't see their mother.  The spirit of Neda and Taraneh Mousavi are still alive. We feel it in every moment of our lives. Now, some idiots are talking about lizard eater arabs. Mistakenly thinking Iranian care about lizard eater arabs.  The same arabs who have eyes on our 3 islands in Persian Gulf or the same arabs who are trying to change the name of Persian Gulf or the same arabs who supported Saddam in invasion to Iran and killing over 1 million of our youths. When I am saying idiots,there is a reason behind it.

    Thousand of our women were beaten up by Islamic forces during 2009 uprising and the idiots were quiet. Didn't say anything. We can watch it in you tube videos. Idiots never spoke out, now we are seeing crocodile tears. That is the shame.  


Zed-These are Iranian children with HIV

by Simorgh5555 on

The HIV virus is 45 times more prevalent among Iran's street children than the rest of the population.

Social worker Farshid Yazdani said that 4.5 percent of Iran's street children are infected with the HIV virus which causes AIDS, the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) reports.

Street children spend their days selling items ranging from socks to chewing gums or gathering recyclable material from trash bins. Some are as young as 10 when they start using narcotics and alcohol.

About 20 percent of these children have used narcotics and 40 percent have consumed alcohol, Yazadani said.

The social worker pointed to the government policy, inflation, worsening economy and poverty as the main reasons why families send their children to work.


Even Palestinians who send their children on suicide missions care more for their children than IR Terrrorists such as Behrouz-Zed  


 This is a very

by vildemose on

 This is a very insightful interview. Everyone must listen to it. Many sobering facts about Iran's future break up if things don't change.




All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


 Palestinian zed; As I

by vildemose on

 Palestinian zed; As I said before, you won't be able to pit Iranians against the Jewish people in Israel.

The only people who are willing to jeopardize Iran's very existence are the Palestinians and the Islamist ummah who don't believe in nation and are the most anti-Iranians of Islamist nature. (read the Islamic republic of rapists)

 What you are having difficulty with is the fact  that you are not Iranian. Iranians do not see themselves as liberators of Israel or Palestine or whatever. They are Iranians not Islamist militants, the type you have obvisously dealth with in your training.

Islamic republic does not represent Iran or Iranians. It represent militant ummah of Islamist persuasion.

All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Iranian girl living

by vildemose on

Iranian girl living under the Islamic republic occupation.


You don't want things like that to happen, stop your support for the Islamic rapists. 



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Netanyahujoon2 That's an Iranian girl, not a Palestinian one

by Zed on

Get your facts straight.  The little Iranian girl is the victim of Israeli duplicity and aggression just like many Palestinians are.  


Islamic Iran: Kill the jews!

by Fesenjoon2 on


IRI, snake under the table

by Fesenjoon2 on


Hypocricy of Palestine lovers

by Fesenjoon2 on


Sassan -- Simorgh5555 left 22 comments

by Zed on

... you've left one.  Let's see what your positions are first.  Simorgh5555 made a lot of noise and Simorgh5555 then just left chicken feathers everywhere.  


 zed, don't be a sore

by vildemose on

 zed, don't be a sore loser. You are just wasting our times. There are more important issues we should be discussing than Palestinians or Israelis:

Dear All: Please ignore this troll.

He is not really interested in Iran only Palestine and Israel.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


ZED: I am willing to do a video debate with you

by Sassan1 on

I am willing to do a video debate with you. How should we schedule it and what will the topic/topics specifically be? Let's do it..


If you can defend your points Simorgh5555, just sign it ...

by Zed on

Binding Agreement Between ZED and SIMORGH5555.  Admin will email ZED's email address to SIMORGH5555 and send SIMORGH5555's email address to ZED simultaneously, and they will conduct a video debate today.

[x] Approved by ZED

[  ] Approved by Simorgh5555


Aberoo ye agha raft ...

by Zed on

Esmet o bezar jujeh, na simorgh.  

I offered a video debate Simorgh5555 on the points you made and claimed Iranians approve of, just sign on the dotted line.  You've lost respect.  


What are the 'non-chosen people' are supposed to do?

by Simorgh5555 on

Ask Allah. He put them there in the first place. The proof is in the pudding..... Er, I mean the Koran

Allah allowed Banu Israel to live in the Land of Israel. To there they shall return again.

.....Allah has willed it  


A Godfather's Regime

by Simorgh5555 on

Supported by the World's Greatest Terror Regime on the planet 


Iraj: What would you like

by vildemose on

Iraj: What would you like to see happent to the Jewish people?? Be honest!


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir

iraj khan

What are the 'non-chosen people' are supposed to do?

by iraj khan on

when their land is taken,

their farms burned,

their children bombed,

their fathers arrested,

by this same supposedly 'chosen people'?

It's a Fake, it's a Farce,

and above all it's Racist and Criminal,

brought to the people of the Middle East and the world,

by 'Chosen People' ideology of Zionism.

Zionism that has been condemned by the United Nations as Racist.

I'm just saying,



Zed -A video debate about IRAN only

by Simorgh5555 on

Be my guest. I kicked your ass on this site and I'dd do it again. 

I'm not interested in Palestine.


Darius Kadivar

I prefer an Apartheid Regime to a Godfather's Regime ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Syria child massacre confirmed (bbc)       UN observers count at least 90 bodies, including 32 children, after Syrian government forces attacked the town of Houla, sparking foreign condemnation.   Related Blog:  

A GODFATHER’s WIFE: Does the Syrian autocrat’s wife have to stand by her man?


Zed! Why do I get a feeling that we have met before?

by anglophile on

Can you help :))


Iraj a.k.a. Molla -God's chosen people

by Simorgh5555 on

Er, because it's in the Koran.

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel].
When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

[Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104]

iraj khan

Who chose the chosen people anyway?

by iraj khan on

Christians didn't,

Muslims didn't,

Buddahist didn't,

The 'chosen people' chose themselves to be the chosen people.

Why are they taking other people's land?

Why are they killing Iranian scientists?

Why are they pushing the U.S. government,

my government mind you,

to start another war in Middle East?

These are legitimate questions asked.

Don't the followers of criminal regime of Netanyahu feel any shame?

I'm just saying,




Ahhh ... the Zionist mice run away when the lights are turned on

by Zed on

Binding Agreement Between ZED and SIMORGH5555.  Admin will email ZED's email address to SIMORGH5555 and send SIMORGH5555's email address to ZED simultaneously, and they will conduct a video debate today.

[x] Approved by ZED

[  ] Approved by Simorgh5555


Just sign on the dotted line chicken if you are so sure the Iranian people approve of your message.   



Thanks Sassan jan

by Simorgh5555 on

Seeing the woman being hiosted from the ground with a noose around her neck struggling for the last moments of life tell me one thing only:

The IR is not a regime which can be reasoned with or conform to civilised behaviour  and all those who belive change can from within are dirty liars. 


Iraj a.k.a Molla Nasradeen

by Simorgh5555 on

'God's chosen people' will keep on wiping out those who support the IR again and again. 

Get use to it. It's gonna happen so long as the IR exists. Once the IR Terror Regime goes there will be no more need for target assassinations.  


Simorgh & all!!

by Sassan1 on

Notice in the video of the hanging (//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpnuF0jN7GE&feature...) that the men all stop moving and lose consciousness quickly. If
the knot is positioned in front of the ear as it was in her case it
will strangle the person to death. The men all have the knot just behind
the ear which allows the blood flow to be cut off immediately and you
just almost immediately pass out. She was made to suffer far more than
the men.


Poor zed, he thinks

by vildemose on

Poor zed, he thinks Iranians are Palestinians...

Zed, Palestinian-Israeli issue has to be solved between the two nation/people.

It is not in the interest of Iranian nation (at least at this time) to interfer or to be antagonisitic toward other countries in the long run.

Please find anotehr country to destroy to help liberate your people.

Iran and Iranians will not be a sacrificial lamb for your cause. Stop parroting the Islamic republic propaganda. We are Iranians not basiji or Islmist terrorist-s linked to IRGC>

It sounds to me that those two terrorists entities are the only Iranians you have been dealing with.  



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir