شانزده دانشجوی معترض به بیمارستان منتقل شدند
10-May-2008 (5 comments)

دانشجویان متحصنی که در اعتصاب غذای نامحدود هستند پارچه هایی به بازوهای خود بسته اند كه روی آن ها کلماتی مانند "اتحاد، پیروزی، حمایت" نوشته شده شعار می دهند، " دکتر اگر نیایی تحصن نا تمومه" و "دانشجو می میرد ذلت نمی پذیرد".

نمایندگان دانشجویان متحصن اعلام كردند كه تمامی عواقب احتمالی این اعتصاب غذا به عهده "دکتر چناقلو" رییس این دانشگاه است.

به دلیل عدم قول مساعد مسئولان دانشگاه بر تامین مطالبات دانشجویان این تجمع نامحدود توام با اعتصاب غذا هم چنان ادامه دارد.

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Let's Wait And See!

by Pissed Off (not verified) on

Let's wait and see how many of them will die of sudden "heart attack," the common cause of death of most political prisoners in Iran, these days.


Does anyone have a stat on

by <<>> (not verified) on

Does anyone have a stat on how many Hizballahi and Borusiesh Aghazadeh live in Canada and the US???


No offence but

by samsam1111 on

Did you ask your friends in Basije daneshjoee? are you yourself boursieh daneshjoo? if true, then your sources are most definitly lying.


No Offense, but ....

by ahmad.bahai on

Your source is a bit flaky. Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, we can have all sorts of made up stories, as well as fast access to "true" events.. I know yours is made up (perhaps not by you, but by someone), since I have student friends at that exact U. They say the news is fake.


Sorry to brake your ice!!!


The malakhs will soon send them

by samsam1111 on

to timarestan after their stay in bimarestan.Get used to these kinda news for the next decade with this unhumane mafia in power.