Afghan refugees cost Iran $6m per day
22-Jul-2008 (3 comments)

Iran spends 'some six million dollars per day' on Afghan refugees who have left home for security reasons and high unemployment rates.

Taqi Qaemi, the director of Interior Ministry's Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs (BAFIA), says the budget allocated to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Iran is so small that it does not even suffice for a few-hour stay of the Afghan refugees in Iran.

“The UNHCR bureau in Iran had a budget of $12.8 million in 2007,” Qaemi said in a news conference in Tehran on Tuesday.

“Some 864,000 legal Afghan immigrants and more than two million illegal Afghan immigrants live in Iran,” the Iranian official said.

“Iran does not have any expectations from international bodies on helping the Afghan refugees, and the only thing it wants is to pave the way for the return of these refugees to their country,” he explained.

Qaemi added that in 2007 some five thousand Afghan refugees volunteered to return to their home country.

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Although it's hard for the Iranians

by Abarmard on

To live with economical sanctions and lack of hope for their future, for whatever reasons, and have refugees, they must be aware about the humanistic factor of this issue.

Iranians similar to any nations on earth, will blame the weaker in their society for their shortcomings. I would argue that the issue of the money, besides the foreign economical pressures, are the mismanagement of the capital and not the Afghani refugees who have every rights to be treated as guests and ultimately as Iranian citizens.

Shiny Head

Re: Appearance & Outfits!

by Shiny Head on

They are poor. What do you expect? Start a  "salvation Army" type outfit in iran and help them, if you want. Sitting at the edge of the "goud" and saying "lengesh kon" is easy. Getting involved is not.


Have a cold dough! (with dry mint of course)

Maryam Hojjat

Appearance & Outfits!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Appearances and outfits of these refugees are very similar to Akhonds running IRAN.  They both make me sick!  and have ruined the Iranian image in the world!