Yahoo! reinvades! Iran!
The Register / Chris Williams
26-Aug-2008 (3 comments)

Yahoo! has reinstated its free webmail services in Iran, less than a year after the firm blocked new registrations from the country citing tighter US sanctions. Iran has also reappeared in the registration country list of Microsoft's Hotmail service. Last November we reported how both had blocked new webmail and instant messenger registrations from Iran. At the time Yahoo! said it was responding to US government restrictions. Microsoft refused to explain its move.

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Well said Mehdi

by Majid on

The only people benefit from this "blocking" are the bastards in power!

Peace out


Great news

by Mehdi on

The more they block access to Iran, the more power they give to hardliners! Open communication is the best way to defeat oppression!


Good News!

by Fishmonger (not verified) on


Let's start another revolution!