Half Million Dollar AIG Retreat For Executives One Week After Bail Out
07-Oct-2008 (one comment)

At today’s Oversight Committee hearing on AIG, the Committee discovered that a week after the government spent $85 billion dollars bailing out AIG, executives went on a retreat at a luxury resort, spending $443,343.71:

recommended by darius




by IRANdokht on

Thank you Darius

I think we should show this video and talk about what's going on in this country as often as we can. Let everyone know what's being done to the people of this country who work like slaves to live in debt all their lives while a few are enjoying themselves and feeding their greed!!!!


the Committee discovered that a week after the government spent $85 billion dollars bailing out AIG, executives went on a retreat at a luxury resort, spending $443,343.71:

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) on the expenditures:

Have you heard of anything more outrageous - a week
after taxpayers commit $85 billion dollars to rescue AIG, the company’s
leading insurance executives spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at
one of the most exclusive reports in the nation…Let me describe for
some of you the charges that the shareholders, taxpayers, had to pay.
AIG spent $200,000 dollars for hotel rooms. Almost $150,000 for catered
banquets. AIG spent $23,000 at the hotel spa and another $1,400 at the
salon. They were getting manicures, facials, pedicures and massages
while American people were footing the bill. And they spent another
$10,000 dollars for I don’t know what this is, leisure dining. Bars?

