دستور لغو مجازات اعدام نوجوانان در ایران صادر شد
Iran Human Rights
16-Oct-2008 (3 comments)

هادی قائمی؛ همآهنگ کننده کمپین بین المللی حقوق بشر در ایران گفت: "این تصمیم که گام مهمی در احترام به قوانین بین المللی است، با تاخیری طولانی مدتی گرفته شد که ایران را به پیشگام اعدام نوجوانان بزهکار در دنیا تبدیل کرد. ما برای همه خانواده های این 130 نوجوانی که در انتظار اعدام هستند بسیار خوشحالیم و امیدواریم که این دستور باعث شود که صدور هر گونه حکم اعدام نوجوانان فورا متوقف شود."

recommended by Jahanshah Javid


Niloufar Parsi

step in the right direction

by Niloufar Parsi on

great news. looks like things are moving in the right direction in the lead up to net year's elections.


SCE Campaign

Thank you

by SCE Campaign on

All the volunteers at Stop Child Executions wish this overdue decision would have been implemented long before and give their condolenses to the families of the 26 minors who have been executed in vain since 2005 and others prior to this date. 

Stop Child Executions hopes Iran will abide by their announcement and looks forward to seeing the implementations of its other recommendations to Iran into law.

Thank you Mr Javid for your continuous support and for posting the good news!

Stop Child Executions Campaign





doveryai, no proveryai x 10

by Fred on

Certainly hope the Islamist rulers of Iran have discovered a faint trace of humanity in their Islamist souls and keep to this latest promise. But didn’t the same Iraqi Mullah who plays the part of the head of judiciary officially and with much fanfare order a total ban on stoning and was promptly ignored by number of highly publicized stonings?