Report: Iran court upholds stoning death sentence
30-Nov-2008 (2 comments)

Iran's Supreme Court upheld a stoning death sentence for a woman convicted of adultery in the southern city of Shiraz, an independent newspaper reported Saturday. The daily Etemad Melli, or National Confidence, reported that the court also upheld another death sentence, this one by hanging, against the woman, who was also convicted of killing her husband with the help of a male accomplice.

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Q & Jaleho Where Are you?

by Anonymous\ (not verified) on

Why are you not defending the IRI? What is your "logical explanation" for this?



by Djahangir on

 What amazes me most are the people who actualy take part in stoning.  mentality and upbringing of these people are so alien to me.  May god forgive them, because he is the only one who will.