Israel blocks aid ship bound for Gaza
Guardian / Rory McCarthy
01-Dec-2008 (7 comments)

The Israeli navy yesterday prevented a Libyan ship carrying 3,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid for Palestinians from docking in Gaza. The voyage of the Marwa, which carried food, blankets and powdered milk, was intended to challenge Israel's economic blockade on the Gaza Strip, which has tightened in recent weeks. But as the ship approached Gazan waters at dawn an Israeli naval ship ordered it to turn back.

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"This is a policy we have

by Hamas Hates (not verified) on

"This is a policy we have had for a long time: if somebody wants to bring in humanitarian aid they can do it through the border with Egypt or the Israeli passages into Gaza," said the spokesman, Andy David.



by Ajam (not verified) on

MM, you are wrong! It's not Hamas who refuses to stop launching rockets into Israel, but it's rather ISRAEL who refuses to hault air strikes in Ghaza. In fact Hamas has proposed a pact that it would stop (as you metioned correctly, useless) rocket attacks if Israel stops its air attacks on Ghaza. But guess what... it's Israel who wants to reserve the right to carry out attacks on Hamas. If you don't believe me, just check out your own sources.

I believe in Israel's right to have a viable existence in peace with it's neighbours and believe that many Israelies would prefer peace over eternal carnage if given a chance. However, such a peace could not be feasible so long as Israel keeps expanding settlements in the occupied territories... You can argue that Palistinians use that as a pretext or..., but believe it or not, there are many issues that Israeli factions need to work on to come to terms with a genuine peace effort!

Mehdi Mazloom

Ajam - No rockts on Israel, no blockade

by Mehdi Mazloom on

The formula is very simple and straight forward.

Hamas and another one of it cronies wish to show the world how "brave" and "hero" they are - standing up to the most powerful, and fiercely determained military forces in the region. lauch stupid and useless rockets onto Israeli civilian center, to provok IDF to respond, after which they (think) to duplicate Hizbollah ill fated clash with IDF in 2006.

The bottom line is. Hamas no longer has teritorrial claims against Israel. Instead of using their energy to challange all powerful Israel (dig tunnels into Israel), and launch rockets, they better  get down, roll up their sleeves and ONCE  for god sake. Instead of begging for handout from others, work hard to improve the  lives of the people in Gaza - Or suffer the consequences.

Yes, Hamas was elected to lead the Pals in  gaza to a better lives, and higher standard of living. If they voted for a group which continues with their terror acts - then they deserve to be locked and caged in.

No rockets, no blockade


The will!

by Ajam (not verified) on

All this boils down to the efforts to crush the will of a people who do not go down the path the zionist power-brokers lay in front of them. Israel has imposed sanctions on people of Ghaza for having chosen to vote for Hamas in an election whose legitimacy cannot be denied even by its own. And every once in a while it feels so ever generous to let enough food through to delay a widespread famine while holding back revenues from the tarrifs and custom duties collected on the Palistinian goods! What a brave entity the Israel is!!!

Mehdi Mazloom

It is all comes from Cultural

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Since August 2005, Hamas has Gaza all for itself.

What have they done since then to help their own people.

1. Use Gaza as launching pad of rockets into Israel. Instead of getting down to develop their new state. 

2. Continue teach their children to hate Jews, more then love their parents.

3. Hide behind their woman and children when Israeli  come calling.

4. dig tunnels into Israel, to repeat their pipe dream of kidnapping another Israeli solder.

5. Despite the fact, Israel had supplied with enough diesel. Hamas Shut off electricity to their own people, so people will feel sorry for them.

6. act as losers, more then winner to gain sympathy from the rest of the world.


American Wife

just curious

by American Wife on

Were they authorized to dock to begin with?  I thought there was a blockade in place.  One could hardly expect to be able to dock if so.  And as I understand it, 12 truck loads of humanitarian aid passed through the border last week.  Not taking anything away from the suffering of the innocent but playing devil's advocate in a very sensitive issue.

The Prince

The Final Solution

by The Prince on

OK, Now that they have the Ghettos and the blockades, what would be next? Concentration camps followed by gas chambers for the final solution?! They're not really that far off.  I bet Hitler is smiling right now thinking that his own victims are making him "roo sefeed".  It is like the victims of rape who become rapists themselves. Tragic.