Iran exiles say won safety for Iraq camp inmates
Reuters / Robert Evans
29-Dec-2008 (5 comments)

a Swiss lawyer for NICRI said the U.S. decision to stay at the camp and a European Union court ruling in early December against a Brussels move to freeze the PMOI's assets indicated the Western front against the group was crumbling.

"We might see a stronger move in the next few days," declared the lawyer, Marc Henzelin. The outgoing U.S. administration of George W.Bush could decide to remove the PMOI from its terror blacklist before handing over, he added.


MEK, the delusional terrorists

by Q on

US Military is supposed to be out of population centers by end of 2009, not the start of it. These dillusional idtiots are trying to make anything look like a "victory". Wait until the American people find out their sons are dying to protect these terrorists who have no business being in Iraq.



Oh yes, facts and evidence is "tactic"

by Q on

And your response to it? an adhomynom attack and a vagues suggestion of "misrepresentation"

Guess that means you were right all along!


Ludicrous Islamist tactic

by Fred on

 Islamist the world over use the same patently ludicrous tactic, conclusions based on misrepresentations.


Fred, you're defending MEK? Why am I not surprised?

by Q on

You see nothing wrong with American boys dying for a terrorist group that has killed Americans civilians? You obviously don't care about the thousands of Iranians killed and assassinated by them. You don't care at all about the Kurds who were slaughtered by the MEK. You don't respect the Iraqi government that wants the henchmen for the former dictator gone from their country. That only leaves their primary sponsor: Israeli government.

Tell me, is there any part of you that actually cares about anything but Israeli foreign policy objectives?

Nevermind, I don't care enough to listen to misguided Kalimis.


Don't hold your breath

by Fred on

Looks like the Islamists who are salivating at the prospect of exacting their pound of flesh from few thousand mostly old, broken down, used and abused cannon fodders have to bear their Islamist revenge pangs.   Perhaps if their Islamist justice did not have such a stellar reputation they would have had them delivered  but with Islamists' mobile gallows and limb chop chops that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.