Two Executed by Stoning, as a Third Escapes
Iran Human Rights
03-Jan-2009 (16 comments)

Three men were subjected to stoning sentences on 25 December 2008, in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery in the City of Mashad, according to local sources, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. Two were stoned to death, while a third, an Afghani national, apparently managed to escape from the hole in which he was partially buried. His fate is unknown.

recommended by Jahanshah Javid


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Maybe for those who have given any sense of credibility or legitimacy to this. I'm also puzzled at what looks like an expression of surprise concerning this. This is what they have always been about.

If anything, the sentiment should be, "I told you so."

It is indeed barbaric. It is heinous, It is absolutely vile and disgusting that this continues to occur. But since when have these malignancies upon humanity ever kept their word? Since when have they ever honored any agreement with the international community?

Isn't this a form of terrorism? Isn't this actually worse than the terrorism we are used to seeing and always seem to comment on, because this is going on in our own country, and against our own countrymen?

Anonymous Iran Lover makes a valid point concerning Moslem on Moslem violence. Sunnis can kill Shias and vice versa. Iranians can be denied due process and imprisoned, beaten, tortured, executed, all by the Islamic Republic and it barely merits news. Moslems are used as human shields by other Moslems, or killed as collateral damage or otherwise rendered to be what amounts to human "by-product" by Moslem terrorists and no one seems to care. They look the other way, remaining silent. If they do speak, it's in apologetic tones that seem to at least justify, if not fully absolve, the perpetrators of these acts of mass murder and destruction, and the mayhem they create.

The silence from the anti-Israel, "look at what barbaric terrorists Israelis are" crowd is deafening.


the hyprocrisy

by Anonymoustoo (not verified) on

is from those who comment about anonymous bloggers when THEY THEMSELVES BLOG ANONYMOUSLY. and do it with full knowledge of JJ and other moderators.

to RIBS. you'll find out soon enough on your own the amount of BS from our "self righteous" bloggers.


It's just so humiliating for

by Visitor (not verified) on

It's just so humiliating for all of us.Some things have not been changed in islamic paradise.


JJ Aziz, Its not about Common Decency, Its about Hypocricy

by Anonymous Iran Lover (not verified) on

Off course its a decent thing to do to value human rights! You are 100% right. However, this is not the point here or at least I don't by it from people such as Ms. Irandokht. Why?

The are many more human tragedies, much larger in scale and much less justified that what is going on in Gaza, which we are all aware of very well here. There are Muslims killing Muslims in much larger scale as well frankly. Yet when Jews do the killing, it gets the's philosopher's attention. Why?

I could only explain it as Hypocricy, ignorance and blind antisemitism.


Thanks JJ

by RIBS (not verified) on

For thinking of me as not decent enough to care about others.

Do I like it Palestinians are getting killed? NO.
Do I consider Israel really as a legal country? NO.

In the past I have left comments regarding atrocities in other parts of the world but your readers really didn't give damn about them. I get furious with the hypocrisy coming from the readers here. The stoning crime is something that should not be taken very lightly. The situation in Iran for many is dire unless you have plenty of money and there is no need I lecture you on that, you know it better than I do.
Irandokht statement regarding IR victims to score the point does not sit very well. In her opinion people like me are using the IR victims to prove our point because we are selfish nationalists. (That's what she said!), I love the Office.
I'm sorry but I don't wish to see Iranians get involve into this, the majority in Iran don't care about Palestinians that much. Do people feel sorry for them? Yes. But their life is very hard and many can't make the ends meet.
You'll see, after all this is over Iran will spend millions of dollars for Palestinians the same way they did for Lebanese, I can not find this justified to Iranians. Again, you know all this better than I do.
Sorry but I can't ignore what happens in Iran. Iran is me. Irandokht pattern of leaving messages is very interesting though. She has to prove it that she is very righteous.
Don't you worry I'm not like Zionist Detector leaving messages sounding like a broken record. I have figured it out by now that many here don't care that much.

Jahanshah Javid

Common decency

by Jahanshah Javid on

No RIBS, Irandokht's comments here and on the issue of Gaza do not show she has a "guilty conscience". Rather it shows that like all decent human beings she condemns violence and cruelty against innocent people regardless of where it may happen: In Iran, in Palestine, in Israel, in...

Are you decent enough to condemn atrocities committed by any government, organization or individual?


Irandokht, Please See Blog from JJ Below and stop Compalining!

by Anonymous Iran Lover (not verified) on

Faydeh nadareh
by Jahanshah Javid on Sat Jan 03, 2009 07:51 PM PST

The Mrs is right. You can be a registered user and still be anonymous. Those who do register with their real name are very small minority. Most people do not feel comfortable with openly speaking their mind. They want to say what they want to say without paying a price, without being out there for all to see, without the risk of losing a job, a friend, or pissing off authorities in Tehran or Washington. Who needs the hassle? It's much easier, safer and in some ways liberating to be anonymous. Also, in the end, it's the message that counts, not the messenger. No?



by RIBS (not verified) on

If something is so obvious and awful and really there is no need to argue about it, why were you one of the first ones to leave a comment here?

This is very interesting; since you don't like it to see others complaining about this much of chest beating for Gaza, any time you see something about Iran you just make sure you leave a comment about it. Just like a person with a guilty conscience.



by IRANdokht on

I wonder why there are over 20 comments on Shazde's blog?

people must care about anonymous IDs more than IRI's crimes then!

People please stop!

I don't know how many people are speaking here anonymously, maybe just one very interested individual using different handles, but you're not making any sense.

People like controversy and debate, when everyone agrees that something is just awful, nobody is going to argue and make the comments go high in number!

It takes someone defending the atrocities for the rest to speak up! so stop this nonsense please and do not use the victims of IRI to score a point!

Thank you



Keyvan said it

by RIBS (not verified) on

There should be 1000 comments on this but no, nobody wants to bother look at it. I guess it's OK for us to be subjected to torture and humiliation.


This is embarrasing

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

F'ing animals.


Iranians Are a bunch of Hypocrite JERKS! Khejalat!

by Keyvan Sohbani (not verified) on

Look at the savagery of Iranians treating Iranians in such a backwards manner using Islam as a tool.

This news and blog should have 1000 comments. But No! Lets go bash Israel for 25 hours a day 8 days a week. We have, ourselves, become the second arm of the Islamic Republic by staying silent on such behavior while almost exclusively concentrating on these savages belonging to the Hamas.


This side of the "Iranian" coin

by Aziz (not verified) on

This thread seems deathly quiet not attracting much debate. Another thread on the plight of Iranian woemen has so far collected 4 comments.

The learned readers all are busy throwing word missiles at Israel or better yet: blaming the West for the blight of terrorism.

Do all Iranians have one eye only? To look at the shortcomings of others and blind to their own.?

Where is Dr A Sadri to explain this away too as the West's fault but unjustly laid at the door of Mooselems.


Yeh How barbaric!

by Anonymous888 (not verified) on

Let all now go and cry for the people in Gaza. Is the Zionist Detection System still on?


How barbaric

by IRANdokht on

It's just so humiliating for all of us. They don't keep their own word and the agreements with international community...

har dam az in baagh bari miressad...



good to know

by MRX1 (not verified) on

some things have not been changed in islamic paradise.