بزرگترين دزدي بانكي در كشور
Iranliberal / حشمت تبرزدی
12-Jan-2009 (4 comments)

 اين دزدي  كه در طول تاريخ بيش از 100 ساله نظام بانكي كشور بي سابقه است همچنان در پشت پرده مي ماند و علي رغم افشايش ادامه ماجرا نه بر رسيدگي متهمين و محاكمه مجرمين بلكه بر تصدي دزدان در مقامات مهم دولتي نظير سمت مشاور عالي رئيس جمهور و سپس وزير كشور براي يكي از 200 نفر خاطي رقم مي خورد

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by Moron catcher (not verified) on

Just because I expose Zionist aggression and oppression I am an "IR sympathizer"?

Sounds like I caught another moron.


To Moron catcher

by Safsateh (not verified) on

Don't try to justify Islamists' actions. "Zionists" do not claim to be righteous or of high virtue, Islamists do!

Whatever "Zionist pigs" represent" doe not absolve Islamists' thievery and/or give them carte blanche to do whatver they want!

These kinds of comparisons by IR sympathizers won't wash any more!


Anonymous fishie

by Moron catcher (not verified) on

Fool, the title of the News is 'Islamist Ethics' not 'Islamic Ethics'.

Besides, don't tell me that Zionist pigs represent a symbol of Ethics! Remember that murder, displacement of people, stealing from friends (USA), oppression and slavery are symbols of what Zionists stand for and do on a regular basis.

Have a good day.


islamic ethics

by Anonymous fishie (not verified) on

is a contradition in terms.