Israeli military refuses water filtration system for Gaza
International Middle East Media Center
31-Jan-2009 (3 comments)

The French Foreign Ministry said Friday that Israel has refused to allow the French government from bringing the filtration system to Gaza, where people have been without clean water for weeks

rosie is roxy is roshan

Let them drink Perrier!

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

How sick is that?



Zam Zam

by Nader Khan (not verified) on

here is freedom @ work .where is UN? where are all these Muslim countries.
They are killing kids.
Can we give TEXAS to Israel and end the suffering now?

khaleh mosheh

clean water shortage

by khaleh mosheh on


This is increasing getting like Yazid and Hussein.

Also if palestinans die of cholera then it wont be a war crime.